þþb°dÄ9ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtÔÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿd#Ë5d#Ë5 ?@  treived #call debugme("voiding",CONCAT("Old Void Flag: ", old_void_flag, "NEW VOID FLAG: ", new_void_flag)); #check for new void IF old_void_flag = 0 AND (new_void_flag = 1 OR new_void_flag = 2) THEN #deal with stock IF new_void_flag = 1 THEN OPEN cur1; #deal with the stock on hand column IF flag_isrefund > 0 THEN REPEAT FETCH cur1 INTO a, b; IF NOT done THEN update menu set stockonhand = stockonhand + b where id = a; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; ELSE REPEAT FETCH cur1 INTO a, b; IF NOT done THEN update menu set stockonhand = stockonhand + b where id = a; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; END IF; CLOSE cur1; #stock on hand delt END IF; #delt with stock #deal with accounts IF NEW.ACCOUNT != 0 THEN SET account_amount = abs(NEW.ACCOUNT); SELECT date INTO debtor_date from dcash where f_status < 100 order by date desc limit 1; IF NEW.ACCOUNT > 0 THEN INSERT INTO accounts (account