package SVG::TT::Graph::Pie; use strict; use Carp; use SVG::TT::Graph; use base qw(SVG::TT::Graph); my $template; =head1 NAME SVG::TT::Graph::Pie - Create presentation quality SVG pie graphs easily =head1 SYNOPSIS use SVG::TT::Graph::Pie; my @fields = qw(Jan Feb Mar); my @data_sales_02 = qw(12 45 21); my $graph = SVG::TT::Graph::Pie->new({ 'height' => '500', 'width' => '300', 'fields' => \@fields, }); $graph->add_data({ 'data' => \@data_sales_02, 'title' => 'Sales 2002', }); print "Content-type: image/svg+xml\r\n\r\n"; print $graph->burn(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This object aims to allow you to easily create high quality SVG pie graphs. You can either use the default style sheet or supply your own. Either way there are many options which can be configured to give you control over how the graph is generated - with or without a key, display percent on pie chart, title, subtitle etc. =head1 METHODS =head2 new() use SVG::TT::Graph::Pie; # Field names along the X axis my @fields = qw(Jan Feb Mar); my $graph = SVG::TT::Graph::Pie->new({ # Required 'fields' => \@fields, # Optional - defaults shown 'height' => '500', 'width' => '300', 'show_graph_title' => 0, 'graph_title' => 'Graph Title', 'show_graph_subtitle' => 0, 'graph_subtitle' => 'Graph Sub Title', 'show_shadow' => 1, 'shadow_size' => 1, 'shadow_offset' => 15, 'key_placement' => 'R', # data by pie chart wedges: 'show_data_labels' => 0, 'show_actual_values'=> 0, 'show_percent' => 1, # data on key: 'show_key_data_labels' => 1, 'show_key_actual_values'=> 1, 'show_key_percent' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'expand_greatest' => 0, # Optional - defaults to using internal stylesheet 'style_sheet' => '/includes/graph.css', # Use field names for in the stylesheet 'style_sheet_field_names' => 0, }); The constructor takes a hash reference, fields (the name for each slice on the pie) MUST be set, all other values are defaulted to those shown above - with the exception of style_sheet which defaults to using the internal style sheet. =head2 add_data() my @data_sales_02 = qw(12 45 21); $graph->add_data({ 'data' => \@data_sales_02, 'title' => 'Sales 2002', }); This method allows you to add data to the graph object, only the first data set added will be used! =head2 clear_data() my $graph->clear_data(); This method removes all data from the object so that you can reuse it to create a new graph but with the same config options. =head2 burn() print $graph->burn(); This method processes the template with the data and config which has been set and returns the resulting SVG. This method will croak unless at least one data set has been added to the graph object. =head2 config methods my $value = $graph->method(); my $confirmed_new_value = $graph->method($value); The following is a list of the methods which are available to change the config of the graph object after it has been created. =over 4 =item height() Set the height of the graph box, this is the total height of the SVG box created - not the graph it self which auto scales to fix the space. =item width() Set the width of the graph box, this is the total width of the SVG box created - not the graph it self which auto scales to fix the space. =item style_sheet() Set the path to an external stylesheet, set to '' if you want to revert back to using the defaut internal version. To create an external stylesheet create a graph using the default internal version and copy the stylesheet section to an external file and edit from there. If you use the style_sheet_field_names() option then you can use the field names within your stylesheet. This allows consistent use of styles. The names should be: =over 4 =item _dataPoint =item _key =back =item show_graph_title() Whether to show a title on the graph, default is '0'. =item graph_title() What the title on the graph should be. =item show_graph_subtitle() Whether to show a subtitle on the graph, default is '0'. =item graph_subtitle() What the subtitle on the graph should be. =item show_shadow() Turn the shadow on and off, default to '1', set to '0' if you don't want it. It is automatically turned off if you extract one section of the pie. =item shadow_size() Size of the shadow if shown, measured as percentage of pie chart radius, default of 1 being the same size as the pie. =item shadow_offset() Offset (in pixels) of shadow to bottom-right in relation to the center of the pie chart. =item key() Whether to show a key, defaults to 0, set to '1' if you want to show it. =item key_placement() Defaults to 'R' - right, can be 'R', 'L', 'T' or 'B'. =item show_data_labels() Show label on pie chart, defaults to '0', can be set to '1'. =item show_actual_values() Show values on pie chart, defaults to '0', can be set to '1'. =item show_percent() Show percent (rounded) on the pie chart, defaults to '1', can be set to '0'. =item show_key_data_labels() Show label on the key, defaults to '1', can be set to '0'. =item show_key_actual_values() Show value on the key, defaults to '1', can be set to '0'. =item show_key_percent() Show percent (rounded) on the key, defaults to '0', can be set to '1'. =item expanded() All slices of pie are exploded out, defaults to '0'. Do not set to '1' if you are going to use expanded_greatest(). =item expand_greatest() The largest slice of pie is exploded out from the pie, defaults to '0'. Useful if you are only showing the percentages (which are rounded) but still want to visually show which slice was largest. Do not set to '1' if you are going to use expanded(). =back =head1 NOTES The default stylesheet handles upto 12 fields, if you use more you must create your own stylesheet and add the additional settings for the extra fields. You will know if you go over 12 fields as they will have no style and be in black. =head1 EXAMPLES For examples look at the project home page =head1 EXPORT None by default. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Stephen Morgan for creating the TT template and SVG. =head1 AUTHOR Leo Lapworth ( =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L =cut sub get_template { my $self = shift; # read in template return $template if $template; while() { $template .= $_ . "\r\n"; } return $template; } sub _init { my $self = shift; croak "fields was not supplied or is empty" unless defined $self->{'config'}->{fields} && ref($self->{'config'}->{fields}) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{$self->{'config'}->{fields}}) > 0; } sub _set_defaults { my $self = shift; my %default = ( 'width' => '500', 'height' => '300', 'style_sheet' => '', 'style_sheet_field_names' => 0, 'show_graph_title' => 0, 'graph_title' => 'Graph Title', 'show_graph_subtitle' => 0, 'graph_subtitle' => 'Graph Sub Title', 'show_shadow' => 1, 'shadow_size' => 1, 'shadow_offset' => 15, 'key_placement' => 'R', 'show_data_labels' => 0, 'show_actual_values'=> 0, 'show_percent' => 1, 'key' => 0, 'show_key_data_labels' => 1, 'show_key_actual_values'=> 1, 'show_key_percent' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'expand_greatest' => 0, ); while( my ($key,$value) = each %default ) { $self->{config}->{$key} = $value; } } 1; __DATA__ [% stylesheet = 'included' %] [% IF config.style_sheet && config.style_sheet != '' %] [% ELSE %] [% stylesheet = 'excluded' %] [% END %] [% IF stylesheet == 'excluded' %] [% END %] [% w = config.width %] [% h = config.height %] [% Pi = 3.14159 %] [% count = 0 %] [% min_value = 99999999999 %] [% max_value = 0 %] [% max_key_size = 0 %] [% FOREACH field = config.fields %] [% total = total +$field %] [% count = count + 1 %] [% IF min_value >$field &&$field != '' %] [% min_value =$field %] [% END %] [% IF max_value <$field &&$field != '' %] [% max_value =$field %] [% END %] [% IF max_key_size < dataset.title.length %] [% max_key_size = dataset.title.length %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF config.show_graph_title %][% h = h - 25 %][% END %] [% IF config.show_graph_subtitle %][% h = h - 10 %][% END %] [% x = w / 2 %] [% y = h / 2 %] [% IF config.show_graph_title %][% y = y + 15 %][% END %] [% IF config.show_graph_subtitle %][% y = y + 10 %][% END %] [% padding = 30 %] [% IF w >= h %] [% r = (h / 2) - padding %] [% IF config.key %] [% key_position = 'h' %] [% x_key_start = 30 %] [% IF config.key_placement == 'R' %] [% x = x - r / 3 %] [% IF x < r %] [% r = r - (w / 8) %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% x = x + r / 3 %] [% IF r > (w - x) && x > (w / 2) %] [% r = r - (w / 8) %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% r = (w / 2) - padding %] [% IF config.key %] [% key_position = 'v' %] [% y_key_start = 40 %] [% IF config.key_placement == 'B' %] [% y = y - (r / 2) %] [% IF y < r %] [% r = r - (h / 8) %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% y = y + (r / 2) %] [% IF r > (h - y) && y > (h / 2) %] [% r = r - (h / 8) %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF config.expanded OR config.expand_greatest %] [% e = 10 %] [% ELSE %] [% e = 0 %] [% END %] [% IF config.show_shadow %] [% IF config.shadow_size && config.shadow_size != '' %] [% shadow_size = r + ((r / 100) * config.shadow_size) %] [% ELSE %] [% shadow_size = r %] [% END %] [% IF !config.expanded && !config.expand_greatest %] [% END %] [% END %] [% px_start = x + r %] [% pmin_scale_value = y %] [% values = 0 %] [% values_half = 0 %] [% last_value_half = 0 %] [% IF config.show_percent && config.show_data_labels %] [% wedge_text_pad = 20 %] [% ELSE %] [% wedge_text_pad = 5 %] [% END %] [% count = 1 %] [% FOREACH field = config.fields %] [% FOREACH dataset = data %] [% value =$field %] [% value_half =$field / 2 %] [% percent = (100 / total) * value FILTER format('%2.0f')%] [% values = values + value %] [% IF count == 1 %] [% values_half = values_half + value_half %] [% ELSE %] [% values_half = values_half + last_value_half + value_half %] [% END %] [% degrees = (values / total) * 360 %] [% degrees_half = (values_half / total) * 360 %] [% radians = degrees * (Pi / 180) %] [% radians_half = degrees_half * (Pi / 180) %] [% px_end = r * cos(radians) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% py_end = r * sin(radians) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% px_mid = r * cos(radians_half) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% py_mid = r * sin(radians_half) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% IF config.expanded && !config.expand_greatest %] [% re = r / e %] [% xe = re * cos(radians_half) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% ye = re * sin(radians_half) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% ELSIF !config.expanded && config.expand_greatest %] [% IF$field == max_value %] [% re = r / e %] [% xe = re * cos(radians_half) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% ye = re * sin(radians_half) FILTER format('%02.10f') %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF px_mid >= x && px_mid <= y %] [% IF config.show_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% ELSIF px_mid <= x && py_mid <= y %] [% IF config.show_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% ELSIF px_mid <= x && py_mid >= y %] [% IF config.show_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF config.show_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% END %] [% px_start = x + px_end %] [% pmin_scale_value = y + py_end %] [% last_value_half = value_half %] [% count = count + 1 %] [% END %] [% END %] [% key_box_size = 12 %] [% key_count = 1 %] [% key_padding = 5 %] [% IF config.key && key_position == 'h' %] [% FOREACH field = config.fields %] [% percent = (100 / total) *$field FILTER format('%2.0f')%] [% IF config.key_placement == 'R' %] [% IF config.show_key_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF config.show_key_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% END %] [% key_count = key_count + 1 %] [% END %] [% ELSIF config.key && key_position == 'v' %] [% IF w < h && config.key_placement == 'R' OR config.key_placement == 'L' %] [% config.key_placement = 'T' %] [% END %] [% y_key = padding %] [%# y_key_start = y_key %] [% x_key = padding %] [% FOREACH field = config.fields %] [% percent = (100 / total) *$field FILTER format('%2.0f')%] [% IF key_count == 7 || key_count == 13 %] [% x_key = x_key + (w / 3) %] [% y_key = y_key - (key_box_size * 8) - 6 %] [% END %] [% IF config.key_placement == 'T' %] [% IF config.show_key_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF config.show_key_data_labels %][% field %][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_actual_values %][[%$field %]][% END %] [% IF config.show_key_percent %][% percent %]%[% END %] [% END %] [% key_count = key_count + 1 %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF config.show_graph_title %] [% config.graph_title %] [% END %] [% IF config.show_graph_subtitle %] [% IF config.show_graph_title %] [% y_subtitle = 30 %] [% ELSE %] [% y_subtitle = 15 %] [% END %] [% config.graph_subtitle %] [% END %]