=pod =head1 NAME SVG::Element - Generate the element bits for SVG.pm =head1 AUTHOR Ronan Oger, cpan@roitsystems.com =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1),L,L,L,L, L L ROASP.com: Serverside SVG server L ROIT Systems: Commercial SVG perl solutions L SVG at the W3C =cut package SVG::Element; $VERSION = "2.44"; use strict; use SVG::XML; use SVG::DOM; use SVG::Extension; use warnings; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD %autosubs); my @autosubs = qw( animateMotion animateColor animateTransform circle ellipse rect polyline path polygon line title desc defs altGlyph altGlyphDef altGlyphItem clipPath color-profile cursor definition-src font-face-format font-face-name font-face-src font-face-url foreignObject glyph glyphRef hkern marker mask metadata missing-glyph mpath switch symbol textPath tref tspan view vkern marker textbox flowText style script image a g ); %autosubs = map { $_ => 1 } @autosubs; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new ($$;@) { my ( $proto, $name, %attrs ) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = { -name => $name }; foreach my $key ( keys %attrs ) { #handle escapes for special elements such as anchor if ( $key =~ /^\-/ ) { if ( $key eq '-href' ) { $self->{'xlink:href'} = $attrs{$key}; $self->{'xlink:type'} = $attrs{-type} if $attrs{-type}; $self->{'xlink:role'} = $attrs{-role} if $attrs{-role}; $self->{'xlink:title'} = $attrs{-title} if $attrs{-title}; $self->{'xlink:show'} = $attrs{-show} if $attrs{-show}; $self->{'xlink:arcrole'} = $attrs{-arcrole} if $attrs{-arcrole}; $self->{'xlink:actuate'} = $attrs{-actuate} if $attrs{-actuate}; next; } } $self->{$key} = $attrs{$key}; } return bless( $self, $class ); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub release ($) { my $self = shift; foreach my $key ( keys( %{$self} ) ) { next if $key =~ /^\-/; if ( ref( $self->{$key} ) =~ /^SVG/ ) { eval { $self->{$key}->release; }; } delete( $self->{$key} ); } return $self; } sub xmlify ($) { my $self = shift; my $ns = $self->{-namespace} || $self->{-docref}->{-namespace} || undef; my $xml = ''; #prep the attributes my %attrs; foreach my $k ( keys( %{$self} ) ) { if ( $k =~ /^\-/ ) { next; } if ( ref( $self->{$k} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $attrs{$k} = join( ', ', @{ $self->{$k} } ); } elsif ( ref( $self->{$k} ) eq 'HASH' ) { $attrs{$k} = cssstyle( %{ $self->{$k} } ); } elsif ( ref( $self->{$k} ) eq '' ) { $attrs{$k} = $self->{$k}; } } #prep the tag if ( $self->{-comment} ) { $xml .= $self->xmlcomment( $self->{-comment} ); return $xml; } elsif ( $self->{-name} eq 'document' ) { #write the xml header $xml .= $self->xmldecl; $xml .= $self->xmlpi( $self->{-document}->{-pi} ) if $self->{-document}->{-pi}; #and write the dtd if this is inline $xml .= $self->dtddecl unless $self->{-inline}; foreach my $k ( @{ $self->{-childs} } ) { if ( ref($k) =~ /^SVG::Element/ ) { $xml .= $k->xmlify($ns); } } return $xml; } if ( defined $self->{-childs} || defined $self->{-cdata} ||defined $self->{-CDATA} ||defined $self->{-cdata_noxmlesc} ) { $xml .= $self->{-docref}->{-elsep} if defined $self->{-childs}; $xml .= $self->{-docref}->{-indent} x $self->{-docref}->{-level}; $xml .= xmltagopen_ln( $self->{-name}, $ns, %attrs ); $self->{-docref}->{-level}++; foreach my $k ( @{ $self->{-childs} } ) { if ( ref($k) =~ /^SVG::Element/ ) { $xml .= $k->xmlify($ns); } } if ( defined $self->{-cdata} ) { $xml .= xmlescp( $self->{-cdata} ); } if ( defined $self->{-CDATA} ) { $xml .= '' . $self->{-CDATA} . ''; } if ( defined $self->{-cdata_noxmlesc} ) { $xml .= $self->{-cdata_noxmlesc}; } #return without writing the tag out if it the document tag $self->{-docref}->{-level}--; $xml .= $self->{-docref}->{-elsep}; $xml .= $self->{-docref}->{-indent} x $self->{-docref}->{-level}; $xml .= xmltagclose_ln( $self->{-name}, $ns ); } else { $xml .= $self->{-docref}->{-elsep}; $xml .= $self->{-docref}->{-indent} x $self->{-docref}->{-level}; $xml .= xmltag_ln( $self->{-name}, $ns, %attrs ); } #return the finished tag return $xml; } sub perlify { my $self = shift; my $code = ''; #prep the attributes my %attrs; foreach my $k ( keys( %{$self} ) ) { if ( $k =~ /^\-/ ) { next; } if ( ref( $self->{$k} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $attrs{$k} = join( ', ', @{ $self->{$k} } ); } elsif ( ref( $self->{$k} ) eq 'HASH' ) { $attrs{$k} = cssstyle( %{ $self->{$k} } ); } elsif ( ref( $self->{$k} ) eq '' ) { $attrs{$k} = $self->{$k}; } } if ( $self->{-comment} ) { $code .= "->comment($self->{-comment})"; return $code; } elsif ( $self->{-pi} ) { $code .= "->pi($self->{-pi})"; return $code; } elsif ( $self->{-name} eq 'document' ) { #write the xml header #$xml .= $self->xmldecl; #and write the dtd if this is inline #$xml .= $self->dtddecl unless $self->{-inline}; foreach my $k ( @{ $self->{-childs} } ) { if ( ref($k) =~ /^SVG::Element/ ) { $code .= $k->perlify(); } } return $code; } if ( defined $self->{-childs} ) { $code .= $self->{-docref}->{-elsep}; $code .= $self->{-docref}->{-indent} x $self->{-docref}->{-level}; $code .= $self->{-name} . '(' . ( join ', ', ( map { "$_=>'$attrs{$_}'" } sort keys %attrs ) ) . ')'; if ( $self->{-cdata} ) { $code .= "->cdata($self->{-cdata})"; } elsif ( $self->{-CDATA} ) { $code .= "->CDATA($self->{-CDATA})"; } elsif ( $self->{-cdata_noxmlesc} ) { $code .= "->cdata_noxmlesc($self->{-cdata_noxmlesc})"; } $self->{-docref}->{-level}++; foreach my $k ( @{ $self->{-childs} } ) { if ( ref($k) =~ /^SVG::Element/ ) { $code .= $k->perlify(); } } $self->{-docref}->{-level}--; } else { $code .= $self->{-docref}->{-elsep}; $code .= $self->{-docref}->{-indent} x $self->{-docref}->{-level}; $code .= $self->{-name} . '(' . ( join ', ', ( map { "$_=>'$attrs{$_}'" } sort keys %attrs ) ) . ')'; } return $code; } *toperl = \&perlify; sub addchilds ($@) { my $self = shift; push @{ $self->{-childs} }, @_; return $self; } =pod =head2 tag (alias: element) $tag = $SVG->tag($name, %attributes) Generic element generator. Creates the element named $name with the attributes specified in %attributes. This method is the basis of most of the explicit element generators. B my $tag = $SVG->tag('g', transform=>'rotate(-45)'); =cut sub tag ($$;@) { my ( $self, $name, %attrs ) = @_; unless ( $self->{-parent} ) { #traverse down the tree until you find a non-document entry while ( $self->{-document} ) { $self = $self->{-document} } } my $tag = new SVG::Element( $name, %attrs ); #define the element namespace $tag->{-namespace} = $attrs{-namespace} if ( $attrs{-namespace} ); #add the tag to the document element $tag->{-docref} = $self->{-docref}; #create the empty idlist hash ref unless it already exists $tag->{-docref}->{-idlist} = {} unless ( defined $tag->{-docref}->{-idlist} ); #verify that the current id is unique. compain on exception #>>>TBD: add -strictids option to disable this check if desired if ( $tag->{id} ) { if ( $self->getElementByID( $tag->{id} ) ) { $self->error( $tag->{id} => "ID already exists in document" ); return undef; } } #add the current id reference to the document id hash $tag->{-docref}->{-idlist}->{ $tag->{id} } = $tag if defined( $tag->{id} ); #create the empty idlist hash ref unless it already exists $tag->{-docref}->{-elist} = {} unless ( defined $tag->{-docref}->{-elist} ); #create the empty idlist hash ref unless it already exists $tag->{-docref}->{-elist}->{ $tag->{-name} } = [] unless ( defined $tag->{-docref}->{-elist}->{ $tag->{-name} } ); #add the current element ref to the corresponding element-hash array # -elist is a hash of element names. key name is element, content is object ref. # add the reference to $tag to the array of refs that belong to the # key $tag->{-name}. unshift @{ $tag->{-docref}->{-elist}->{ $tag->{-name} } }, $tag; # attach element to the DOM of the document $tag->{-parent} = $self; $tag->{-parentname} = $self->{-name}; $self->addchilds($tag); return ($tag); } *element = \&tag; =pod =head2 anchor $tag = $SVG->anchor(%attributes) Generate an anchor element. Anchors are put around objects to make them 'live' (i.e. clickable). It therefore requires a drawn object or group element as a child. =head3 optional anchor attributes the following attributes are expected for anchor tags (any any tags which use -href links): =head2 -href required =head2 -type optional =head2 -role optional =head2 -title optional =head2 -show optional =head2 -arcrole optional =head2 -actuate optional =head2 target optional For more information on the options, refer to the w3c XLink specification at L B # generate an anchor $tag = $SVG->anchor( -href=>'http://here.com/some/simpler/SVG.SVG' -title => 'new window 2 example title', -actuate => 'onLoad', -show=> 'embed', ); for more information about the options above, refer to Link section in the SVG recommendation: L # add a circle to the anchor. The circle can be clicked on. $tag->circle(cx=>10,cy=>10,r=>1); # more complex anchor with both URL and target $tag = $SVG->anchor( -href => 'http://somewhere.org/some/other/page.html', target => 'new_window' ); =cut sub anchor { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my $an = $self->tag( 'a', %attrs ); #$an->{'xlink:href'}=$attrs{-href} if(defined $attrs{-href}); #$an->{'target'}=$attrs{-target} if(defined $attrs{-target}); return ($an); } sub svg { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my $svg = $self->tag( 'svg', %attrs ); $svg->{'height'} = '100%' unless ( $svg->{'height'} ); $svg->{'width'} = '100%' unless ( $svg->{'width'} ); return ($svg); } =pod =head2 circle $tag = $SVG->circle(%attributes) Draw a circle at (cx,cy) with radius r. B my $tag = $SVG->circlecx=>4, cy=>2, r=>1); =cut =pod =head2 ellipse $tag = $SVG->ellipse(%attributes) Draw an ellipse at (cx,cy) with radii rx,ry. B my $tag = $SVG->ellipse( cx=>10, cy=>10, rx=>5, ry=>7, id=>'ellipse', style=>{ 'stroke'=>'red', 'fill'=>'green', 'stroke-width'=>'4', 'stroke-opacity'=>'0.5', 'fill-opacity'=>'0.2' } ); =cut =pod =head2 rectangle (alias: rect) $tag = $SVG->rectangle(%attributes) Draw a rectangle at (x,y) with width 'width' and height 'height' and side radii 'rx' and 'ry'. B $tag = $SVG->rectangle( x=>10, y=>20, width=>4, height=>5, rx=>5.2, ry=>2.4, id=>'rect_1' ); =cut sub rectangle ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return $self->tag( 'rect', %attrs ); } =pod =head2 image $tag = $SVG->image(%attributes) Draw an image at (x,y) with width 'width' and height 'height' linked to image resource '-href'. See also L<"use">. B $tag = $SVG->image( x=>100, y=>100, width=>300, height=>200, '-href'=>"image.png", #may also embed SVG, e.g. "image.SVG" id=>'image_1' ); B =cut #sub image ($;@) { # my ($self,%attrs)=@_; # my $im=$self->tag('image',%attrs); # #$im->{'xlink:href'}=$attrs{-href} if(defined $attrs{-href}); # return $im; #} =pod =head2 use $tag = $SVG->use(%attributes) Retrieve the content from an entity within an SVG document and apply it at (x,y) with width 'width' and height 'height' linked to image resource '-href'. B $tag = $SVG->use( x=>100, y=>100, width=>300, height=>200, '-href'=>"pic.SVG#image_1", id=>'image_1' ); B According to the SVG specification, the 'use' element in SVG can point to a single element within an external SVG file. =cut sub use ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my $u = $self->tag( 'use', %attrs ); $u->{'xlink:href'} = $attrs{-href} if ( defined $attrs{-href} ); return $u; } =pod =head2 polygon $tag = $SVG->polygon(%attributes) Draw an n-sided polygon with vertices at points defined by a string of the form 'x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,... xy,yn'. The L<"get_path"> method is provided as a convenience to generate a suitable string from coordinate data. B # a five-sided polygon my $xv = [0,2,4,5,1]; my $yv = [0,0,2,7,5]; $points = $a->get_path( x=>$xv, y=>$yv, -type=>'polygon' ); $c = $a->polygon( %$points, id=>'pgon1', style=>\%polygon_style ); SEE ALSO: L<"polyline">, L<"path">, L<"get_path">. =cut =pod =head2 polyline $tag = $SVG->polyline(%attributes) Draw an n-point polyline with points defined by a string of the form 'x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,... xy,yn'. The L<"get_path"> method is provided as a convenience to generate a suitable string from coordinate data. B # a 10-pointsaw-tooth pattern my $xv = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; my $yv = [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1]; $points = $a->get_path( x=>$xv, y=>$yv, -type=>'polyline', -closed=>'true' #specify that the polyline is closed. ); my $tag = $a->polyline ( %$points, id=>'pline_1', style=>{ 'fill-opacity'=>0, 'stroke-color'=>'rgb(250,123,23)' } ); =head2 line $tag = $SVG->line(%attributes) Draw a straight line between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). B my $tag = $SVG->line( id=>'l1', x1=>0, y1=>10, x2=>10, y2=>0 ); To draw multiple connected lines, use L<"polyline">. =head2 text $text = $SVG->text(%attributes)->cdata(); $text_path = $SVG->text(-type=>'path'); $text_span = $text_path->text(-type=>'span')->cdata('A'); $text_span = $text_path->text(-type=>'span')->cdata('B'); $text_span = $text_path->text(-type=>'span')->cdata('C'); define the container for a text string to be drawn in the image. B -type = path type (path | polyline | polygon) -type = text element type (path | span | normal [default]) B my $text1 = $SVG->text( id=>'l1', x=>10, y=>10 )->cdata('hello, world'); my $text2 = $SVG->text( id=>'l1', x=>10, y=>10, -cdata=>'hello, world'); my $text = $SVG->text( id=>'tp', x=>10, y=>10 -type=>path) ->text(id=>'ts' -type=>'span') ->cdata('hello, world'); SEE ALSO: L<"desc">, L<"cdata">. =cut sub text ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my $pre = ''; $pre = $attrs{-type} || 'std'; my %get_pre = ( std => 'text', path => 'textPath', span => 'tspan', ); $pre = $get_pre{ lc($pre) }; my $text = $self->tag( $pre, %attrs ); $text->{'xlink:href'} = $attrs{-href} if ( defined $attrs{-href} ); $text->{'target'} = $attrs{-target} if ( defined $attrs{-target} ); return ($text); } =pod =head2 title $tag = $SVG->title(%attributes) Generate the title of the image. B my $tag = $SVG->title(id=>'document-title')->cdata('This is the title'); =cut =pod =head2 desc $tag = $SVG->desc(%attributes) Generate the description of the image. B my $tag = $SVG->desc(id=>'document-desc')->cdata('This is a description'); =head2 comment $tag = $SVG->comment(@comments) Generate the description of the image. B my $tag = $SVG->comment('comment 1','comment 2','comment 3'); =cut sub comment ($;@) { my ( $self, @text ) = @_; my $tag = $self->tag('comment'); $tag->{ -comment } = [@text]; return $tag; } =pod $tag = $SVG->pi(@pi) Generate (or adds) a set of processing instructions which go at the beginning of the document after the xml start tag B my $tag = $SVG->pi('instruction one','instruction two','instruction three'); returns: =cut #add sub pi ($;@) { my ( $self, @text ) = @_; return $self->{-document}->{ -pi } unless scalar @text; my @pi; @pi = @{ $self->{-document}->{ -pi } } if $self->{-document}->{ -pi }; unshift( @text, @pi ) if @pi; $self->{-document}->{ -pi } = \@text; my $tag = $self->tag('pi'); return $tag; } =pod =head2 script $tag = $SVG->script(%attributes) Generate a script container for dynamic (client-side) scripting using ECMAscript, Javascript or other compatible scripting language. B my $tag = $SVG->script(type=>"text/ecmascript"); # populate the script tag with cdata # be careful to manage the javascript line ends. # qq|text| or qq§text§ where text is the script # works well for this. $tag->CDATA(qq|function d(){ //simple display function for(cnt = 0; cnt < d.length; cnt++) document.write(d[cnt]);//end for loop document.write("
");//write a line break }| ); # create an svg external script reference to an outside file my $tag2 = SVG->script(type=>"text/ecmascript", -href="/scripts/example.es"); =pod =head2 style $tag = $SVG->style(%attributes) Generate a style container for inline or xlink:href based styling instructions B my $tag = $SVG->style(type=>"text/css"); # populate the style tag with cdata # be careful to manage the line ends. # qq|text| or qq§text§ where text is the script # works well for this. $tag1->CDATA(qq| rect fill:red;stroke:green; circle fill:red;stroke:orange; ellipse fill:none;stroke:yellow; text fill:black;stroke:none; |); # create a external css stylesheet reference my $tag2 = $SVG->style(type=>"text/css", -href="/resources/example.css"); =pod =head2 path $tag = $SVG->path(%attributes) Draw a path element. The path vertices may be imputed as a parameter or calculated usingthe L<"get_path"> method. B # a 10-pointsaw-tooth pattern drawn with a path definition my $xv = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; my $yv = [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1]; $points = $a->get_path( x => $xv, y => $yv, -type => 'path', -closed => 'true' #specify that the polyline is closed ); $tag = $SVG->path( %$points, id => 'pline_1', style => { 'fill-opacity' => 0, 'fill-color' => 'green', 'stroke-color' => 'rgb(250,123,23)' } ); SEE ALSO: L<"get_path">. =head2 get_path $path = $SVG->get_path(%attributes) Returns the text string of points correctly formatted to be incorporated into the multi-point SVG drawing object definitions (path, polyline, polygon) B attributes including: -type = path type (path | polyline | polygon) x = reference to array of x coordinates y = reference to array of y coordinates B a hash reference consisting of the following key-value pair: points = the appropriate points-definition string -type = path|polygon|polyline -relative = 1 (define relative position rather than absolute position) -closed = 1 (close the curve - path and polygon only) B #generate an open path definition for a path. my ($points,$p); $points = $SVG->get_path(x=>\@x,y=>\@y,-relative=>1,-type=>'path'); #add the path to the SVG document my $p = $SVG->path(%$path, style=>\%style_definition); #generate an closed path definition for a a polyline. $points = $SVG->get_path( x=>\@x, y=>\@y, -relative=>1, -type=>'polyline', -closed=>1 ); # generate a closed path definition for a polyline # add the polyline to the SVG document $p = $SVG->polyline(%$points, id=>'pline1'); B get_path set_path =cut sub get_path ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my $type = $attrs{-type} || 'path'; my @x = @{ $attrs{x} }; my @y = @{ $attrs{y} }; my $points; # we need a path-like point string returned if ( lc($type) eq 'path' ) { my $char = 'M'; $char = ' m ' if ( defined $attrs{-relative} && lc( $attrs{-relative} ) ); while (@x) { #scale each value my $x = shift @x; my $y = shift @y; #append the scaled value to the graph $points .= "$char $x $y "; $char = ' L '; $char = ' l ' if ( defined $attrs{-relative} && lc( $attrs{-relative} ) ); } $points .= ' z ' if ( defined $attrs{-closed} && lc( $attrs{-closed} ) ); my %out = ( d => $points ); return \%out; } elsif ( lc($type) =~ /^poly/ ) { while (@x) { #scale each value my $x = shift @x; my $y = shift @y; #append the scaled value to the graph $points .= "$x,$y "; } } my %out = ( points => $points ); return \%out; } sub make_path ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return get_path(%attrs); } sub set_path ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return get_path(%attrs); } =pod =head2 animate $tag = $SVG->animate(%attributes) Generate an SMIL animation tag. This is allowed within any nonempty tag. Refer\ to the W3C for detailed information on the subtleties of the animate SMIL commands. B -method = Transform | Motion | Color my $an_ellipse = $SVG->ellipse( cx=>30,cy=>150,rx=>10,ry=>10,id=>'an_ellipse', stroke=>'rgb(130,220,70)',fill=>'rgb(30,20,50)'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"cx",values=>"20; 200; 20",dur=>"10s", repeatDur=>'indefinite'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"rx",values=>"10;30;20;100;50", dur=>"10s", repeatDur=>'indefinite'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"ry",values=>"30;50;10;20;70;150", dur=>"15s", repeatDur=>'indefinite'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"rx",values=>"30;75;10;100;20;20;150", dur=>"20s", repeatDur=>'indefinite'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"fill",values=>"red;green;blue;cyan;yellow", dur=>"5s", repeatDur=>'indefinite'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"fill-opacity",values=>"0;1;0.5;0.75;1", dur=>"20s",repeatDur=>'indefinite'); $an_ellipse-> animate( attributeName=>"stroke-width",values=>"1;3;2;10;5", dur=>"20s",repeatDur=>'indefinite'); =cut sub animate ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my %rtr = %attrs; my $method = $rtr{'-method'}; # Set | Transform | Motion | Color $method = lc($method); # we do not want this to pollute the generation of the tag delete $rtr{-method}; #bug report from briac. my %animation_method = ( transform => 'animateTransform', motion => 'animateMotion', color => 'animateColor', set => 'set', attribute => 'animate' ); my $name = $animation_method{$method} || 'animate'; #list of legal entities for each of the 5 methods of animations my %legal = ( animate => qq§ begin dur end min max restart repeatCount repeatDur fill attributeType attributeName additive accumulate calcMode values keyTimes keySplines from to by §, animateTransform => qq§ begin dur end min max restart repeatCount repeatDur fill additive accumulate calcMode values keyTimes keySplines from to by calcMode path keyPoints rotate origin type attributeName attributeType §, animateMotion => qq§ begin dur end min max restart repeatCount repeatDur fill additive accumulate calcMode values to by keyTimes keySplines from path keyPoints rotate origin §, animateColor => qq§ begin dur end min max restart repeatCount repeatDur fill additive accumulate calcMode values keyTimes keySplines from to by §, set => qq§ begin dur end min max restart repeatCount repeatDur fill to § ); foreach my $k ( keys %rtr ) { next if ( $k =~ /\-/ ); if ( $legal{$name} !~ /\b$k\b/ ) { $self->error( "$name.$k" => "Illegal animation command" ); } } return $self->tag( $name, %rtr ); } =pod =head2 group $tag = $SVG->group(%attributes) Define a group of objects with common properties. groups can have style, animation, filters, transformations, and mouse actions assigned to them. B $tag = $SVG->group( id => 'xvs000248', style => { 'font' => [ qw( Arial Helvetica sans ) ], 'font-size' => 10, 'fill' => 'red', }, transform => 'rotate(-45)' ); =cut sub group ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return $self->tag( 'g', %attrs ); } =pod =head2 defs $tag = $SVG->defs(%attributes) define a definition segment. A Defs requires children when defined using SVG.pm B $tag = $SVG->defs(id => 'def_con_one',); =head2 style $SVG->style(%styledef) Sets/Adds style-definition for the following objects being created. Style definitions apply to an object and all its children for all properties for which the value of the property is not redefined by the child. =cut sub STYLE ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; $self->{style} = $self->{style} || {}; foreach my $k ( keys %attrs ) { $self->{style}->{$k} = $attrs{$k}; } return $self; } =pod =head2 mouseaction $SVG->mouseaction(%attributes) Sets/Adds mouse action definitions for tag =cut sub mouseaction ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; $self->{mouseaction} = $self->{mouseaction} || {}; foreach my $k ( keys %attrs ) { $self->{mouseaction}->{$k} = $attrs{$k}; } return $self; } =pod $SVG->attrib($name, $value) Sets/Adds attributes of an element. Retrieve an attribute: $svg->attrib($name); Set a scalar attribute: $SVG->attrib $name, $value Set a list attribute: $SVG->attrib $name, \@value Set a hash attribute (i.e. style definitions): $SVG->attrib $name, \%value Remove an attribute: $svg->attrib($name,undef); B attr attribute =cut sub attrib ($$;$) { my ( $self, $name, $val ) = @_; #verify that the current id is unique. compain on exception if ( $name eq "id" ) { if ( $self->getElementByID($val) ) { $self->error( $val => "ID already exists in document" ); return undef; } } if ( not defined $val ) { if ( scalar(@_) == 2 ) { # two arguments only - retrieve return $self->{$name}; } else { # 3rd argument is undef - delete delete $self->{$name}; } } else { # 3 defined arguments - set $self->{$name} = $val; } return $self; } *attr = \&attrib; *attribute = \&attrib; =pod =head2 cdata $SVG->cdata($text) Sets cdata to $text. SVG.pm allows you to set cdata for any tag. If the tag is meant to be an empty tag, SVG.pm will not complain, but the rendering agent will fail. In the SVG DTD, cdata is generally only meant for adding text or script content. B $SVG->text( style => { 'font' => 'Arial', 'font-size' => 20 })->cdata('SVG.pm is a perl module on CPAN!'); my $text = $SVG->text(style=>{'font'=>'Arial','font-size'=>20}); $text->cdata('SVG.pm is a perl module on CPAN!'); B Etext style="font: Arial; font-size: 20" ESVG.pm is a perl module on CPAN!E/text E SEE ALSO: L<"CDATA"> L<"desc">, L<"title">, L<"text">, L<"script">. =cut sub cdata ($@) { my ( $self, @txt ) = @_; $self->{ -cdata } = join( ' ', @txt ); return ($self); } =pod =head2 CDATA $script = $SVG->script(); $script->CDATA($text); Generates a tag with the contents of $text rendered exactly as supplied. SVG.pm allows you to set cdata for any tag. If the tag is meant to be an empty tag, SVG.pm will not complain, but the rendering agent will fail. In the SVG DTD, cdata is generally only meant for adding text or script content. B my $text = qq§ var SVGDoc; var groups = new Array(); var last_group; /***** * * init * * Find this SVG's document element * Define members of each group by id * *****/ function init(e) { SVGDoc = e.getTarget().getOwnerDocument(); append_group(1, 4, 6); // group 0 append_group(5, 4, 3); // group 1 append_group(2, 3); // group 2 }§; $SVG->script()->CDATA($text); B Escript E ![CDATA[ var SVGDoc; var groups = new Array(); var last_group; /***** * * init * * Find this SVG's document element * Define members of each group by id * *****/ function init(e) { SVGDoc = e.getTarget().getOwnerDocument(); append_group(1, 4, 6); // group 0 append_group(5, 4, 3); // group 1 append_group(2, 3); // group 2 } ]]E SEE ALSO: L<"cdata">, L<"script">. =cut sub CDATA ($@) { my ( $self, @txt ) = @_; $self->{ -CDATA } = join( '\n', @txt ); return ($self); } sub cdata_noxmlesc ($@) { my ( $self, @txt ) = @_; $self->{ -cdata_noxmlesc } = join( '\n', @txt ); return ($self); } =pod =head2 filter $tag = $SVG->filter(%attributes) Generate a filter. Filter elements contain L<"fe"> filter sub-elements. B my $filter = $SVG->filter( filterUnits=>"objectBoundingBox", x=>"-10%", y=>"-10%", width=>"150%", height=>"150%", filterUnits=>'objectBoundingBox' ); $filter->fe(); SEE ALSO: L<"fe">. =cut sub filter ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return $self->tag( 'filter', %attrs ); } =pod =head2 fe $tag = $SVG->fe(-type=>'type', %attributes) Generate a filter sub-element. Must be a child of a L<"filter"> element. B my $fe = $SVG->fe( -type => 'diffuselighting' # required - element name in lower case omiting 'fe' id => 'filter_1', style => { 'font' => [ qw(Arial Helvetica sans) ], 'font-size' => 10, 'fill' => 'red', }, transform => 'rotate(-45)' ); Note that the following filter elements are currently supported: Also note that the elelemts are defined in lower case in the module, but as of version 2.441, any case combination is allowed. =head2 * feBlend =head2 * feColorMatrix =head2 * feComponentTransfer =head2 * feComposite =head2 * feConvolveMatrix =head2 * feDiffuseLighting =head2 * feDisplacementMap =head2 * feDistantLight =head2 * feFlood =head2 * feFuncA =head2 * feFuncB =head2 * feFuncG =head2 * feFuncR =head2 * feGaussianBlur =head2 * feImage =head2 * feMerge =head2 * feMergeNode =head2 * feMorphology =head2 * feOffset =head2 * fePointLight =head2 * feSpecularLighting =head2 * feSpotLight =head2 * feTile =head2 * feTurbulence SEE ALSO: L<"filter">. =cut sub fe ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return 0 unless ( $attrs{'-type'} ); my %allowed = ( blend => 'feBlend', colormatrix => 'feColorMatrix', componenttrans => 'feComponentTrans', Componenttrans => 'feComponentTrans', composite => 'feComposite', convolvematrix => 'feConvolveMatrix', diffuselighting => 'feDiffuseLighting', displacementmap => 'feDisplacementMap', distantlight => 'feDistantLight', flood => 'feFlood', funca => 'feFuncA', funcb => 'feFuncB', funcg => 'feFuncG', funcr => 'feFuncR', gaussianblur => 'feGaussianBlur', image => 'feImage', merge => 'feMerge', mergenode => 'feMergeNode', morphology => 'feMorphology', offset => 'feOffset', pointlight => 'fePointLight', specularlighting => 'feSpecularLighting', spotlight => 'feSpotLight', tile => 'feTile', turbulence => 'feTurbulence' ); my $key = lc( $attrs{'-type'} ); my $fe_name = $allowed{ lc($key) } || 'error:illegal_filter_element'; delete $attrs{'-type'}; return $self->tag( $fe_name, %attrs ); } =pod =head2 pattern $tag = $SVG->pattern(%attributes) Define a pattern for later reference by url. B my $pattern = $SVG->pattern( id => "Argyle_1", width => "50", height => "50", patternUnits => "userSpaceOnUse", patternContentUnits => "userSpaceOnUse" ); =cut sub pattern ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return $self->tag( 'pattern', %attrs ); } =pod =head2 set $tag = $SVG->set(%attributes) Set a definition for an SVG object in one section, to be referenced in other sections as needed. B my $set = $SVG->set( id => "Argyle_1", width => "50", height => "50", patternUnits => "userSpaceOnUse", patternContentUnits => "userSpaceOnUse" ); =cut sub set ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return $self->tag( 'set', %attrs ); } =pod =head2 stop $tag = $SVG->stop(%attributes) Define a stop boundary for L<"gradient"> B my $pattern = $SVG->stop( id => "Argyle_1", width => "50", height => "50", patternUnits => "userSpaceOnUse", patternContentUnits => "userSpaceOnUse" ); =cut sub stop ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; return $self->tag( 'stop', %attrs ); } =pod $tag = $SVG->gradient(%attributes) Define a color gradient. Can be of type B or B B my $gradient = $SVG->gradient( -type => "linear", id => "gradient_1" ); =cut sub gradient ($;@) { my ( $self, %attrs ) = @_; my $type = $attrs{'-type'} || 'linear'; unless ( $type =~ /^(linear|radial)$/ ) { $type = 'linear'; } delete $attrs{'-type'}; return $self->tag( $type . 'Gradient', %attrs ); } =pod =head1 GENERIC ELEMENT METHODS The following elements are generically supported by SVG: =head2 * altGlyph =head2 * altGlyphDef =head2 * altGlyphItem =head2 * clipPath =head2 * color-profile =head2 * cursor =head2 * definition-src =head2 * font-face-format =head2 * font-face-name =head2 * font-face-src =head2 * font-face-url =head2 * foreignObject =head2 * glyph =head2 * glyphRef =head2 * hkern =head2 * marker =head2 * mask =head2 * metadata =head2 * missing-glyph =head2 * mpath =head2 * switch =head2 * symbol =head2 * tref =head2 * view =head2 * vkern See e.g. L<"pattern"> for an example of the use of these methods. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal methods sub error ($$$) { my ( $self, $command, $error ) = @_; if ( $self->{-docref}->{-raiseerror} ) { die "$command: $error\n"; } elsif ( $self->{-docref}->{-printerror} ) { print STDERR "$command: $error\n"; } $self->{errors}{$command} = $error; } # This AUTOLOAD method is activated when '-auto' is passed to SVG.pm sub autoload { my $self = shift; my ( $package, $sub ) = ( $AUTOLOAD =~ /(.*)::([^:]+)$/ ); if ( $sub eq 'DESTROY' ) { return $self->release(); } else { # the import routine may call us with a tag name involving '-'s my $tag = $sub; $sub =~ tr/-/_/; # N.B.: The \ on \@_ makes sure that the incoming arguments are # used and not the ones passed when the subroutine was created. # eval "sub $package\:\:$sub (\$;\@) { return shift->tag('$tag',\@_) }"; #per rt.perl.org comment by slaven. if (!$package->can($sub)) { no strict 'refs'; *{$package.'::'.$sub} = sub { return shift->tag($tag, @_) }; } return $self->$sub(@_) if $self; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GD Routines sub colorAllocate ($$$$) { my ( $self, $red, $green, $blue ) = @_; return 'rgb(' . int($red) . ',' . int($green) . ',' . int($blue) . ')'; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;