package Moose::Meta::Class; use strict; use warnings; use Class::MOP; use Carp 'confess'; use Scalar::Util 'weaken', 'blessed', 'reftype'; our $VERSION = '0.21'; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN'; use Moose::Meta::Method::Overriden; use Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented; use base 'Class::MOP::Class'; __PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('roles' => ( reader => 'roles', default => sub { [] } )); sub initialize { my $class = shift; my $pkg = shift; $class->SUPER::initialize($pkg, 'attribute_metaclass' => 'Moose::Meta::Attribute', 'method_metaclass' => 'Moose::Meta::Method', 'instance_metaclass' => 'Moose::Meta::Instance', @_); } sub create { my ($self, $package_name, %options) = @_; (ref $options{roles} eq 'ARRAY') || confess "You must pass an ARRAY ref of roles" if exists $options{roles}; my $class = $self->SUPER::create($package_name, %options); if (exists $options{roles}) { Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($class, @{$options{roles}}); } return $class; } my %ANON_CLASSES; sub create_anon_class { my ($self, %options) = @_; my $cache_ok = delete $options{cache}; # something like Super::Class|Super::Class::2=Role|Role::1 my $cache_key = join '=' => ( join('|', sort @{$options{superclasses} || []}), join('|', sort @{$options{roles} || []}), ); if ($cache_ok && defined $ANON_CLASSES{$cache_key}) { return $ANON_CLASSES{$cache_key}; } my $new_class = $self->SUPER::create_anon_class(%options); $ANON_CLASSES{$cache_key} = $new_class if $cache_ok; return $new_class; } sub add_role { my ($self, $role) = @_; (blessed($role) && $role->isa('Moose::Meta::Role')) || confess "Roles must be instances of Moose::Meta::Role"; push @{$self->roles} => $role; } sub calculate_all_roles { my $self = shift; my %seen; grep { !$seen{$_->name}++ } map { $_->calculate_all_roles } @{ $self->roles }; } sub does_role { my ($self, $role_name) = @_; (defined $role_name) || confess "You must supply a role name to look for"; foreach my $class ($self->class_precedence_list) { next unless $class->can('meta') && $class->meta->can('roles'); foreach my $role (@{$class->meta->roles}) { return 1 if $role->does_role($role_name); } } return 0; } sub excludes_role { my ($self, $role_name) = @_; (defined $role_name) || confess "You must supply a role name to look for"; foreach my $class ($self->class_precedence_list) { next unless $class->can('meta'); # NOTE: # in the pretty rare instance when a Moose metaclass # is itself extended with a role, this check needs to # be done since some items in the class_precedence_list # might in fact be Class::MOP based still. next unless $class->meta->can('roles'); foreach my $role (@{$class->meta->roles}) { return 1 if $role->excludes_role($role_name); } } return 0; } sub new_object { my ($class, %params) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new_object(%params); foreach my $attr ($class->compute_all_applicable_attributes()) { # if we have a trigger, then ... if ($attr->can('has_trigger') && $attr->has_trigger) { # make sure we have an init-arg ... if (defined(my $init_arg = $attr->init_arg)) { # now make sure an init-arg was passes ... if (exists $params{$init_arg}) { # and if get here, fire the trigger $attr->trigger->( $self, # check if there is a coercion ($attr->should_coerce # and if so, we need to grab the # value that is actually been stored ? $attr->get_read_method_ref->($self) # otherwise, just get the value from # the constructor params : $params{$init_arg}), $attr ); } } } } return $self; } sub construct_instance { my ($class, %params) = @_; my $meta_instance = $class->get_meta_instance; # FIXME: # the code below is almost certainly incorrect # but this is foreign inheritence, so we might # have to kludge it in the end. my $instance = $params{'__INSTANCE__'} || $meta_instance->create_instance(); foreach my $attr ($class->compute_all_applicable_attributes()) { $attr->initialize_instance_slot($meta_instance, $instance, \%params); } return $instance; } # FIXME: # This is ugly sub get_method_map { my $self = shift; if (defined $self->{'$!_package_cache_flag'} && $self->{'$!_package_cache_flag'} == Class::MOP::check_package_cache_flag($self->meta->name)) { return $self->{'%!methods'}; } my $map = $self->{'%!methods'}; my $class_name = $self->name; my $method_metaclass = $self->method_metaclass; foreach my $symbol ($self->list_all_package_symbols('CODE')) { my $code = $self->get_package_symbol('&' . $symbol); next if exists $map->{$symbol} && defined $map->{$symbol} && $map->{$symbol}->body == $code; my ($pkg, $name) = Class::MOP::get_code_info($code); if ($pkg->can('meta') # NOTE: # we don't know what ->meta we are calling # here, so we need to be careful cause it # just might blow up at us, or just complain # loudly (in the case of so we # just be a little overly cautious here. # - SL && eval { no warnings; blessed($pkg->meta) } && $pkg->meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role')) { #my $role = $pkg->meta->name; #next unless $self->does_role($role); } else { next if ($pkg || '') ne $class_name && ($name || '') ne '__ANON__'; } $map->{$symbol} = $method_metaclass->wrap($code); } return $map; } ### --------------------------------------------- sub add_attribute { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::add_attribute( (blessed $_[0] && $_[0]->isa('Class::MOP::Attribute') ? $_[0] : $self->_process_attribute(@_)) ); } sub add_override_method_modifier { my ($self, $name, $method, $_super_package) = @_; (!$self->has_method($name)) || confess "Cannot add an override method if a local method is already present"; $self->add_method($name => Moose::Meta::Method::Overriden->new( method => $method, class => $self, package => $_super_package, # need this for roles name => $name, )); } sub add_augment_method_modifier { my ($self, $name, $method) = @_; (!$self->has_method($name)) || confess "Cannot add an augment method if a local method is already present"; $self->add_method($name => Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented->new( method => $method, class => $self, name => $name, )); } ## Private Utility methods ... sub _find_next_method_by_name_which_is_not_overridden { my ($self, $name) = @_; foreach my $method ($self->find_all_methods_by_name($name)) { return $method->{code} if blessed($method->{code}) && !$method->{code}->isa('Moose::Meta::Method::Overriden'); } return undef; } sub _fix_metaclass_incompatability { my ($self, @superclasses) = @_; foreach my $super (@superclasses) { # don't bother if it does not have a meta. next unless $super->can('meta'); # get the name, make sure we take # immutable classes into account my $super_meta_name = ($super->meta->is_immutable ? $super->meta->get_mutable_metaclass_name : blessed($super->meta)); # if it's meta is a vanilla Moose, # then we can safely ignore it. next if $super_meta_name eq 'Moose::Meta::Class'; # but if we have anything else, # we need to check it out ... unless (# see if of our metaclass is incompatible ($self->isa($super_meta_name) && # and see if our instance metaclass is incompatible $self->instance_metaclass->isa($super->meta->instance_metaclass)) && # ... and if we are just a vanilla Moose $self->isa('Moose::Meta::Class')) { # re-initialize the meta ... my $super_meta = $super->meta; # NOTE: # We might want to consider actually # transfering any attributes from the # original meta into this one, but in # general you should not have any there # at this point anyway, so it's very # much an obscure edge case anyway $self = $super_meta->reinitialize($self->name => ( 'attribute_metaclass' => $super_meta->attribute_metaclass, 'method_metaclass' => $super_meta->method_metaclass, 'instance_metaclass' => $super_meta->instance_metaclass, )); } } return $self; } # NOTE: # this was crap anyway, see # Moose::Util::apply_all_roles # instead sub _apply_all_roles { Carp::croak 'DEPRECATED: use Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($meta, @roles) instead' } sub _process_attribute { my ( $self, $name, @args ) = @_; @args = %{$args[0]} if scalar @args == 1 && ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH'; if ($name =~ /^\+(.*)/) { return $self->_process_inherited_attribute($1, @args); } else { return $self->_process_new_attribute($name, @args); } } sub _process_new_attribute { my ( $self, $name, @args ) = @_; $self->attribute_metaclass->interpolate_class_and_new($name, @args); } sub _process_inherited_attribute { my ($self, $attr_name, %options) = @_; my $inherited_attr = $self->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name); (defined $inherited_attr) || confess "Could not find an attribute by the name of '$attr_name' to inherit from"; if ($inherited_attr->isa('Moose::Meta::Attribute')) { return $inherited_attr->clone_and_inherit_options(%options); } else { # NOTE: # kind of a kludge to handle Class::MOP::Attributes return $inherited_attr->Moose::Meta::Attribute::clone_and_inherit_options(%options); } } ## ------------------------------------------------- use Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor; use Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor; # This could be done by using SUPER and altering ->options # I am keeping it this way to make it more explicit. sub create_immutable_transformer { my $self = shift; my $class = Class::MOP::Immutable->new($self, { read_only => [qw/superclasses/], cannot_call => [qw/ add_method alias_method remove_method add_attribute remove_attribute add_package_symbol remove_package_symbol add_role /], memoize => { class_precedence_list => 'ARRAY', compute_all_applicable_attributes => 'ARRAY', get_meta_instance => 'SCALAR', get_method_map => 'SCALAR', # maybe .... calculate_all_roles => 'ARRAY', } }); return $class; } sub make_immutable { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::make_immutable ( constructor_class => 'Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor', destructor_class => 'Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor', inline_destructor => 1, # NOTE: # no need to do this, # Moose always does it inline_accessors => 0, @_, ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Moose::Meta::Class - The Moose metaclass =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a subclass of L with Moose specific extensions. For the most part, the only time you will ever encounter an instance of this class is if you are doing some serious deep introspection. To really understand this class, you need to refer to the L documentation. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B =item B Overrides original to accept a list of roles to apply to the created class. my $metaclass = Moose::Meta::Class->create( 'New::Class', roles => [...] ); =item B Overrides original to support roles and caching. my $metaclass = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class( superclasses => ['Foo'], roles => [qw/Some Roles Go Here/], cache => 1, ); =item B Override original to add default options for inlining destructor and altering the Constructor metaclass. =item B Override original to lock C and memoize C =item B We override this method to support the C attribute option. =item B This provides some Moose specific extensions to this method, you almost never call this method directly unless you really know what you are doing. This method makes sure to handle the moose weak-ref, type-constraint and type coercion features. =item B This accommodates Moose::Meta::Role::Method instances, which are aliased, instead of added, but still need to be counted as valid methods. =item B This will create an C method modifier for you, and install it in the package. =item B This will create an C method modifier for you, and install it in the package. =item B =item B This will return an array of C instances which are attached to this class. =item B This takes an instance of C in C<$role>, and adds it to the list of associated roles. =item B This will test if this class C a given C<$role_name>. It will not only check it's local roles, but ask them as well in order to cascade down the role hierarchy. =item B This will test if this class C a given C<$role_name>. It will not only check it's local roles, but ask them as well in order to cascade down the role hierarchy. =item B This method does the same thing as L, but adds support for taking the C<$params> as a HASH ref. =back =head1 BUGS All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT. =head1 AUTHOR Stevan Little Estevan@iinteractive.comE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut