package MIME::Field::ConTraEnc; =head1 NAME MIME::Field::ConTraEnc - a "Content-transfer-encoding" field =head1 DESCRIPTION A subclass of Mail::Field. I Instead, ask Mail::Field for new instances based on the field name! =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mail::Field; use MIME::Head; # Create an instance from some text: $field = Mail::Field->new('Content-transfer-encoding', '7bit'); # Get the encoding. # Possible values: 'binary', '7bit', '8bit', 'quoted-printable', # 'base64' and '' (unspecified). Note that there can't be a # single default for this, since it depends on the content type! $encoding = $field->encoding; =head1 AUTHOR Eryq (F), ZeeGee Software Inc (F). David F. Skoll ( =cut require 5.001; use strict; use MIME::Field::ParamVal; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); @ISA = qw(MIME::Field::ParamVal); # The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker: $VERSION = "5.425"; # Install it: bless([])->register('Content-transfer-encoding'); #------------------------------ sub encoding { shift->paramstr('_', @_); } #------------------------------ 1;