=head1 NAME FreezeThaw - converting Perl structures to strings and back. =head1 SYNOPSIS use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw cmpStr safeFreeze cmpStrHard); $string = freeze $data1, $data2, $data3; ... ($olddata1, $olddata2, $olddata3) = thaw $string; if (cmpStr($olddata2,$data2) == 0) {print "OK!"} =head1 DESCRIPTION Converts data to/from stringified form, appropriate for saving-to/reading-from permanent storage. Deals with objects, circular lists, repeated appearence of the same refence. Does not deal with overloaded I operator yet. =head1 EXPORT =over 12 =item Default None. =item Exportable C. =back =head1 User API =over 12 =item C analogue of C for data. Takes two arguments and compares them as separate entities. =item C analogue of C for data. Takes two arguments and compares them considered as a group. =item C returns a string that encupsulates its arguments (considered as a group). Cing this string leads to a fatal error if arguments to C contained references to Cs and Cs. =item C returns a string that encupsulates its arguments (considered as a group). The result is Cable in the same process. Cing the result in a different process should result in a fatal error if arguments to C contained references to Cs and Cs. =item C takes one string argument and returns an array. The elements of the array are "equivalent" to arguments of the C command that created the string. Can result in a fatal error (see above). =back =head1 Developer API C Cs and Cs data blessed in some package by calling methods C and C in the package. The fallback methods are provided by the C itself. The fallback C freezes the "content" of blessed object (from Perl point of view). The fallback C blesses the Ced data back into the package. So the package needs to define its own methods only if the fallback methods will fail (for example, for a lot of data the "content" of an object is an address of some B data). The methods are called like $newcooky = $obj->Freeze($cooky); $obj = Package->Thaw($content,$cooky); To save and restore the data the following method are applicable: $cooky->FreezeScalar($data,$ignorePackage,$noduplicate); during Freeze()ing, and $data = $cooky->ThawScalar; Two optional arguments $ignorePackage and $noduplicate regulate whether the freezing should not call the methods even if $data is a reference to a blessed object, and whether the data should not be marked as seen already even if it was seen before. The default methods sub UNIVERSAL::Freeze { my ($obj, $cooky) = (shift, shift); $cooky->FreezeScalar($obj,1,1); } sub UNIVERSAL::Thaw { my ($package, $cooky) = (shift, shift); my $obj = $cooky->ThawScalar; bless $obj, $package; } call the C method of the $cooky since the freezing engine will see the data the second time during this call. Indeed, it is the freezing engine who calls UNIVERSAL::Freeze(), and it calls it because it needs to freeze $obj. The above call to $cooky->FreezeScalar() handles the same data back to engine, but because flags are different, the code does not cycle. Freezing and thawing $cooky also allows the following additional methods: $cooky->isSafe; to find out whether the current freeze was initiated by C or C command. Analogous method for thaw $cooky returns whether the current thaw operation is considered safe (i.e., either does not contain cached elsewhere data, or comes from the same application). You can use $cooky->makeSafe; to prohibit cached data for the duration of the rest of freezing or thawing of current object. Two methods $value = $cooky->repeatedOK; $cooky->noRepeated; # Now repeated are prohibited allow to find out/change the current setting for allowing repeated references. If you want to flush the cache of saved objects you can use FreezeThaw->flushCache; this can invalidate some frozen string, so that thawing them will result in fatal error. =head2 Instantiating Sometimes, when an object from a package is recreated in presense of repeated references, it is not safe to recreate the internal structure of an object in one step. In such a situation recreation of an object is carried out in two steps: in the first the object is Cd, in the second it is Cd. The restriction is that during the I step you cannot use any reference to any Perl object that can be referenced from any other place. This restriction is applied since that object may not exist yet. Correspondingly, during I step the previosly I object should be C, i.e., it can be changed in any way such that the references to this object remain valid. The methods are called like this: $pre_object_ref = Package->Allocate($pre_pre_object_ref); # Returns reference Package->Instantiate($pre_object_ref,$cooky); # Converts into reference to blessed object The reverse operations are $object_ref->FreezeEmpty($cooky); $object_ref->FreezeInstance($cooky); during these calls object can C some information (in a usual way) that will be used during C and C calls (via C). Note that the return value of C is cached during the phase of creation of uninialized objects. This B be used like this: the return value is the reference to the created object, so it is not destructed until other objects are created, thus the frozen values of the different objects will not share the same references. Example of bad result: $o1->FreezeEmpty($cooky) freezes C<{}>, and C<$o2-EFreezeEmpty($cooky)> makes the same. Now nobody guaranties that that these two copies of C<{}> are different, unless a reference to the first one is preserved during the call to C<$o2-EFreezeEmpty($cooky)>. If C<$o1-EFreezeEmpty($cooky)> returns the value of C<{}> it uses, it will be preserved by the engine. The helper function C is provided for simplification of instantiation. The syntax is FreezeThaw::copyContents $to, $from; The function copies contents the object $from point to into what the object $to points to (including package for blessed references). Both arguments should be references. The default methods are provided. They do the following: =over 12 =item C Freezes an I object of underlying type. =item C Calls C. =item C Thaws what was frozen by C. =item C Thaws what was frozen by C, uses C to transfer this to the $pre_object. =back =head1 BUGS and LIMITATIONS A lot of objects are blessed in some obscure packages by XSUB typemaps. It is not clear how to (automatically) prevent the C methods to be called for objects in these packages. The objects which can survive freeze()/thaw() cycle must also survive a change of a "member" to an equal member. Say, after $a = [a => 3]; $a->{b} = \ $a->{a}; $a satisfies $a->{b} == \ $a->{a} This property will be broken by freeze()/thaw(), but it is also broken by $a->{a} = delete $a->{a}; =cut require 5.002; # defined ref stuff... # Different line noise chars: # # $567| next 567 chars form a scalar # # @34| next 34 scalars form an array # # %34| next 34 scalars form a hash # # ? next scalar is a safe-stamp at beginning # # ? next scalar is a stringified data # # ! repeated array follows (after a scalar denoting array $#), # (possibly?) followed by instantiation array. At beginning # # <45| ordinal of element in repeated array # # * stringified glob follows # # & stringified coderef follows # # \\ stringified defererenced data follows # # / stringified REx follows # # > stringified package name follows, then frozen data # # { stringified package name follows, then allocation data # # } stringified package name follows, then instantiation data # # _ frozen form of undef package FreezeThaw; use Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '0.43'; @EXPORT_OK = qw(freeze thaw cmpStr cmpStrHard safeFreeze); use strict; use Carp; my $lock = (reverse time) ^ $$ ^ \&freezeString; # To distingush processes use vars qw( @multiple %seen_packages $seen_packages %seen_packages %count %address $string $unsafe $noCache $cooky $secondpass ), # Localized in freeze() qw( $norepeated ), # Localized in freezeScalar() qw( $uninitOK ), # Localized in thawScalar() qw( @uninit ), # Localized in thaw() qw($safe); # Localized in safeFreeze() my (%saved); my %Empty = ( ARRAY => sub {[]}, HASH => sub {{}}, SCALAR => sub {my $undef; \$undef}, REF => sub {my $undef; \$undef}, CODE => 1, # 1 means atomic GLOB => 1, Regexp => 0, ); sub flushCache {$lock ^= rand; undef %saved;} sub getref ($) { my $ref = ref $_[0]; return $ref if not $ref or defined $Empty{$ref}; # Optimization _and_ Regexp my $str; if (defined &overload::StrVal) { $str = overload::StrVal($_[0]); } else { $str = "$_[0]"; } $ref = $1 if $str =~ /=(\w+)/; $ref; } sub freezeString {$string .= "\$" . length($_[0]) . '|' . $_[0]} sub freezeNumber {$string .= $_[0] . '|'} sub freezeREx {$string .= '/' . length($_[0]) . '|' . $_[0]} sub thawString { # Returns list: a string and offset of rest substr($string, $_[0]) =~ /^\$(\d+)\|/ or confess "Wrong format of frozen string: " . substr($string, $_[0]); length($string) - $_[0] > length($1) + 1 + $1 or confess "Frozen string too short: `" . substr($string, $_[0]) . "', expect " . (length($1) + 2 + $1); (substr($string, $_[0] + length($1) + 2, $1), $_[0] + length($1) + 2 + $1); } sub thawNumber { # Returns list: a number and offset of rest substr($string, $_[0]) =~ /^(\d+)\|/ or confess "Wrong format of frozen string: " . substr($string, $_[0]); ($1, $_[0] + length($1) + 1); } sub _2rex ($); if (eval '"Regexp" eq ref qr/1/') { eval 'sub _2rex ($) {my $r = shift; qr/$r/} 1' or die; } else { eval 'sub _2rex ($) { shift } 1' or die; } sub thawREx { # Returns list: a REx and offset of rest substr($string, $_[0]) =~ m,^/(\d+)\|, or confess "Wrong format of frozen REx: " . substr($string, $_[0]); length($string) - $_[0] > length($1) + 1 + $1 or confess "Frozen string too short: `" . substr($string, $_[0]) . "', expect " . (length($1) + 2 + $1); (_2rex substr($string, $_[0] + length($1) + 2, $1), $_[0] + length($1) + 2 + $1); } sub freezeArray { $string .= '@' . @{$_[0]} . '|'; for (@{$_[0]}) { freezeScalar($_); } } sub thawArray { substr($string, $_[0]) =~ /^[\@%](\d+)\|/ # % To make it possible thaw hashes or confess "Wrong format of frozen array: \n$_[0]"; my $count = $1; my $off = $_[0] + 2 + length $count; my (@res, $res); while ($count and length $string > $off) { ($res,$off) = thawScalar($off); push(@res,$res); --$count; } confess "Wrong length of data in thawing Array: $count left" if $count; (\@res, $off); } sub freezeHash { my @arr = sort keys %{$_[0]}; $string .= '%' . (2*@arr) . '|'; for (@arr, @{$_[0]}{@arr}) { freezeScalar($_); } } sub thawHash { my ($arr, $rest) = &thawArray; my %hash; my $l = @$arr/2; foreach (0 .. $l - 1) { $hash{$arr->[$_]} = $arr->[$l + $_]; } (\%hash,$rest); } # Second optional argument: ignore the package # Third optional one: do not check for duplicates on outer level sub freezeScalar { $string .= '_', return unless defined $_[0]; return &freezeString unless ref $_[0]; my $ref = ref $_[0]; my $str; if ($_[1] and $ref) { # Similar to getref() if (defined &overload::StrVal) { $str = overload::StrVal($_[0]); } else { $str = "$_[0]"; } $ref = $1 if $str =~ /=(\w+)/; } else { $str = "$_[0]"; } # Die if a) repeated prohibited, b) met, c) not explicitely requested to ingore. confess "Repeated reference met when prohibited" if $norepeated && !$_[2] && defined $count{$str}; if ($secondpass and !$_[2]) { $string .= "<$address{$str}|", return if defined $count{$str} and $count{$str} > 1; } elsif (!$_[2]) { # $count{$str} is defined if we have seen it on this pass. $address{$str} = @multiple, push(@multiple, $_[0]) if defined $count{$str} and not exists $address{$str}; # This is for debugging and shortening thrown-away output (also # internal data in arrays and hashes is not duplicated). $string .= "<$address{$str}|", ++$count{$str}, return if defined $count{$str}; ++$count{$str}; } return &freezeArray if $ref eq 'ARRAY'; return &freezeHash if $ref eq 'HASH'; return &freezeREx if $ref eq 'Regexp' and not defined ${$_[0]}; $string .= "*", return &freezeString if $ref eq 'GLOB' and !$safe; $string .= "&", return &freezeString if $ref eq 'CODE' and !$safe; $string .= '\\', return &freezeScalar( $ {shift()} ) if $ref eq 'REF' or $ref eq 'SCALAR'; if ($noCache and (($ref eq 'CODE') or $ref eq 'GLOB')) { confess "CODE and GLOB references prohibited now"; } if ($safe and (($ref eq 'CODE') or $ref eq 'GLOB')) { $unsafe = 1; $saved{$str} = $_[0] unless defined $saved{$str}; $string .= "?"; return &freezeString; } $string .= '>'; local $norepeated = $norepeated; local $noCache = $noCache; freezePackage(ref $_[0]); $_[0]->Freeze($cooky); } sub freezePackage { my $packageid = $seen_packages{$_[0]}; if (defined $packageid) { $string .= ')'; &freezeNumber( $packageid ); } else { $string .= '>'; &freezeNumber( $seen_packages ); &freezeScalar( $_[0] ); $seen_packages{ $_[0] } = $seen_packages++; } } sub thawPackage { # First argument: offset my $key = substr($string,$_[0],1); my ($get, $rest, $id); ($id, $rest) = &thawNumber($_[0] + 1); if ($key eq ')') { $get = $seen_packages{$id}; } else { ($get, $rest) = &thawString($rest); $seen_packages{$id} = $get; } ($get, $rest); } # First argument: offset; Optional other: index in the @uninit array sub thawScalar { my $key = substr($string,$_[0],1); if ($key eq "\$") {&thawString} elsif ($key eq '@') {&thawArray} elsif ($key eq '%') {&thawHash} elsif ($key eq '/') {&thawREx} elsif ($key eq '\\') { my ($out,$rest) = &thawScalar( $_[0]+1 ) ; (\$out,$rest); } elsif ($key eq '_') { (undef, $_[0]+1) } elsif ($key eq '&') {confess "Do not know how to thaw CODE"} elsif ($key eq '*') {confess "Do not know how to thaw GLOB"} elsif ($key eq '?') { my ($address,$rest) = &thawScalar( $_[0]+1 ) ; confess "The saved data accessed in unprotected thaw" unless $unsafe; confess "The saved data disappeared somewhere" unless defined $saved{$address}; ($saved{$address},$rest); } elsif ($key eq '<') { confess "Repeated data prohibited at this moment" unless $uninitOK; my ($off,$end) = &thawNumber ($_[0]+1); ($uninit[$off],$end); } elsif ($key eq '>' or $key eq '{' or $key eq '}') { my ($package,$rest) = &thawPackage( $_[0]+1 ); my $cooky = bless \$rest, 'FreezeThaw::TCooky'; local $uninitOK = $uninitOK; local $unsafe = $unsafe; if ($key eq '{') { my $res = $package->Allocate($cooky); ($res, $rest); } elsif ($key eq '}') { warn "Here it is undef!" unless defined $_[1]; $package->Instantiate($uninit[$_[1]],$cooky); (undef, $rest); } else { ($package->Thaw($cooky),$rest); } } else { confess "Do not know how to thaw data with code `$key'"; } } sub freezeEmpty { # Takes a type, freezes ref to empty object my $e = $Empty{ref $_[0]}; if (ref $e) { my $cache = &$e; freezeScalar $cache; $cache; } elsif ($e) { my $cache = shift; freezeScalar($cache,1,1); # Atomic $cache; } else { $string .= "{"; freezePackage ref $_[0]; $_[0]->FreezeEmpty($cooky); } } sub freeze { local @multiple; local %seen_packages; local $seen_packages = 0; local %seen_packages; # local @seentypes; local %count; local %address; local $string = 'FrT;'; local $unsafe; local $noCache; local $cooky = bless \$cooky, 'FreezeThaw::FCooky'; # Just something fake local $secondpass; freezeScalar(\@_); if (@multiple) { # Now repeated structures are enumerated with order of *second* time # they appear in the what we freeze. # What we want is to have them enumerated with respect to the first time #### $string = ''; # Start again #### @multiple = (); #### %address = (); #### for (keys %count) { #### $count{$_} = undef if $count{$_} <= 1; # As at start #### $count{$_} = 0 if $count{$_}; # As at start #### } #### $seen_packages = 0; #### %seen_packages = (); #### freezeScalar(\@_); # Now repeated structures are enumerated with order of first time # they appear in the what we freeze #### my $oldstring = substr $string, 4; $string = 'FrT;!'; # Start again $seen_packages = 0; %seen_packages = (); # XXXX We reshuffle parts of the # string, so the order of packages may # be wrong... freezeNumber($#multiple); { my @cache; # Force different values for different # empty objects. foreach (@multiple) { push @cache, freezeEmpty $_; } } # for (keys %count) { # $count{$_} = undef # if !(defined $count{$_}) or $count{$_} <= 1; # As at start # } # $string .= '@' . @multiple . '|'; $secondpass = 1; for (@multiple) { freezeScalar($_,0,1,1), next if $Empty{ref $_}; $string .= "}"; freezePackage ref $_; $_->FreezeInstance($cooky); } #### $string .= $oldstring; freezeScalar(\@_); } return "FrT;?\$" . length($lock) . "|" . $lock . substr $string, 4 if $unsafe; $string; } sub safeFreeze { local $safe = 1; &freeze; } sub copyContents { # Given two references, copies contents of the # second one to the first one, provided they have # the same basic type. The package is copied too. my($first,$second) = @_; my $ref = getref $second; if ($ref eq 'SCALAR' or $ref eq 'REF') { $$first = $$second; } elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { @$first = @$second; } elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { %$first = %$second; } else { croak "Don't know how to copyContents of type `$ref'"; } if (ref $second ne ref $first) { # Rebless # SvAMAGIC() is a property of a reference, not of a referent! # Thus we cannot use $first here if $second was overloaded... bless $_[0], ref $second; } $first; } sub thaw { confess "thaw requires one argument" unless @_ ==1; local $string = shift; local %seen_packages; my $initoff = 0; #print STDERR "Thawing `$string'", substr ($string, 0, 4), "\n"; if (substr($string, 0, 4) ne 'FrT;') { warn "Signature not present, continuing anyway" if $^W; } else { $initoff = 4; } local $unsafe = $initoff + (substr($string, $initoff, 1) eq "?" ? 1 : 0); if ($unsafe != $initoff) { my $key; ($key,$unsafe) = thawScalar($unsafe); confess "The lock in frozen data does not match the key" unless $key eq $lock; } local @multiple; local $uninitOK = 1; # The methods can change it. my $repeated = substr($string,$unsafe,1) eq '!' ? 1 : 0; my ($res, $off); if ($repeated) { ($res, $off) = thawNumber($repeated + $unsafe); } else { ($res, $off) = thawScalar($repeated + $unsafe); } my $cooky = bless \$off, 'FreezeThaw::TCooky'; if ($repeated) { local @uninit; my $lst = $res; foreach (0..$lst) { ($res, $off) = thawScalar($off, $_); push(@uninit, $res); } my @init; foreach (0..$lst) { ($res, $off) = thawScalar($off, $_); push(@init, $res); } #($init, $off) = thawScalar($off); #print "Instantiating...\n"; #my $ref; for (0..$#uninit) { copyContents $uninit[$_], $init[$_] if ref $init[$_]; } ($res, $off) = thawScalar($off); } croak "Extra elements in frozen structure: `" . substr($string,$off) . "'" if $off != length $string; return @$res; } sub cmpStr { confess "Compare requires two arguments" unless @_ == 2; freeze(shift) cmp freeze(shift); } sub cmpStrHard { confess "Compare requires two arguments" unless @_ == 2; local @multiple; # local @seentypes; local %count; local %address; local $string = 'FrT;'; local $unsafe; local $noCache; local $cooky = bless \$cooky, 'FreezeThaw::FCooky'; # Just something fake freezeScalar($_[0]); my %cnt1 = %count; freezeScalar($_[1]); my %cnt2 = %count; %count = (); # Now all the caches are filled, delete the entries for guys which # are in one argument only. my ($elt, $val); while (($elt, $val) = each %cnt1) { $count{$elt}++ if $cnt2{$elt} > $cnt1{$elt}; } $string = ''; freezeScalar($_[0]); my $str1 = $string; $string = ''; freezeScalar($_[1]); $str1 cmp $string; } # local $string = freeze(shift,shift); # local $uninitOK = 1; # #print "$string\n"; # my $off = 7; # Hardwired offset after @2| # if (substr($string,4,1) eq '!') { # $off = 5; # Hardwired offset after ! # my ($uninit, $len); # ($len,$off) = thawScalar $off; # local @uninit; # foreach (0..$len) { # ($uninit,$off) = thawScalar $off, $_; # } # $off += 3; # Hardwired offset after @2| # } # croak "Unknown format of frozen array: " . substr($string,$off-3) # unless substr($string,$off-3,1) eq '@'; # my ($first,$off2) = thawScalar $off; # my $off3; # ($first,$off3) = thawScalar $off2; # substr($string, $off, $off2-$off) cmp substr($string,$off2,$off3-$off2); # } sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::FreezeScalar { shift; &freezeScalar; } sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::isSafe { $safe || $noCache; } sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::makeSafe { $noCache = 1; } sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::repeatedOK { !$norepeated; } sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::noRepeated { $norepeated = 1; } sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::repeatedOK { $uninitOK; } sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::noRepeated { undef $uninitOK; } sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::isSafe { !$unsafe; } sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::makeSafe { undef $unsafe; } sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::ThawScalar { my $self = shift; my ($res,$off) = &thawScalar($$self); $$self = $off; $res; } sub UNIVERSAL::Freeze { my ($obj, $cooky) = (shift, shift); $cooky->FreezeScalar($obj,1,1); } sub UNIVERSAL::Thaw { my ($package, $cooky) = (shift, shift); my $obj = $cooky->ThawScalar; bless $obj, $package; } sub UNIVERSAL::FreezeInstance { my($obj,$cooky) = @_; return if (ref $obj and ref $obj eq 'Regexp' and not defined $$obj); # Regexp $obj->Freeze($cooky); } sub UNIVERSAL::Instantiate { my($package,$pre,$cooky) = @_; return if $package eq 'Regexp'; my $obj = $package->Thaw($cooky); # SvAMAGIC() is a property of a reference, not of a referent! # Thus we cannot use $pre here if $obj was overloaded... copyContents $_[1], $obj; } sub UNIVERSAL::Allocate { my($package,$cooky) = @_; $cooky->ThawScalar; } sub UNIVERSAL::FreezeEmpty { my $obj = shift; my $type = getref $obj; my $e = $Empty{$type}; if (ref $e) { my $ref = &$e; freezeScalar $ref; $ref; # Put into cache. } elsif ($e) { freezeScalar($obj,1,1); # Atomic undef; } elsif (defined $e and not defined $$obj) { # Regexp freezeREx($obj); undef; } else { die "Do not know how to FreezeEmpty $type"; } } 1;