#!/usr/bin/perl our $VERSION = '1.11'; =head1 NAME tkpp - frontend to pp written in Perl/Tk =head1 SYNOPSIS B =head1 DESCRIPTION Tkpp is a GUI frontend to L, which can turn perl scripts into stand-alone PAR files, perl scripts or executables. Below is a short explanation of all available screen elements; it is also displayed from the C - C menu item. =head2 Source file The file you want to pack. =head2 Output file (--output, --par, --perlscript) The file you want the source file packed as. This option recognizes the C<.par>, C<.pl> and executable extensions, and supplies the corresponding build option automatically. =head2 Use icon (--icon) The icon file you want your output file to use. This option will only work when building Microsoft Windows C<.exe> files. Currently, this option only accepts C<.ico> files. =head2 Add modules/files (--add) Add the specified items into the package, along with their dependencies. Multiple items should be seperated by a comma (C<,>) or semicolon (C<;>). =head2 Exclude modules (--exclude) Exclude the given module from the dependency search path and from the package. Multiple modules should be seperated by a comma (C<,>) or semicolon (C<;>). =head2 Scan dependencies (--compile, --execute, --noscan) Specify the dependency scanning method to use. See L for explanations of the options. =head2 GUI (--gui) Build an executable that does not have a console window. This option is only applicable on Microsoft Windows, and is ignored when the output file is a C<.par> file. =head2 Log (--log) Log the output of packaging to a file. The log file, F, will be written in the user's home directory. =head2 Verbose (--verbose) Increase verbosity of output; from 1 to 3, 3 being the most verbose. This option is ignored if logging is not enabled. =head2 Build Starts building the package. =head2 File Menu->Preferences Specify the location to F and F. They must be set before Tkpp will build anything. The Tkpp configuration file, F<.tkpprc>, is stored in the user's home directory. =head1 NOTES I write code for a living not literature, so any misspelled words in any comments or anything, whoops ;) =cut ################################################### # use modules ################################################### use strict; use warnings; use Config; use FindBin; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use Tk; use Tk::Balloon; use Tk::Dialog; use Tk::LabEntry; ################################################### # global variables ################################################### my $homedir = $ENV{USERPROFILE} || $ENV{HOME}; my $addmodules; my $configfile = File::Spec->catfile($homedir, ".tkpprc"); my $dogui; my $dolog; my $doverbose; my $excludemodules; my $scanmethod; my $gpgpath; my $iconfile; my $logfile = File::Spec->catfile($homedir, "tkpp.log"); my $outputfile; my $perlfile = $^X; my $perlpath; my $pppath; my $sourcefile; my $statusbar; my $verboselevel; my $verboselevelbox; my $version = "1.1"; my $ppfile = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? "pp.bat" : "pp"; my @win32_only = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? () : (-state => 'disabled'); ################################################### # declare subroutines ################################################### sub build; sub checkconfig; sub editpreferences; sub help; sub myicon; sub openfile; sub savefile; sub showdialog; sub splashimage; $| = 1; # begin building the gui # my $main = MainWindow->new(); my $iconimage = &myicon(1); $main->title("Tkpp"); # make the menu bar # $main->configure(-menu => my $menu_bar = $main->Menu); my $file_mb = $menu_bar->cascade( -label => "~File", -tearoff => 0 ); my $help_mb = $menu_bar->cascade( -label => "~Help", -tearoff => 0, ); $file_mb->command( -label => "~Preferences", -command => \&editpreferences ); $file_mb->command( -label => "E~xit", -command => sub { $main->destroy } ); $help_mb->command( -label => "~Help Contents", -command => \&help ); $help_mb->command( -label => "~About Tkpp", -command => [ sub { &showdialog }, "About Tkpp", << ".", Tkpp was written by Doug Gruber . In the event this application breaks, you get both pieces ; ) Tkpp Version: $version . "info" ] ); # the frame from which all frames will come # my $bigframe = $main->Frame(-borderwidth => 10); # make the top frame # my $frame = $bigframe->Frame(); $frame->Label(-text => "Source file ")->grid( ( $frame->Entry( -textvariable => \$sourcefile, -background => "white", -width => 30 ) ), ( $frame->Button( -image => $main->Getimage("srcfile"), -command => [ sub { &openfile }, [ [ "Perl Files", [ ".par", ".pl", ".pm" ] ], [ "All Files", ["*"] ] ], \$sourcefile ] ) ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2 ); $frame->Label(-text => "Output file ")->grid( ( $frame->Entry( -textvariable => \$outputfile, -background => "white", -width => 30 ) ), ( $frame->Button( -image => $main->Getimage("textfile"), -command => [ sub { &savefile }, [ [ "Binary Files", ["*$Config{_exe}"] ], [ "PAR Files", [".par"] ], [ "All Files", ["*"] ] ], \$outputfile ] ) ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2, ); $frame->Label(-text => "Use icon ")->grid( ( $frame->Entry( -textvariable => \$iconfile, -background => "white", -width => 30 ) ), ( $frame->Button( -image => $main->Getimage("file"), -command => [ sub { &openfile }, [ [ "ICO Files", [".ico"] ] ], \$iconfile ] ) ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2, ) if ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); # make the middle frame with the module lists # my $frame2 = $bigframe->Frame(-borderwidth => 1); my $frame2balloon = $frame2->Balloon(); $frame2->Label(-text => "Add modules ")->grid( my $addmoduleentry = $frame2->Entry( -textvariable => \$addmodules, -background => "white", -width => 30 ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2 ); $frame2->Label(-text => "Exclude modules ")->grid( my $excludemoduleentry = $frame2->Entry( -textvariable => \$excludemodules, -background => "white", -width => 30 ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2 ); $frame2->Label(-text => "Scan dependencies ")->grid( my $scanmethodbox = $frame2->Optionmenu( -options => [ ['static' => undef], ['compile + static' => ['--compile']], ['execute + static' => ['--execute']], ['compile only' => ['--compile', '--noscan']], ['execute only' => ['--execute', '--noscan']], ], -variable => \$scanmethod, ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2 ); $frame2balloon->attach( $addmoduleentry, -balloonposition => "mouse", -balloonmsg => "Adds the specified module(s) into the package, along with its dependencies, seperate each module with a comma or semicolon" ); $frame2balloon->attach( $excludemoduleentry, -balloonposition => "mouse", -balloonmsg => "Excludes the given module(s) from the dependency search path and from the package, seperate each module with a comma or semicolon" ); # make the middle frame with the checkboxes # my $frame3 = $bigframe->Frame(-borderwidth => 5); my $frame3balloon = $frame3->Balloon(); my $guicheck = $frame3->Checkbutton( -text => "GUI", -variable => \$dogui, -onvalue => "--gui", -offvalue => "", @win32_only )->grid( ( my $logcheck = $frame3->Checkbutton( -text => "Log", -variable => \$dolog, -onvalue => "--log=$logfile", -offvalue => "" ) ), ( my $verbosecheck = $frame3->Checkbutton( -text => "Verbose", -variable => \$doverbose, -onvalue => "--verbose=", -offvalue => "" ) ), ( $verboselevelbox = $frame3->Optionmenu( -options => [ 3, 2, 1 ], -variable => \$verboselevel, ) ) ); my $guiballon = (($^O eq "MSWin32") ? "Build an executable that does not have a console window" : "This option is only available under Windows"); $frame3balloon->attach( $guicheck, -balloonposition => "mouse", -balloonmsg => $guiballon ); $frame3balloon->attach( $logcheck, -balloonposition => "mouse", -balloonmsg => "Log the output of packaging to a file" ); $frame3balloon->attach( $verbosecheck, -balloonposition => "mouse", -balloonmsg => "Increase verbosity of output, this option is ignored if logging is not enabled" ); $frame3balloon->attach( $verboselevelbox, -balloonposition => "mouse", -balloonmsg => "The verbosity level from 1 to 3, 3 being the most verbose" ); # make the bottom frame # my $frame4 = $bigframe->Frame(-borderwidth => 5); $frame4->Button( -text => "Build", -width => 10, -underline => 0, -command => \&build )->grid(); $main->bind("" => \&build); $main->bind("" => \&build); # make the status bar (for future use) # $statusbar = "Ready"; my $statusbottom = $main->Label( -textvariable => \$statusbar, -anchor => "w", -relief => "sunken" )->pack( -side => "bottom", -fill => "x" ); $frame->pack(); $frame2->pack(); $frame3->pack(); $frame4->pack(); $bigframe->pack(); # create the splashscreen # my $splashimage = &splashimage(1); $main->withdraw(); if (my $splash = eval { require Tk::Splashscreen; $main->Splashscreen }) { $splash->Label( -text => "Tkpp", -font => [ -size => "10", -weight => "bold" ], -background => "#746b6b" )->pack( -fill => "both", -expand => 1 ); $splash->Label( -image => $main->Photo("image", -data => $splashimage, -format => "gif"), -background => "#746b6b" )->pack(); $splash->Splash(1000); $splash->Destroy(); } checkconfig(); $main->iconify(); $main->deiconify(); #$main->raise(); my $icon = $main->Photo( "image", -data => $iconimage, -format => "gif" ); $main->idletasks; $main->iconimage($icon); # align the main window appx with the middle of the screen # my $centerwidth = int(($main->screenwidth / 2) - ($main->width / 2)); my $centerheight = int(($main->screenheight / 2) - ($main->height / 2)); $main->geometry("+$centerwidth+$centerheight"); MainLoop; ################################################### # begin subroutines ################################################### sub build { if (!(-e $configfile)) { showdialog("Preferences not set", << ".", "error"); Your preferences have not been set or your preferences file has been removed. You will not be able to build your file untill this is complete. Please go to File -> Preferences to continue. . } elsif (!$pppath) { showdialog("Path not set", << ".", "error"); The path to $ppfile has not been set. Please go to File -> Preferences to continue. . } elsif ($perlpath eq "") { showdialog("Path not set", << ".", "error"); The path to perl$Config{_exe} has not been set. Please go to File -> Preferences to continue. . } elsif (!(-e $pppath)) { showdialog("Invalid path", << ".", "error"); The path to $ppfile is invalid. Check that the file exits and that your path is setup correctly. Please go to File -> Preferences to change the setting. . } elsif (!(-e $perlpath)) { showdialog("Invalid path", << ".", "error"); The path to perl$Config{_exe} is invalid. Check that the file exits and that your path is setup correctly. Please go to File -> Preferences to change the setting. . } elsif ($sourcefile eq "") { showdialog("Missing parameter", "You must specify a source file to build.", "error"); } elsif ($outputfile eq "") { showdialog("Missing parameter", "You must specify an output file to write.", "error"); } else { $statusbar = "Building..."; $main->Busy(); my @args = ("$pppath", "--output=$outputfile"); if ($outputfile =~ /\.par$/i) { push(@args, "--par"); } elsif ($outputfile =~ /\.pl$/i) { push(@args, "--perlscript"); } elsif ($outputfile !~ /\Q$Config{_exe}\E$/i) { showdialog("Invalid File Format", << ".", "error"); You are trying to write your output file as an invalid file format. It must be either a $Config{_exe} or .par file. . $main->Unbusy(); $statusbar = "Ready"; return (); } if ($iconfile) { push(@args, "--icon=$iconfile"); } if ($dogui) { push(@args, $dogui); } if ($dolog) { push(@args, $dolog); } if ($doverbose) { push(@args, "$doverbose$verboselevel"); } if ($addmodules) { foreach (split(/,|;/, $addmodules)) { $_ =~ s/^\s//; push(@args, "--add=$_"); } } if ($excludemodules) { foreach (split(/,|;/, $excludemodules)) { $_ =~ s/^\s//; push(@args, "--exclude=$_"); } } if ($scanmethod) { push @args, @$scanmethod; } unlink($logfile); system($^X, @args, $sourcefile); if ($dolog) { open LOGFILE, ">>$logfile"; print LOGFILE "Executed Command: @args\n"; close LOGFILE; } $main->Unbusy(); $statusbar = "Ready"; # $statusbar .= "(Error $?: $!)" if $?; } } sub checkconfig { if (-e $configfile) { open CONFIGFILE, "$configfile"; while () { if ($_ =~ m/perlpath = (.*)/) { $perlpath = $1; } elsif ($_ =~ m/pppath = (.*)/) { $pppath = $1; } elsif ($_ =~ m/gpgpath = (.*)/) { $gpgpath = $1; } } close CONFIGFILE; } else { editpreferences(); } } sub editpreferences { if (-e $configfile) { open CONFIGFILE, "+<$configfile"; while () { if ($_ =~ m/perlpath = (.*)/) { $perlpath = $1; } elsif ($_ =~ m/pppath = (.*)/) { $pppath = $1; } elsif ($_ =~ m/gpgpath = (.*)/) { $gpgpath = $1; } } } else { $perlpath = can_run($^X); $pppath = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, $ppfile); $pppath = File::Spec->catfile(dirname($perlpath), $ppfile) unless -e $pppath; $perlpath = '' unless -e $perlpath; $pppath = '' unless -e $pppath; open CONFIGFILE, ">>$configfile"; } my $preferences = $main->DialogBox(-title => "Preferences"); my $prefframe = $preferences->Frame(-borderwidth => 5); $prefframe->Label(-text => "Path to perl ")->grid( ( $prefframe->Entry( -textvariable => \$perlpath, -background => "white", -width => 30 ) ), ( $prefframe->Button( -image => $main->Getimage("openfold"), -command => [ sub { &openfile }, [ [ "Perl", ["$perlfile"] ], [ "All Files", ["*"] ] ], \$perlpath ] ) ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2 ); $prefframe->Label(-text => "Path to pp ")->grid( ( $prefframe->Entry( -textvariable => \$pppath, -background => "white", -width => 30 ) ), ( $preferences->Button( -image => $main->Getimage("openfold"), -command => [ sub { &openfile }, [ [ "pp Batch File", [ $ppfile ] ], [ "All Files", ["*"] ] ], \$pppath ] ) ), -padx => 1, -pady => 2, ); $prefframe->pack(); my $answer = $preferences->Show(); if ($answer eq "OK") { no warnings "uninitialized"; print CONFIGFILE "perlpath = $perlpath\n"; print CONFIGFILE "pppath = $pppath\n"; print CONFIGFILE "gpgpath = $gpgpath\n"; close CONFIGFILE; sub { $preferences->destroy }; } } my $help_text; sub help { my $help = $main->DialogBox(-title => "Tkpp Help"); if (!$help_text) { local $/; seek DATA, 0, 0; $help_text = ; $help_text =~ s/.*?=head2/=head2/s; $help_text =~ s/=head1 NOTES.*//s; $help_text =~ s/=head2 (.*)\s+/* $1:\n/g; $help_text =~ s/[LF]<(.*?)>/$1/g; $help_text =~ s/C<(.*?)>/"$1"/g; }; $help->Label( -text => $help_text, -justify => "left" )->pack(-fill => "x"); $help->Show(); } sub openfile { my $types = shift(); my $file = shift(); $$file = $main->getOpenFile( -filetypes => $types, -initialdir => $$file ); return (); } sub savefile { my $types = shift(); my $file = shift(); $$file = $main->getSaveFile( -filetypes => $types, -initialdir => $$file ); return (); } sub showdialog { my $title = shift(); my $message = shift(); my $icon = shift(); if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { my $messageBox = $main->messageBox( -title => "$title", -message => "$message", -type => "OK", -icon => "$icon" ); } else { my $dialog = $main->DialogBox(-title => $title); my $frame = $dialog->Frame(-borderwidth => 2); $frame->Label(-width => 4)->grid($frame->Label()); $frame->Label(-bitmap => $icon)->grid( $frame->Label( -text => $message, -justify => "left" ) ); $frame->pack(); $dialog->bell(); $dialog->Show(); } return 0; } sub splashimage { my $splash_gif = << '.'; R0lGODlh8gB5AKUAAP///////vj4+Pb29vDw7+zr5Obl3d7e3NjX1Ojo58/OzNnXx8vIxMXDv767 t7m3tbWxsK+sqKimpKGdnZiSkpONjY+JiIyGhomEg4Z/f4F5eXtzc3dubnRra3FpaW9mZm1lZaaj m2FgYGphYVtXVkdFRUI/PlBOTWtqant5eXBubWdmZnVzc4uJeJWThD06NC4sKSQiHwEBASAfGzMy LBAQDG1kY2tjY3JwYXd3ZmdeXmVlUEVENikoJFRUPxgYEiH+FUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBUaGUgR0lN UAAsAAAAAPIAeQAABv5AgHBILBqPyKRyyWw6n9CodEqtWq/YrHbL7Xq/4LB4TC6bz+i0es1uu9/w uHxOr9vv+Lx+z+/7/4CBgnQBAQIDBAQFi4yNBQaPjwaTlJWWl5iZlosDAYOfZ4aIi5UHBgeoqQcI q6sIr7CxsrO0tAsICwsMugsGAqDAYQGIigmptAoLCsvMCgzODNHS09TR0NXYDA3bDg8QDgwFweNb AokFCacI19rb3A0O8Q/z9BD29/j53t759vz9ESJICEEwRIQF5BJWCaDo0QEFDbwJlEBxgsUJFDBS oFChYwULIC+IHInhQsmRF0KaNFnypEgMMGFmgAnSQoubLg4o3PmEYf66VQ0gSNDIsaOFCxmSali6 YQOHpx06eJjq4YNVEFitUqVq9QNWEF2v2rhB9sYIGx86NMWRI0cLTzzjJhHwaJ2DCBY36jVqUmkG DU2fcohKmGvWD1MJSw3r9epXG2PNjtCh46wNHSRI7GAgt7ORAasg4iW692NfpYCdQlUstWpXqoqn hv1KG0TkEZMpUyZxogSPC56DCymgjAGEvHpLH8WQ9G9q1YIHt3aNmHVUrl3Bho0sWbeOEzxevDgh PLgBXXdJlzbNHHXTwNGvy0bswXph6lpdc8ftnYQJGj28UJ5nD0UkQXLJebRcc0y9F510W9UX1WrW MTYfCGTxpxtvJv7A0AMNA3amS1AHIriRUQui9hx0EMI2IYUvLqbdhRnmptsJL3gIYohxoQdBCCae +FGKzq0Yn3yKHdmBYDIy5lVZGlKGIwwx7MjjTj4CGSSKpxW5InT2LfngkfhlV5ZZ3uHYw4dX8uSj esoRuVSD77E4IWHR2XndbF+dGaWabLapkC7eaImggkch1VyRGxg55pjwteiabZBx152UL6xppaDj vLkllzItOidTqXHA4oMeiDACVjfc51VklUJp4wkmaMppQlnCiehLoTI4ap1OqeYUCCSUYIIJJZRw AgkjyMhdrJfulmmgtwaT5adDHvVXryrS6eAGvBmrbGYiZEaCbP623TBWrFFiamu11jLggFBBFjUk CseegEJ7vo66ogjIKisCCilg8BEGKaAwaaXs2rhbrdTC+4mn9XZ0AcDJLqtBTAx6uVQHtAqsAgYT fLPNAxFQwIJYDNfoHWbTbiqxIBTvlRJIK4R8wgospJACS/z+5WXIJKhgwQQPKIBAAkwngEADEnTw qrq34eYwCTHPDErNHIWcLLLLslCBBMcBza1SHCRLAgsUJH1AAgQMIDciCTCwwdSyRgvzu1rTLO9x elmg87KZoZDBBA2wogAEvMoUdG8kpCBBAwckMvflBBgAAQfp1ujyhhDL3LcfNbOALAkEJ3U0BApU TkACCkzQOP7HGXBgwgksTMAA3Jf3jsgBFHSe4efS8j36HzVbQIIIKZT8QDyt825O3RSgxOsGvYlg gQOV++57AhFYKpnV/YV+fCBcX9C8A0s3HTfmB0iQaEomjZCv5Aq87z3mCKRg9f/tgpmOzgcIriVH AgnYn9wIEIGagCQDGNMXBRqQQAX2LgEPAMH/XlY+4xFwDwZMjgN45z0CTMCB2AMbCirwAAToz4IL RAAGKsNB74wAawP8YB9CyBEKsK57vjOhRzRgrGWlgALsqyAML5eABnCghjb0jwd1iIcQVoACMwkB 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SpnFSLnFU/zBnLkD6GbERFAIhpABPqDES7zETGlUbNzGbvzGcBzHcjzHTMmZLdBSYlwEZFwIDNAC OeADIxnIgjzIhFzIhgySO4ADLsAAypvHjvzIkBzJkjzJlFzJlnzJmJzJmrzJnNzJnkynQQAAOw== . my %send_back = (1 => $splash_gif); return ($send_back{ $_[0] }); } sub myicon { my $icon_gif = << '.'; R0lGODlhIAAgAOcAAComItra1qKiok5OSoqKfnp6dl5eXrKyrmpqZuLi2sLCuk5KRkZGOp6enubm 4nZ2coaGfpqWlu7u6tbWzkI+Om5ubmZmZn5+fpKOilJSTs7Oyra2rjIyKvLy7q6qonZubnZyblZW VmZeXr66ssbGvpaOjvr6+oKCgmZiYnZqavb28mpmZlpaUn52do6GhioqJpaSknJmZsrKwm5iYt7e 2pqaljYyKnpubnJqaoqCgqaenoJ+epKKiurq5sK+tn56eqqmopqSknpybjY2Lm5mYjIuKo6KhtLS yq6uoi4uJk5GRoZ+flpSUmJaWkpGQmpiYmpeXsrKyr6+usK+voqGgp6alt7a2l5aVi4uKlZOTl5W VoJ6dpKSjm5mZtrW0uLi3sbGwtLS0np2crKuqo6KimJiVqKemp6WlkZCPrayrubi4rq2trq6uoaG hq6qpjY2NqainlZSTvby8lpWUoaCfoqGhlpaWlJOSpKOjm5qZnJubnp2dvLy8sbCvsrGxlpWVmJe XtLOyrq2sjo2LtbS0r66uoaCgsrKxkpGRqaiot7e3urq6tra2ubm5srGvtbSys7Kyk5KSoJ+ftbW 0vb29npycoJ6ep6amlZSUu7u7nZycjYyLl5aWlJOTqKenqqmpm5qarKyssLCvpqamuLi4rKurq6q qjY2MkZCQraysv////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////yH+FUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBU aGUgR0lNUAAh+QQBCgD/ACwAAAAAIAAgAAAI/gD/mTDRwUGCgzQCKPQyqaFDhg4bTnh0hAaNf//U qPEz5pMnT1XOlCiBwYiLky6MkEHJkkpKI0gSsGFzKQgMMmSW/NCkKcUHHF26xMABNCiRoE+giJgz h4WGRIlsljhJZ0ulqz+J+vT5MyhSEVmyFJGhQ4fUk0sstWhR6UMKPXq4pkgBdMaMFTNE3LmTxBEc ODBK8MCZI63aFppu3NADSAsgQDG6rMD75EnYF46g2uTBk8meHIUt/QiaoUKDT58M3V3xRIQIJkyS yPiIJ4SByQIK4aSTwxLTCDQyqVBhpYXdyiLixMH8sYQkKQr5qFizxgUVLXv2qKHEnZKKT5WT/r5m ggVSWRhBdJAixX3KFCqYHmjQoKI79y9rlULBhOkFWR0l4LECGGBwt8EGmrRhBR982McdH4II0toT sPX1EQx4FNBII5TwkUoqQFhhAoPcZbJhJpQsskglUDyhhRYvQPKXYGSoSIkDJ5wAQQWUjDLKGipE 0EADCBRIiRSSvYiFIxeWUIeNimCAASl/MFJFFRXwwYWKbYTCnQaXEPHHH0s2WUJDlAQwwAAWNIBH BRW8kQkLoICCSIOU6GBKFxWSEEEEZOCBB1SNhCGJJCZQEkIUUexRyArcGRAFgz/AMANsL/QRRBA4 8eCpDoIYYkgmi4zCICOhJMLdJXWsd4Mm/iuMiYUCf55UB044SZmGBBgQyIcXfmzYwg4NiYEXpj5I aQgVVNRxqwt00FGHIi3k2IgpMBxySGWhhGLJE10o6cNIhYGWA7NLLFGHKZVkdwRiH+YFWgtPzDBm EVLglO6+ou4LAw5/JkLUJZd08cRke1QGGxY+eGqJJUuAltYPPzzgQiV/TiIEJ5PNEN4HK4j5RxJS nNTCDxCntVYLH1RywwcfRICEZHgRgQIKkfFJ3gg47dHCw4ddhUIlmsCMQyimVLZCF1BAkUdQTTRR xAgnqVXJWlcFJYJbrmUhhg8xxDBDF1FnJa6nK19VSRchhNATDnPhELZXXSCAgCU/ccJJhxEN82D1 VTd0UeceH+hBlOBDEQXz4jgwxTBOaRP9gWIv06XV4lvNlUIMmFLtwsNpL35DW4rDzNPiP4HSxWUe 7As61oqJ/nLLgGcV2RNDDAHAP044oUQnWUQi/PCIFF+8EsgLjwgqzKNCARYvvDDIPwYYwMAQHGyy CQfcd++995vY4H0RGP0TEAA7 . my %send_back = (1 => $icon_gif); return ($send_back{ $_[0] }); } sub can_run { my $cmd = $_[0]; require Config; require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my $_cmd = $cmd; return $_cmd if (-x $_cmd or $_cmd = MM->maybe_command($_cmd)); for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') { my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_[0]); return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs)); } return; } __DATA__ =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHORS Tkpp was written by Doug Gruber. In the event this application breaks, you get both pieces ;) =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Doug Gruber Edoug(a)dougthug.comE, Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE. Neither this program nor the associated L program impose any licensing restrictions on files generated by their execution, in accordance with the 8th article of the Artistic License: "Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded; that is, when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's interfaces visible to the end user of the commercial distribution. Such use shall not be construed as a distribution of this Package." Therefore, you are absolutely free to place any license on the resulting executable, as long as the packed 3rd-party libraries are also available under the Artistic License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut