=head1 NAME tkkit - Single-file dynamic library bundle for Tcl/Tk functionality =head1 DESCRIPTION I is a single-file dynamic library that bundles Tcl, Tk and several related extensions together for use by the I module. I is a toolkit for creating applications with graphical interfaces on Windows, Mac OS X and X11. The Tk toolkit is native to the I programming language, but its ease of use and cross-platform availability has made it the GUI toolkit of choice for many other dynamic languages. I and I are Perl modules that makes the Tk toolkit available to Perl programs. By loading one of these modules, Perl programs can create windows and fill them with text, images, buttons and other controls that make up the user interface of the application. See the I docs for an example. =head2 Packages I includes the following packages from the ActiveTcl L distribution: =over =item Tcl 8.4 (core) L =item Tk 8.4 (core) L =item TclX 8.4 (eXtended command set for Tcl) L =item vfs 1.3 (script level virtual file system access) L =item tile 0.7 (themed widgets) L =item bwidget 1.8 (extra megawidgets) L =item Tktable 2.9 (2D table widget) L =item treectrl 2.1 (multi-column hierarchical tree/list widget) L =item img::png (PNG image format) L =item img::ico (ICO image format) L =item img::xpm (XPM image format) L =item ico (Windows ICO manipulation) L =item ctext (enhanced text widget) L =item tooltip (balloon help) L =item widget (megawidgets) L =item comm (remote interpreter communication) L =item snit (object-oriented framework) L =back =head1 LICENSE This library is a component of ActivePerl and is covered under the same terms as ActivePerl. Copyright 2007 ActiveState. All rights reserved. =head1 SEE ALSO L L