package HTML::Parse;
=head1 NAME
HTML::Parse - Deprecated, a wrapper around HTML::TreeBuilder
See the documentation for HTML::TreeBuilder
Disclaimer: This module is provided only for backwards compatibility
with earlier versions of this library. New code should I use
this module, and should really use the HTML::Parser and
HTML::TreeBuilder modules directly, instead.
The C module provides functions to parse HTML documents.
There are two functions exported by this module:
=over 4
=item parse_html($html) or parse_html($html, $obj)
This function is really just a synonym for $obj->parse($html) and $obj
is assumed to be a subclass of C. Refer to
L for more documentation.
If $obj is not specified, the $obj will default to an internally
created new C object configured with strict_comment()
turned on. That class implements a parser that builds (and is) a HTML
syntax tree with HTML::Element objects as nodes.
The return value from parse_html() is $obj.
=item parse_htmlfile($file, [$obj])
Same as parse_html(), but pulls the HTML to parse, from the named file.
Returns C if the file could not be opened, or $obj otherwise.
When a C object is created, the following variables
control how parsing takes place:
=over 4
Setting this variable to true will instruct the parser to try to
deduce implicit elements and implicit end tags. If this variable is
false you get a parse tree that just reflects the text as it stands.
Might be useful for quick & dirty parsing. Default is true.
Implicit elements have the implicit() attribute set.
This variable contols whether unknow tags should be represented as
elements in the parse tree. Default is true.
=item $HTML::Parse::IGNORE_TEXT
Do not represent the text content of elements. This saves space if
all you want is to examine the structure of the document. Default is
=item $HTML::Parse::WARN
Call warn() with an apropriate message for syntax errors. Default is
=head1 REMEMBER!
HTML::TreeBuilder objects should be explicitly destroyed when you're
finished with them. See L.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L, L, L
Copyright 1995-1998 Gisle Aas, 1999-2004 Sean M. Burke, 2005 Andy Lester,
2006 Pete Krawczyk.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
=head1 AUTHOR
Currently maintained by Pete Krawczyk C<< >>
Original authors: Gisle Aas, Sean Burke and Andy Lester.
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(parse_html parse_htmlfile);
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION
# Backwards compatability
$WARN = 0;
require HTML::TreeBuilder;
$VERSION = '2.71';
sub parse_html ($;$)
my $p = $_[1];
$p = _new_tree_maker() unless $p;
sub parse_htmlfile ($;$)
my($file, $p) = @_;
open(HTML, $file) or return undef;
$p = _new_tree_maker() unless $p;
sub _new_tree_maker
my $p = HTML::TreeBuilder->new(
implicit_tags => $IMPLICIT_TAGS,
ignore_unknown => $IGNORE_UNKNOWN,
ignore_text => $IGNORE_TEXT,
'warn' => $WARN,