package ExtUtils::MM_Unix; require 5.005_03; # Maybe further back, dunno use strict; use Carp; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config; use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); use DirHandle; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Is_Win32 $Is_Dos $Is_OSF $Is_IRIX $Is_NetBSD $Is_BSD $Is_SunOS4 $Is_Solaris $Is_SunOS $Is_Interix %Config_Override ); use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw($Verbose neatvalue); $VERSION = '6.42'; require ExtUtils::MM_Any; @ISA = qw(ExtUtils::MM_Any); BEGIN { $Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2'; $Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $Config{osname} eq 'NetWare'; $Is_Dos = $^O eq 'dos'; $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; $Is_OSF = $^O eq 'dec_osf'; $Is_IRIX = $^O eq 'irix'; $Is_NetBSD = $^O eq 'netbsd'; $Is_Interix = $^O eq 'interix'; $Is_SunOS4 = $^O eq 'sunos'; $Is_Solaris = $^O eq 'solaris'; $Is_SunOS = $Is_SunOS4 || $Is_Solaris; $Is_BSD = ($^O =~ /^(?:free|net|open)bsd$/ or grep( $^O eq $_, qw(bsdos interix dragonfly) ) ); } BEGIN { if( $Is_VMS ) { # For things like vmsify() require VMS::Filespec; VMS::Filespec->import; } } =head1 NAME ExtUtils::MM_Unix - methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 SYNOPSIS C =head1 DESCRIPTION The methods provided by this package are designed to be used in conjunction with ExtUtils::MakeMaker. When MakeMaker writes a Makefile, it creates one or more objects that inherit their methods from a package C. MM itself doesn't provide any methods, but it ISA ExtUtils::MM_Unix class. The inheritance tree of MM lets operating specific packages take the responsibility for all the methods provided by MM_Unix. We are trying to reduce the number of the necessary overrides by defining rather primitive operations within ExtUtils::MM_Unix. If you are going to write a platform specific MM package, please try to limit the necessary overrides to primitive methods, and if it is not possible to do so, let's work out how to achieve that gain. If you are overriding any of these methods in your Makefile.PL (in the MY class), please report that to the makemaker mailing list. We are trying to minimize the necessary method overrides and switch to data driven Makefile.PLs wherever possible. In the long run less methods will be overridable via the MY class. =head1 METHODS The following description of methods is still under development. Please refer to the code for not suitably documented sections and complain loudly to the mailing list. Better yet, provide a patch. Not all of the methods below are overridable in a Makefile.PL. Overridable methods are marked as (o). All methods are overridable by a platform specific MM_*.pm file. Cross-platform methods are being moved into MM_Any. If you can't find something that used to be in here, look in MM_Any. =cut # So we don't have to keep calling the methods over and over again, # we have these globals to cache the values. Faster and shrtr. my $Curdir = __PACKAGE__->curdir; my $Rootdir = __PACKAGE__->rootdir; my $Updir = __PACKAGE__->updir; =head2 Methods =over 4 =item os_flavor Simply says that we're Unix. =cut sub os_flavor { return('Unix'); } =item c_o (o) Defines the suffix rules to compile different flavors of C files to object files. =cut sub c_o { # --- Translation Sections --- my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); my(@m); my $command = '$(CCCMD)'; my $flags = '$(CCCDLFLAGS) "-I$(PERL_INC)" $(PASTHRU_DEFINE) $(DEFINE)'; if (my $cpp = $Config{cpprun}) { my $cpp_cmd = $self->const_cccmd; $cpp_cmd =~ s/^CCCMD\s*=\s*\$\(CC\)/$cpp/; push @m, qq{ .c.i: $cpp_cmd $flags \$*.c > \$*.i }; } push @m, qq{ .c.s: $command -S $flags \$*.c .c\$(OBJ_EXT): $command $flags \$*.c .cpp\$(OBJ_EXT): $command $flags \$*.cpp .cxx\$(OBJ_EXT): $command $flags \$*.cxx .cc\$(OBJ_EXT): $command $flags \$*.cc }; push @m, qq{ .C\$(OBJ_EXT): $command \$*.C } if !$Is_OS2 and !$Is_Win32 and !$Is_Dos; #Case-specific return join "", @m; } =item cflags (o) Does very much the same as the cflags script in the perl distribution. It doesn't return the whole compiler command line, but initializes all of its parts. The const_cccmd method then actually returns the definition of the CCCMD macro which uses these parts. =cut #' sub cflags { my($self,$libperl)=@_; return $self->{CFLAGS} if $self->{CFLAGS}; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); my($prog, $uc, $perltype, %cflags); $libperl ||= $self->{LIBPERL_A} || "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}" ; $libperl =~ s/\.\$\(A\)$/$self->{LIB_EXT}/; @cflags{qw(cc ccflags optimize shellflags)} = @Config{qw(cc ccflags optimize shellflags)}; my($optdebug) = ""; $cflags{shellflags} ||= ''; my(%map) = ( D => '-DDEBUGGING', E => '-DEMBED', DE => '-DDEBUGGING -DEMBED', M => '-DEMBED -DMULTIPLICITY', DM => '-DDEBUGGING -DEMBED -DMULTIPLICITY', ); if ($libperl =~ /libperl(\w*)\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}/){ $uc = uc($1); } else { $uc = ""; # avoid warning } $perltype = $map{$uc} ? $map{$uc} : ""; if ($uc =~ /^D/) { $optdebug = "-g"; } my($name); ( $name = $self->{NAME} . "_cflags" ) =~ s/:/_/g ; if ($prog = $Config{$name}) { # Expand hints for this extension via the shell print STDOUT "Processing $name hint:\n" if $Verbose; my(@o)=`cc=\"$cflags{cc}\" ccflags=\"$cflags{ccflags}\" optimize=\"$cflags{optimize}\" perltype=\"$cflags{perltype}\" optdebug=\"$cflags{optdebug}\" eval '$prog' echo cc=\$cc echo ccflags=\$ccflags echo optimize=\$optimize echo perltype=\$perltype echo optdebug=\$optdebug `; my($line); foreach $line (@o){ chomp $line; if ($line =~ /(.*?)=\s*(.*)\s*$/){ $cflags{$1} = $2; print STDOUT " $1 = $2\n" if $Verbose; } else { print STDOUT "Unrecognised result from hint: '$line'\n"; } } } if ($optdebug) { $cflags{optimize} = $optdebug; } for (qw(ccflags optimize perltype)) { $cflags{$_} ||= ''; $cflags{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+/ /g; $cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; $self->{uc $_} ||= $cflags{$_}; } if ($self->{POLLUTE}) { $self->{CCFLAGS} .= ' -DPERL_POLLUTE '; } my $pollute = ''; if ($Config{usemymalloc} and not $Config{bincompat5005} and not $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_POLLUTE_MALLOC\b/ and $self->{PERL_MALLOC_OK}) { $pollute = '$(PERL_MALLOC_DEF)'; } $self->{CCFLAGS} = quote_paren($self->{CCFLAGS}); $self->{OPTIMIZE} = quote_paren($self->{OPTIMIZE}); return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{ CCFLAGS = $self->{CCFLAGS} OPTIMIZE = $self->{OPTIMIZE} PERLTYPE = $self->{PERLTYPE} MPOLLUTE = $pollute }; } =item const_cccmd (o) Returns the full compiler call for C programs and stores the definition in CONST_CCCMD. =cut sub const_cccmd { my($self,$libperl)=@_; return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} if $self->{CONST_CCCMD}; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} = q{CCCMD = $(CC) -c $(PASTHRU_INC) $(INC) \\ $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) \\ $(PERLTYPE) $(MPOLLUTE) $(DEFINE_VERSION) \\ $(XS_DEFINE_VERSION)}; } =item const_config (o) Defines a couple of constants in the Makefile that are imported from %Config. =cut sub const_config { # --- Constants Sections --- my($self) = shift; my(@m,$m); push(@m,"\n# These definitions are from (via $INC{''})\n"); push(@m,"\n# They may have been overridden via Makefile.PL or on the command line\n"); my(%once_only); foreach $m (@{$self->{CONFIG}}){ # SITE*EXP macros are defined in &constants; avoid duplicates here next if $once_only{$m}; $self->{uc $m} = quote_paren($self->{uc $m}); push @m, uc($m) , ' = ' , $self->{uc $m}, "\n"; $once_only{$m} = 1; } join('', @m); } =item const_loadlibs (o) Defines EXTRALIBS, LDLOADLIBS, BSLOADLIBS, LD_RUN_PATH. See L for details. =cut sub const_loadlibs { my($self) = shift; return "" unless $self->needs_linking; my @m; push @m, qq{ # $self->{NAME} might depend on some other libraries: # See ExtUtils::Liblist for details # }; my($tmp); for $tmp (qw/ EXTRALIBS LDLOADLIBS BSLOADLIBS /) { next unless defined $self->{$tmp}; push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n"; } # don't set LD_RUN_PATH if empty for $tmp (qw/ LD_RUN_PATH /) { next unless $self->{$tmp}; push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n"; } return join "", @m; } =item constants (o) my $make_frag = $mm->constants; Prints out macros for lots of constants. =cut sub constants { my($self) = @_; my @m = (); $self->{DFSEP} = '$(DIRFILESEP)'; # alias for internal use for my $macro (qw( AR_STATIC_ARGS DIRFILESEP DFSEP NAME NAME_SYM VERSION VERSION_MACRO VERSION_SYM DEFINE_VERSION XS_VERSION XS_VERSION_MACRO XS_DEFINE_VERSION INST_ARCHLIB INST_SCRIPT INST_BIN INST_LIB INST_MAN1DIR INST_MAN3DIR INST_HTMLDIR MAN1EXT MAN3EXT INSTALLDIRS INSTALL_BASE DESTDIR PREFIX PERLPREFIX SITEPREFIX VENDORPREFIX ), (map { ("INSTALL".$_, "DESTINSTALL".$_) } $self->installvars), qw( PERL_LIB PERL_ARCHLIB LIBPERL_A MYEXTLIB FIRST_MAKEFILE MAKEFILE_OLD MAKE_APERL_FILE PERLMAINCC PERL_SRC PERL_INC PERL FULLPERL ABSPERL PERLRUN FULLPERLRUN ABSPERLRUN PERLRUNINST FULLPERLRUNINST ABSPERLRUNINST PERL_CORE PERM_RW PERM_RWX ) ) { next unless defined $self->{$macro}; # pathnames can have sharp signs in them; escape them so # make doesn't think it is a comment-start character. $self->{$macro} =~ s/#/\\#/g; push @m, "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n"; } push @m, qq{ MAKEMAKER = $self->{MAKEMAKER} MM_VERSION = $self->{MM_VERSION} MM_REVISION = $self->{MM_REVISION} }; push @m, q{ # FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg Foo/Bar/Oracle). # BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT. (eg Oracle) # PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar) # DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT. }; for my $macro (qw/ MAKE FULLEXT BASEEXT PARENT_NAME DLBASE VERSION_FROM INC DEFINE OBJECT LDFROM LINKTYPE BOOTDEP / ) { next unless defined $self->{$macro}; push @m, "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n"; } push @m, " # Handy lists of source code files: XS_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{XS}})." C_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(@{$self->{C}})." O_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(@{$self->{O_FILES}})." H_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(@{$self->{H}})." MAN1PODS = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}})." MAN3PODS = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}})." "; push @m, q{ # Where is the Config information that we are using/depend on CONFIGDEP = $(PERL_ARCHLIB)$(DFSEP) $(PERL_INC)$(DFSEP)config.h }; push @m, qq{ # Where to build things INST_LIBDIR = $self->{INST_LIBDIR} INST_ARCHLIBDIR = $self->{INST_ARCHLIBDIR} INST_AUTODIR = $self->{INST_AUTODIR} INST_ARCHAUTODIR = $self->{INST_ARCHAUTODIR} INST_STATIC = $self->{INST_STATIC} INST_DYNAMIC = $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} INST_BOOT = $self->{INST_BOOT} }; push @m, qq{ # Extra linker info EXPORT_LIST = $self->{EXPORT_LIST} PERL_ARCHIVE = $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER = $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} }; push @m, " TO_INST_PM = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{PM}})." PM_TO_BLIB = ".$self->wraplist(%{$self->{PM}})." "; join('',@m); } =item depend (o) Same as macro for the depend attribute. =cut sub depend { my($self,%attribs) = @_; my(@m,$key,$val); while (($key,$val) = each %attribs){ last unless defined $key; push @m, "$key : $val\n"; } join "", @m; } =item init_DEST $mm->init_DEST Defines the DESTDIR and DEST* variables paralleling the INSTALL*. =cut sub init_DEST { my $self = shift; # Initialize DESTDIR $self->{DESTDIR} ||= ''; # Make DEST variables. foreach my $var ($self->installvars) { my $destvar = 'DESTINSTALL'.$var; $self->{$destvar} ||= '$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL'.$var.')'; } } =item init_dist $mm->init_dist; Defines a lot of macros for distribution support. macro description default TAR tar command to use tar TARFLAGS flags to pass to TAR cvf ZIP zip command to use zip ZIPFLAGS flags to pass to ZIP -r COMPRESS compression command to gzip --best use for tarfiles SUFFIX suffix to put on .gz compressed files SHAR shar command to use shar PREOP extra commands to run before making the archive POSTOP extra commands to run after making the archive TO_UNIX a command to convert linefeeds to Unix style in your archive CI command to checkin your ci -u sources to version control RCS_LABEL command to label your sources rcs -Nv$(VERSION_SYM): -q just after CI is run DIST_CP $how argument to manicopy() best when the distdir is created DIST_DEFAULT default target to use to tardist create a distribution DISTVNAME name of the resulting archive $(DISTNAME)-$(VERSION) (minus suffixes) =cut sub init_dist { my $self = shift; $self->{TAR} ||= 'tar'; $self->{TARFLAGS} ||= 'cvf'; $self->{ZIP} ||= 'zip'; $self->{ZIPFLAGS} ||= '-r'; $self->{COMPRESS} ||= 'gzip --best'; $self->{SUFFIX} ||= '.gz'; $self->{SHAR} ||= 'shar'; $self->{PREOP} ||= '$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)'; # eg update MANIFEST $self->{POSTOP} ||= '$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)'; # eg remove the distdir $self->{TO_UNIX} ||= '$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)'; $self->{CI} ||= 'ci -u'; $self->{RCS_LABEL}||= 'rcs -Nv$(VERSION_SYM): -q'; $self->{DIST_CP} ||= 'best'; $self->{DIST_DEFAULT} ||= 'tardist'; ($self->{DISTNAME} = $self->{NAME}) =~ s{::}{-}g unless $self->{DISTNAME}; $self->{DISTVNAME} ||= $self->{DISTNAME}.'-'.$self->{VERSION}; } =item dist (o) my $dist_macros = $mm->dist(%overrides); Generates a make fragment defining all the macros initialized in init_dist. %overrides can be used to override any of the above. =cut sub dist { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $make = ''; foreach my $key (qw( TAR TARFLAGS ZIP ZIPFLAGS COMPRESS SUFFIX SHAR PREOP POSTOP TO_UNIX CI RCS_LABEL DIST_CP DIST_DEFAULT DISTNAME DISTVNAME )) { my $value = $attribs{$key} || $self->{$key}; $make .= "$key = $value\n"; } return $make; } =item dist_basics (o) Defines the targets distclean, distcheck, skipcheck, manifest, veryclean. =cut sub dist_basics { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; distclean :: realclean distcheck $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) distcheck : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=fullcheck" -e fullcheck skipcheck : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=skipcheck" -e skipcheck manifest : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=mkmanifest" -e mkmanifest veryclean : realclean $(RM_F) *~ */*~ *.orig */*.orig *.bak */*.bak *.old */*.old MAKE_FRAG } =item dist_ci (o) Defines a check in target for RCS. =cut sub dist_ci { my($self) = shift; return q{ ci : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=maniread" \\ -e "@all = keys %{ maniread() };" \\ -e "print(qq{Executing $(CI) @all\n}); system(qq{$(CI) @all});" \\ -e "print(qq{Executing $(RCS_LABEL) ...\n}); system(qq{$(RCS_LABEL) @all});" }; } =item dist_core (o) my $dist_make_fragment = $MM->dist_core; Puts the targets necessary for 'make dist' together into one make fragment. =cut sub dist_core { my($self) = shift; my $make_frag = ''; foreach my $target (qw(dist tardist uutardist tarfile zipdist zipfile shdist)) { my $method = $target.'_target'; $make_frag .= "\n"; $make_frag .= $self->$method(); } return $make_frag; } =item B my $make_frag = $MM->dist_target; Returns the 'dist' target to make an archive for distribution. This target simply checks to make sure the Makefile is up-to-date and depends on $(DIST_DEFAULT). =cut sub dist_target { my($self) = shift; my $date_check = $self->oneliner(<<'CODE', ['-l']); print 'Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $(VERSION_FROM)' if -e '$(VERSION_FROM)' and -M '$(VERSION_FROM)' < -M '$(FIRST_MAKEFILE)'; CODE return sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $date_check; dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(NOECHO) %s MAKE_FRAG } =item B my $make_frag = $MM->tardist_target; Returns the 'tardist' target which is simply so 'make tardist' works. The real work is done by the dynamically named tardistfile_target() method, tardist should have that as a dependency. =cut sub tardist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; tardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item B my $make_frag = $MM->zipdist_target; Returns the 'zipdist' target which is simply so 'make zipdist' works. The real work is done by the dynamically named zipdistfile_target() method, zipdist should have that as a dependency. =cut sub zipdist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item B my $make_frag = $MM->tarfile_target; The name of this target is the name of the tarball generated by tardist. This target does the actual work of turning the distdir into a tarball. =cut sub tarfile_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir $(PREOP) $(TO_UNIX) $(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) $(DISTVNAME).tar $(DISTVNAME) $(RM_RF) $(DISTVNAME) $(COMPRESS) $(DISTVNAME).tar $(POSTOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item zipfile_target my $make_frag = $MM->zipfile_target; The name of this target is the name of the zip file generated by zipdist. This target does the actual work of turning the distdir into a zip file. =cut sub zipfile_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; $(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir $(PREOP) $(ZIP) $(ZIPFLAGS) $(DISTVNAME).zip $(DISTVNAME) $(RM_RF) $(DISTVNAME) $(POSTOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item uutardist_target my $make_frag = $MM->uutardist_target; Converts the tarfile into a uuencoded file =cut sub uutardist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; uutardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) uuencode $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) > $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)_uu MAKE_FRAG } =item shdist_target my $make_frag = $MM->shdist_target; Converts the distdir into a shell archive. =cut sub shdist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; shdist : distdir $(PREOP) $(SHAR) $(DISTVNAME) > $(DISTVNAME).shar $(RM_RF) $(DISTVNAME) $(POSTOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item dlsyms (o) Used by some OS' to define DL_FUNCS and DL_VARS and write the *.exp files. Normally just returns an empty string. =cut sub dlsyms { return ''; } =item dynamic_bs (o) Defines targets for bootstrap files. =cut sub dynamic_bs { my($self, %attribs) = @_; return ' BOOTSTRAP = ' unless $self->has_link_code(); my $target = $Is_VMS ? '$(MMS$TARGET)' : '$@'; return sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', ($target) x 5; BOOTSTRAP = $(BASEEXT).bs # As Mkbootstrap might not write a file (if none is required) # we use touch to prevent make continually trying to remake it. # The DynaLoader only reads a non-empty file. $(BOOTSTRAP) : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(BOOTDEP) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DFSEP).exists $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Running Mkbootstrap for $(NAME) ($(BSLOADLIBS))" $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) \ "-MExtUtils::Mkbootstrap" \ -e "Mkbootstrap('$(BASEEXT)','$(BSLOADLIBS)');" $(NOECHO) $(TOUCH) %s $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RW) %s $(INST_BOOT) : $(BOOTSTRAP) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DFSEP).exists $(NOECHO) $(RM_RF) %s - $(CP) $(BOOTSTRAP) %s $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RW) %s MAKE_FRAG } =item dynamic_lib (o) Defines how to produce the *.so (or equivalent) files. =cut sub dynamic_lib { my($self, %attribs) = @_; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir return '' unless $self->has_link_code; my($otherldflags) = $attribs{OTHERLDFLAGS} || ""; my($inst_dynamic_dep) = $attribs{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || ""; my($armaybe) = $attribs{ARMAYBE} || $self->{ARMAYBE} || ":"; my($ldfrom) = '$(LDFROM)'; $armaybe = 'ar' if ($Is_OSF and $armaybe eq ':'); my(@m); my $ld_opt = $Is_OS2 ? '$(OPTIMIZE) ' : ''; # Useful on other systems too? my $ld_fix = $Is_OS2 ? '|| ( $(RM_F) $@ && sh -c false )' : ''; push(@m,' # This section creates the dynamically loadable $(INST_DYNAMIC) # from $(OBJECT) and possibly $(MYEXTLIB). ARMAYBE = '.$armaybe.' OTHERLDFLAGS = '.$ld_opt.$otherldflags.' INST_DYNAMIC_DEP = '.$inst_dynamic_dep.' INST_DYNAMIC_FIX = '.$ld_fix.' $(INST_DYNAMIC): $(OBJECT) $(MYEXTLIB) $(BOOTSTRAP) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DFSEP).exists $(EXPORT_LIST) $(PERL_ARCHIVE) $(PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER) $(INST_DYNAMIC_DEP) '); if ($armaybe ne ':'){ $ldfrom = 'tmp$(LIB_EXT)'; push(@m,' $(ARMAYBE) cr '.$ldfrom.' $(OBJECT)'."\n"); push(@m,' $(RANLIB) '."$ldfrom\n"); } $ldfrom = "-all $ldfrom -none" if $Is_OSF; # The IRIX linker doesn't use LD_RUN_PATH my $ldrun = $Is_IRIX && $self->{LD_RUN_PATH} ? qq{-rpath "$self->{LD_RUN_PATH}"} : ''; # For example in AIX the shared objects/libraries from previous builds # linger quite a while in the shared dynalinker cache even when nobody # is using them. This is painful if one for instance tries to restart # a failed build because the link command will fail unnecessarily 'cos # the shared object/library is 'busy'. push(@m,' $(RM_F) $@ '); my $libs = '$(LDLOADLIBS)'; if (($Is_NetBSD || $Is_Interix) && $Config{'useshrplib'} eq 'true') { # Use nothing on static perl platforms, and to the flags needed # to link against the shared libperl library on shared perl # platforms. We peek at lddlflags to see if we need -Wl,-R # or -R to add paths to the run-time library search path. if ($Config{'lddlflags'} =~ /-Wl,-R/) { $libs .= ' -L$(PERL_INC) -Wl,-R$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/CORE -Wl,-R$(PERL_ARCHLIB)/CORE -lperl'; } elsif ($Config{'lddlflags'} =~ /-R/) { $libs .= ' -L$(PERL_INC) -R$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/CORE -R$(PERL_ARCHLIB)/CORE -lperl'; } } my $ld_run_path_shell = ""; if ($self->{LD_RUN_PATH} ne "") { $ld_run_path_shell = 'LD_RUN_PATH="$(LD_RUN_PATH)" '; } push @m, sprintf <<'MAKE', $ld_run_path_shell, $ldrun, $ldfrom, $libs; %s$(LD) %s $(LDDLFLAGS) %s $(OTHERLDFLAGS) -o $@ $(MYEXTLIB) \ $(PERL_ARCHIVE) %s $(PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER) $(EXPORT_LIST) \ $(INST_DYNAMIC_FIX) MAKE push @m, <<'MAKE'; $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $@ MAKE return join('',@m); } =item exescan Deprecated method. Use libscan instead. =cut sub exescan { my($self,$path) = @_; $path; } =item extliblist Called by init_others, and calls ext ExtUtils::Liblist. See L for details. =cut sub extliblist { my($self,$libs) = @_; require ExtUtils::Liblist; $self->ext($libs, $Verbose); } =item find_perl Finds the executables PERL and FULLPERL =cut sub find_perl { my($self, $ver, $names, $dirs, $trace) = @_; my($name, $dir); if ($trace >= 2){ print "Looking for perl $ver by these names: @$names in these dirs: @$dirs "; } my $stderr_duped = 0; local *STDERR_COPY; unless ($Is_BSD) { if( open(STDERR_COPY, '>&STDERR') ) { $stderr_duped = 1; } else { warn <{PERL_SRC} may be undefined my ($abs, $val); if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { # /foo/bar $abs = $name; } elsif ($self->canonpath($name) eq $self->canonpath(basename($name))) { # foo $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name); } else { # foo/bar $abs = $self->catfile($Curdir, $name); } print "Checking $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2); next unless $self->maybe_command($abs); print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2); my $version_check = qq{$abs -le "require $ver; print qq{VER_OK}"}; $version_check = "$Config{run} $version_check" if defined $Config{run} and length $Config{run}; # To avoid using the unportable 2>&1 to suppress STDERR, # we close it before running the command. # However, thanks to a thread library bug in many BSDs # ( ) # we cannot use the fancier more portable way in here # but instead need to use the traditional 2>&1 construct. if ($Is_BSD) { $val = `$version_check 2>&1`; } else { close STDERR if $stderr_duped; $val = `$version_check`; open STDERR, '>&STDERR_COPY' if $stderr_duped; } if ($val =~ /^VER_OK/m) { print "Using PERL=$abs\n" if $trace; return $abs; } elsif ($trace >= 2) { print "Result: '$val' ".($? >> 8)."\n"; } } } print STDOUT "Unable to find a perl $ver (by these names: @$names, in these dirs: @$dirs)\n"; 0; # false and not empty } =item fixin $mm->fixin(@files); Inserts the sharpbang or equivalent magic number to a set of @files. =cut sub fixin { # stolen from the pink Camel book, more or less my ( $self, @files ) = @_; my ($does_shbang) = $Config{'sharpbang'} =~ /^\s*\#\!/; for my $file (@files) { my $file_new = "$"; my $file_bak = "$file.bak"; local (*FIXIN); local (*FIXOUT); open( FIXIN, $file ) or croak "Can't process '$file': $!"; local $/ = "\n"; chomp( my $line = ); next unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//; # Not a shbang file. # Now figure out the interpreter name. my ( $cmd, $arg ) = split ' ', $line, 2; $cmd =~ s!^.*/!!; # Now look (in reverse) for interpreter in absolute PATH (unless perl). my $interpreter; if ( $cmd eq "perl" ) { if ( $Config{startperl} =~ m,^\#!.*/perl, ) { $interpreter = $Config{startperl}; $interpreter =~ s,^\#!,,; } else { $interpreter = $Config{perlpath}; } } else { my (@absdirs) = reverse grep { $self->file_name_is_absolute } $self->path; $interpreter = ''; my ($dir); foreach $dir (@absdirs) { if ( $self->maybe_command($cmd) ) { warn "Ignoring $interpreter in $file\n" if $Verbose && $interpreter; $interpreter = $self->catfile( $dir, $cmd ); } } } # Figure out how to invoke interpreter on this machine. my ($shb) = ""; if ($interpreter) { print STDOUT "Changing sharpbang in $file to $interpreter" if $Verbose; # this is probably value-free on DOSISH platforms if ($does_shbang) { $shb .= "$Config{'sharpbang'}$interpreter"; $shb .= ' ' . $arg if defined $arg; $shb .= "\n"; } $shb .= qq{ eval 'exec $interpreter $arg -S \$0 \${1+"\$\@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell } unless $Is_Win32; # this won't work on win32, so don't } else { warn "Can't find $cmd in PATH, $file unchanged" if $Verbose; next; } unless ( open( FIXOUT, ">$file_new" ) ) { warn "Can't create new $file: $!\n"; next; } # Print out the new #! line (or equivalent). local $\; local $/; print FIXOUT $shb, ; close FIXIN; close FIXOUT; chmod 0666, $file_bak; unlink $file_bak; unless ( _rename( $file, $file_bak ) ) { warn "Can't rename $file to $file_bak: $!"; next; } unless ( _rename( $file_new, $file ) ) { warn "Can't rename $file_new to $file: $!"; unless ( _rename( $file_bak, $file ) ) { warn "Can't rename $file_bak back to $file either: $!"; warn "Leaving $file renamed as $file_bak\n"; } next; } unlink $file_bak; } continue { close(FIXIN) if fileno(FIXIN); system("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':'; } } sub _rename { my($old, $new) = @_; foreach my $file ($old, $new) { if( $Is_VMS and basename($file) !~ /\./ ) { # rename() in 5.8.0 on VMS will not rename a file if it # does not contain a dot yet it returns success. $file = "$file."; } } return rename($old, $new); } =item force (o) Writes an empty FORCE: target. =cut sub force { my($self) = shift; '# Phony target to force checking subdirectories. FORCE : $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) '; } =item guess_name Guess the name of this package by examining the working directory's name. MakeMaker calls this only if the developer has not supplied a NAME attribute. =cut # '; sub guess_name { my($self) = @_; use Cwd 'cwd'; my $name = basename(cwd()); $name =~ s|[\-_][\d\.\-]+\z||; # this is new with MM 5.00, we # strip minus or underline # followed by a float or some such print "Warning: Guessing NAME [$name] from current directory name.\n"; $name; } =item has_link_code Returns true if C, XS, MYEXTLIB or similar objects exist within this object that need a compiler. Does not descend into subdirectories as needs_linking() does. =cut sub has_link_code { my($self) = shift; return $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} if defined $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE}; if ($self->{OBJECT} or @{$self->{C} || []} or $self->{MYEXTLIB}){ $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 1; return 1; } return $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 0; } =item init_dirscan Scans the directory structure and initializes DIR, XS, XS_FILES, C, C_FILES, O_FILES, H, H_FILES, PL_FILES, EXE_FILES. Called by init_main. =cut sub init_dirscan { # --- File and Directory Lists (.xs .pm .pod etc) my($self) = @_; my($name, %dir, %xs, %c, %h, %pl_files, %pm); my %ignore = map {( $_ => 1 )} qw(Makefile.PL Build.PL t); # ignore the distdir $Is_VMS ? $ignore{"$self->{DISTVNAME}.dir"} = 1 : $ignore{$self->{DISTVNAME}} = 1; @ignore{map lc, keys %ignore} = values %ignore if $Is_VMS; foreach $name ($self->lsdir($Curdir)){ next if $name =~ /\#/; next if $name eq $Curdir or $name eq $Updir or $ignore{$name}; next unless $self->libscan($name); if (-d $name){ next if -l $name; # We do not support symlinks at all next if $self->{NORECURS}; $dir{$name} = $name if (-f $self->catfile($name,"Makefile.PL")); } elsif ($name =~ /\.xs\z/){ my($c); ($c = $name) =~ s/\.xs\z/.c/; $xs{$name} = $c; $c{$c} = 1; } elsif ($name =~ /\.c(pp|xx|c)?\z/i){ # .c .C .cpp .cxx .cc $c{$name} = 1 unless $name =~ m/perlmain\.c/; # See MAP_TARGET } elsif ($name =~ /\.h\z/i){ $h{$name} = 1; } elsif ($name =~ /\.PL\z/) { ($pl_files{$name} = $name) =~ s/\.PL\z// ; } elsif (($Is_VMS || $Is_Dos) && $name =~ /[._]pl$/i) { # case-insensitive filesystem, one dot per name, so foo.h.PL # under Unix appears as foo.h_pl under VMS or on Dos local($/); open(PL,$name); my $txt = ; close PL; if ($txt =~ /Extracting \S+ \(with variable substitutions/) { ($pl_files{$name} = $name) =~ s/[._]pl\z//i ; } else { $pm{$name} = $self->catfile($self->{INST_LIBDIR},$name); } } elsif ($name =~ /\.(p[ml]|pod)\z/){ $pm{$name} = $self->catfile($self->{INST_LIBDIR},$name); } } $self->{PL_FILES} ||= \%pl_files; $self->{DIR} ||= [sort keys %dir]; $self->{XS} ||= \%xs; $self->{C} ||= [sort keys %c]; $self->{H} ||= [sort keys %h]; $self->{PM} ||= \%pm; my @o_files = @{$self->{C}}; $self->{O_FILES} = [grep s/\.c(pp|xx|c)?\z/$self->{OBJ_EXT}/i, @o_files]; } =item init_MANPODS Determines if man pages should be generated and initializes MAN1PODS and MAN3PODS as appropriate. =cut sub init_MANPODS { my $self = shift; # Set up names of manual pages to generate from pods foreach my $man (qw(MAN1 MAN3)) { if ( $self->{"${man}PODS"} or $self->{"INSTALL${man}DIR"} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/ ) { $self->{"${man}PODS"} ||= {}; } else { my $init_method = "init_${man}PODS"; $self->$init_method(); } } } sub _has_pod { my($self, $file) = @_; local *FH; my($ispod)=0; if (open(FH,"<$file")) { while () { if (/^=(?:head\d+|item|pod)\b/) { $ispod=1; last; } } close FH; } else { # If it doesn't exist yet, we assume, it has pods in it $ispod = 1; } return $ispod; } =item init_MAN1PODS Initializes MAN1PODS from the list of EXE_FILES. =cut sub init_MAN1PODS { my($self) = @_; if ( exists $self->{EXE_FILES} ) { foreach my $name (@{$self->{EXE_FILES}}) { next unless $self->_has_pod($name); $self->{MAN1PODS}->{$name} = $self->catfile("\$(INST_MAN1DIR)", basename($name).".\$(MAN1EXT)"); } } } =item init_MAN3PODS Initializes MAN3PODS from the list of PM files. =cut sub init_MAN3PODS { my $self = shift; my %manifypods = (); # we collect the keys first, i.e. the files # we have to convert to pod foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{PM}}) { if ($name =~ /\.pod\z/ ) { $manifypods{$name} = $self->{PM}{$name}; } elsif ($name =~ /\.p[ml]\z/ ) { if( $self->_has_pod($name) ) { $manifypods{$name} = $self->{PM}{$name}; } } } my $parentlibs_re = join '|', @{$self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS}}; # Remove "" and similar, if it's not the only pod listed # To force inclusion, just name it "Configure.pod", or override # MAN3PODS foreach my $name (keys %manifypods) { if ($self->{PERL_CORE} and $name =~ /(config|setup).*\.pm/is) { delete $manifypods{$name}; next; } my($manpagename) = $name; $manpagename =~ s/\.p(od|m|l)\z//; # everything below lib is ok unless($manpagename =~ s!^\W*($parentlibs_re)\W+!!s) { $manpagename = $self->catfile( split(/::/,$self->{PARENT_NAME}),$manpagename ); } $manpagename = $self->replace_manpage_separator($manpagename); $self->{MAN3PODS}->{$name} = $self->catfile("\$(INST_MAN3DIR)", "$manpagename.\$(MAN3EXT)"); } } =item init_PM Initializes PMLIBDIRS and PM from PMLIBDIRS. =cut sub init_PM { my $self = shift; # Some larger extensions often wish to install a number of *.pm/pl # files into the library in various locations. # The attribute PMLIBDIRS holds an array reference which lists # subdirectories which we should search for library files to # install. PMLIBDIRS defaults to [ 'lib', $self->{BASEEXT} ]. We # recursively search through the named directories (skipping any # which don't exist or contain Makefile.PL files). # For each *.pm or *.pl file found $self->libscan() is called with # the default installation path in $_[1]. The return value of # libscan defines the actual installation location. The default # libscan function simply returns the path. The file is skipped # if libscan returns false. # The default installation location passed to libscan in $_[1] is: # # ./*.pm => $(INST_LIBDIR)/*.pm # ./xyz/... => $(INST_LIBDIR)/xyz/... # ./lib/... => $(INST_LIB)/... # # In this way the 'lib' directory is seen as the root of the actual # perl library whereas the others are relative to INST_LIBDIR # (which includes PARENT_NAME). This is a subtle distinction but one # that's important for nested modules. unless( $self->{PMLIBDIRS} ) { if( $Is_VMS ) { # Avoid logical name vs directory collisions $self->{PMLIBDIRS} = ['./lib', "./$self->{BASEEXT}"]; } else { $self->{PMLIBDIRS} = ['lib', $self->{BASEEXT}]; } } #only existing directories that aren't in $dir are allowed # Avoid $_ wherever possible: # @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}} = grep -d && !$dir{$_}, @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}; my (@pmlibdirs) = @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}; @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}} = (); my %dir = map { ($_ => $_) } @{$self->{DIR}}; foreach my $pmlibdir (@pmlibdirs) { -d $pmlibdir && !$dir{$pmlibdir} && push @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}, $pmlibdir; } unless( $self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS} ) { @{$self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS}} = ('lib'); } return if $self->{PM} and $self->{ARGS}{PM}; if (@{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}){ print "Searching PMLIBDIRS: @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}\n" if ($Verbose >= 2); require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { if (-d $_){ unless ($self->libscan($_)){ $File::Find::prune = 1; } return; } return if /\#/; return if /~$/; # emacs temp files return if /,v$/; # RCS files my $path = $File::Find::name; my $prefix = $self->{INST_LIBDIR}; my $striplibpath; my $parentlibs_re = join '|', @{$self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS}}; $prefix = $self->{INST_LIB} if ($striplibpath = $path) =~ s{^(\W*)($parentlibs_re)\W} {$1}i; my($inst) = $self->catfile($prefix,$striplibpath); local($_) = $inst; # for backwards compatibility $inst = $self->libscan($inst); print "libscan($path) => '$inst'\n" if ($Verbose >= 2); return unless $inst; $self->{PM}{$path} = $inst; }, @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}); } } =item init_DIRFILESEP Using / for Unix. Called by init_main. =cut sub init_DIRFILESEP { my($self) = shift; $self->{DIRFILESEP} = '/'; } =item init_main Initializes AR, AR_STATIC_ARGS, BASEEXT, CONFIG, DISTNAME, DLBASE, EXE_EXT, FULLEXT, FULLPERL, FULLPERLRUN, FULLPERLRUNINST, INST_*, INSTALL*, INSTALLDIRS, LIB_EXT, LIBPERL_A, MAP_TARGET, NAME, OBJ_EXT, PARENT_NAME, PERL, PERL_ARCHLIB, PERL_INC, PERL_LIB, PERL_SRC, PERLRUN, PERLRUNINST, PREFIX, VERSION, VERSION_SYM, XS_VERSION. =cut sub init_main { my($self) = @_; unless ( $Config{installsitehtmldir} ) { $Config_Override{installsitehtmldir} = $Config{installhtmldir}; } unless ( $Config{installvendorhtmldir} ) { $Config_Override{installvendorhtmldir} = $Config{installhtmldir}; } # --- Initialize Module Name and Paths # NAME = Foo::Bar::Oracle # FULLEXT = Foo/Bar/Oracle # BASEEXT = Oracle # PARENT_NAME = Foo::Bar ### Only UNIX: ### ($self->{FULLEXT} = ### $self->{NAME}) =~ s!::!/!g ; #eg. BSD/Foo/Socket $self->{FULLEXT} = $self->catdir(split /::/, $self->{NAME}); # Copied from DynaLoader: my(@modparts) = split(/::/,$self->{NAME}); my($modfname) = $modparts[-1]; # Some systems have restrictions on files names for DLL's etc. # mod2fname returns appropriate file base name (typically truncated) # It may also edit @modparts if required. if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { $modfname = &DynaLoader::mod2fname(\@modparts); } ($self->{PARENT_NAME}, $self->{BASEEXT}) = $self->{NAME} =~ m!(?:([\w:]+)::)?(\w+)\z! ; $self->{PARENT_NAME} ||= ''; if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { # As of 5.001m, dl_os2 appends '_' $self->{DLBASE} = $modfname; } else { $self->{DLBASE} = '$(BASEEXT)'; } # --- Initialize PERL_LIB, PERL_SRC # *Real* information: where did we get these two from? ... my $inc_config_dir = dirname($INC{''}); my $inc_carp_dir = dirname($INC{''}); unless ($self->{PERL_SRC}){ foreach my $dir_count (1..8) { # 8 is the VMS limit for nesting my $dir = $self->catdir(($Updir) x $dir_count); if (-f $self->catfile($dir,"config_h.SH") && -f $self->catfile($dir,"perl.h") && -f $self->catfile($dir,"lib","") ) { $self->{PERL_SRC}=$dir ; last; } } } warn "PERL_CORE is set but I can't find your PERL_SRC!\n" if $self->{PERL_CORE} and !$self->{PERL_SRC}; if ($self->{PERL_SRC}){ $self->{PERL_LIB} ||= $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_SRC}","lib"); if (defined $Cross::platform) { $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_SRC}","xlib",$Cross::platform); $self->{PERL_INC} = $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_SRC}","xlib",$Cross::platform, $Is_Win32?("CORE"):()); } else { $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = $self->{PERL_LIB}; $self->{PERL_INC} = ($Is_Win32) ? $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},"CORE") : $self->{PERL_SRC}; } # catch a situation that has occurred a few times in the past: unless ( -s $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'cflags') or $Is_VMS && -s $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'perlshr_attr.opt') or $Is_Win32 ){ warn qq{ You cannot build extensions below the perl source tree after executing a 'make clean' in the perl source tree. To rebuild extensions distributed with the perl source you should simply Configure (to include those extensions) and then build perl as normal. After installing perl the source tree can be deleted. It is not needed for building extensions by running 'perl Makefile.PL' usually without extra arguments. It is recommended that you unpack and build additional extensions away from the perl source tree. }; } } else { # we should also consider $ENV{PERL5LIB} here my $old = $self->{PERL_LIB} || $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} || $self->{PERL_INC}; $self->{PERL_LIB} ||= $Config{privlibexp}; $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} ||= $Config{archlibexp}; $self->{PERL_INC} = $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}","CORE"); # wild guess for now my $perl_h; if (not -f ($perl_h = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_INC},"perl.h")) and not $old){ # Maybe somebody tries to build an extension with an # uninstalled Perl outside of Perl build tree my $lib; for my $dir (@INC) { $lib = $dir, last if -e $self->catdir($dir, ""); } if ($lib) { # Win32 puts its header files in /perl/src/lib/CORE. # Unix leaves them in /perl/src. my $inc = $Is_Win32 ? $self->catdir($lib, "CORE" ) : dirname $lib; if (-e $self->catdir($inc, "perl.h")) { $self->{PERL_LIB} = $lib; $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = $lib; $self->{PERL_INC} = $inc; $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL} = 1; print STDOUT <{INSTALLDIRS} ||= "site"; $self->{MAN1EXT} ||= $Config{man1ext}; $self->{MAN3EXT} ||= $Config{man3ext}; # Get some stuff out of %Config if we haven't yet done so print STDOUT "CONFIG must be an array ref\n" if ($self->{CONFIG} and ref $self->{CONFIG} ne 'ARRAY'); $self->{CONFIG} = [] unless (ref $self->{CONFIG}); push(@{$self->{CONFIG}}, @ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Get_from_Config); push(@{$self->{CONFIG}}, 'shellflags') if $Config{shellflags}; my(%once_only); foreach my $m (@{$self->{CONFIG}}){ next if $once_only{$m}; print STDOUT "CONFIG key '$m' does not exist in\n" unless exists $Config{$m}; $self->{uc $m} ||= $Config{$m}; $once_only{$m} = 1; } # This is too dangerous: # if ($^O eq "next") { # $self->{AR} = "libtool"; # $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} = "-o"; # } # But I leave it as a placeholder $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} ||= "cr"; # These should never be needed $self->{OBJ_EXT} ||= '.o'; $self->{LIB_EXT} ||= '.a'; $self->{MAP_TARGET} ||= "perl"; $self->{LIBPERL_A} ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}"; # make a simple check if we find Exporter warn "Warning: PERL_LIB ($self->{PERL_LIB}) seems not to be a perl library directory ( not found)" unless -f $self->catfile("$self->{PERL_LIB}","") || $self->{NAME} eq "ExtUtils::MakeMaker"; } =item init_others Initializes EXTRALIBS, BSLOADLIBS, LDLOADLIBS, LIBS, LD_RUN_PATH, LD, OBJECT, BOOTDEP, PERLMAINCC, LDFROM, LINKTYPE, SHELL, NOOP, FIRST_MAKEFILE, MAKEFILE_OLD, NOECHO, RM_F, RM_RF, TEST_F, TOUCH, CP, MV, CHMOD, UMASK_NULL, ECHO, ECHO_N =cut sub init_others { # --- Initialize Other Attributes my($self) = shift; $self->{LD} ||= 'ld'; # Compute EXTRALIBS, BSLOADLIBS and LDLOADLIBS from $self->{LIBS} # Lets look at $self->{LIBS} carefully: It may be an anon array, a string or # undefined. In any case we turn it into an anon array: # May check $Config{libs} too, thus not empty. $self->{LIBS} = [$self->{LIBS}] unless ref $self->{LIBS}; $self->{LIBS} = [''] unless @{$self->{LIBS}} && defined $self->{LIBS}[0]; $self->{LD_RUN_PATH} = ""; my($libs); foreach $libs ( @{$self->{LIBS}} ){ $libs =~ s/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/$1/; # remove leading and trailing whitespace my(@libs) = $self->extliblist($libs); if ($libs[0] or $libs[1] or $libs[2]){ # LD_RUN_PATH now computed by ExtUtils::Liblist ($self->{EXTRALIBS}, $self->{BSLOADLIBS}, $self->{LDLOADLIBS}, $self->{LD_RUN_PATH}) = @libs; last; } } if ( $self->{OBJECT} ) { $self->{OBJECT} =~ s!\.o(bj)?\b!\$(OBJ_EXT)!g; } else { # init_dirscan should have found out, if we have C files $self->{OBJECT} = ""; $self->{OBJECT} = '$(BASEEXT)$(OBJ_EXT)' if @{$self->{C}||[]}; } $self->{OBJECT} =~ s/\n+/ \\\n\t/g; $self->{BOOTDEP} = (-f "$self->{BASEEXT}_BS") ? "$self->{BASEEXT}_BS" : ""; $self->{PERLMAINCC} ||= '$(CC)'; $self->{LDFROM} = '$(OBJECT)' unless $self->{LDFROM}; # Sanity check: don't define LINKTYPE = dynamic if we're skipping # the 'dynamic' section of MM. We don't have this problem with # 'static', since we either must use it (%Config says we can't # use dynamic loading) or the caller asked for it explicitly. if (!$self->{LINKTYPE}) { $self->{LINKTYPE} = $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'} ? 'static' : ($Config{usedl} ? 'dynamic' : 'static'); }; $self->{NOOP} ||= '$(SHELL) -c true'; $self->{NOECHO} = '@' unless defined $self->{NOECHO}; $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE} ||= $self->{MAKEFILE} || 'Makefile'; $self->{MAKEFILE} ||= $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE}; $self->{MAKEFILE_OLD} ||= $self->{MAKEFILE}.'.old'; $self->{MAKE_APERL_FILE} ||= $self->{MAKEFILE}.'.aperl'; # Some makes require a wrapper around macros passed in on the command # line. $self->{MACROSTART} ||= ''; $self->{MACROEND} ||= ''; # Not everybody uses -f to indicate "use this Makefile instead" $self->{USEMAKEFILE} ||= '-f'; $self->{SHELL} ||= $Config{sh} || '/bin/sh'; $self->{ECHO} ||= 'echo'; $self->{ECHO_N} ||= 'echo -n'; $self->{RM_F} ||= "rm -f"; $self->{RM_RF} ||= "rm -rf"; $self->{TOUCH} ||= "touch"; $self->{TEST_F} ||= "test -f"; $self->{CP} ||= "cp"; $self->{MV} ||= "mv"; $self->{CHMOD} ||= "chmod"; $self->{MKPATH} ||= '$(ABSPERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command" -e mkpath'; $self->{EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP} ||= '$(ABSPERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command" -e eqtime'; $self->{UNINST} ||= 0; $self->{VERBINST} ||= 0; $self->{MOD_INSTALL} ||= $self->oneliner(<<'CODE', ['-MExtUtils::Install']); install({@ARGV}, '$(VERBINST)', 0, '$(UNINST)'); CODE $self->{DOC_INSTALL} ||= '$(ABSPERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e perllocal_install'; $self->{UNINSTALL} ||= '$(ABSPERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e uninstall'; $self->{WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST} ||= '$(ABSPERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e warn_if_old_packlist'; $self->{FIXIN} ||= q{$(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)"}; $self->{UMASK_NULL} ||= "umask 0"; $self->{DEV_NULL} ||= "> /dev/null 2>&1"; return 1; } =item init_linker Unix has no need of special linker flags. =cut sub init_linker { my($self) = shift; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} ||= ''; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} ||= ''; $self->{EXPORT_LIST} ||= ''; } =begin _protected =item init_lib2arch $mm->init_lib2arch =end _protected =cut sub init_lib2arch { my($self) = shift; # The user who requests an installation directory explicitly # should not have to tell us an architecture installation directory # as well. We look if a directory exists that is named after the # architecture. If not we take it as a sign that it should be the # same as the requested installation directory. Otherwise we take # the found one. for my $libpair ({l=>"privlib", a=>"archlib"}, {l=>"sitelib", a=>"sitearch"}, {l=>"vendorlib", a=>"vendorarch"}, ) { my $lib = "install$libpair->{l}"; my $Lib = uc $lib; my $Arch = uc "install$libpair->{a}"; if( $self->{$Lib} && ! $self->{$Arch} ){ my($ilib) = $Config{$lib}; $self->prefixify($Arch,$ilib,$self->{$Lib}); unless (-d $self->{$Arch}) { print STDOUT "Directory $self->{$Arch} not found\n" if $Verbose; $self->{$Arch} = $self->{$Lib}; } print STDOUT "Defaulting $Arch to $self->{$Arch}\n" if $Verbose; } } } =item init_PERL $mm->init_PERL; Called by init_main. Sets up ABSPERL, PERL, FULLPERL and all the *PERLRUN* permutations. PERL is allowed to be miniperl FULLPERL must be a complete perl ABSPERL is PERL converted to an absolute path *PERLRUN contains everything necessary to run perl, find it's libraries, etc... *PERLRUNINST is *PERLRUN + everything necessary to find the modules being built. =cut sub init_PERL { my($self) = shift; my @defpath = (); foreach my $component ($self->{PERL_SRC}, $self->path(), $Config{binexp}) { push @defpath, $component if defined $component; } # Build up a set of file names (not command names). my $thisperl = $self->canonpath($^X); $thisperl .= $Config{exe_ext} unless # VMS might have a file version # at the end $Is_VMS ? $thisperl =~ m/$Config{exe_ext}(;\d+)?$/i : $thisperl =~ m/$Config{exe_ext}$/i; # We need a relative path to perl when in the core. $thisperl = $self->abs2rel($thisperl) if $self->{PERL_CORE}; my @perls = ($thisperl); push @perls, map { "$_$Config{exe_ext}" } ('perl', 'perl5', "perl$Config{version}"); # miniperl has priority over all but the cannonical perl when in the # core. Otherwise its a last resort. my $miniperl = "miniperl$Config{exe_ext}"; if( $self->{PERL_CORE} ) { splice @perls, 1, 0, $miniperl; } else { push @perls, $miniperl; } $self->{PERL} ||= $self->find_perl(5.0, \@perls, \@defpath, $Verbose ); # don't check if perl is executable, maybe they have decided to # supply switches with perl # When built for debugging, VMS doesn't create perl.exe but ndbgperl.exe. my $perl_name = 'perl'; $perl_name = 'ndbgperl' if $Is_VMS && defined $Config{usevmsdebug} && $Config{usevmsdebug} eq 'define'; # XXX This logic is flawed. If "miniperl" is anywhere in the path # it will get confused. It should be fixed to work only on the filename. # Define 'FULLPERL' to be a non-miniperl (used in test: target) ($self->{FULLPERL} = $self->{PERL}) =~ s/miniperl/$perl_name/i unless $self->{FULLPERL}; # Little hack to get around VMS's find_perl putting "MCR" in front # sometimes. $self->{ABSPERL} = $self->{PERL}; my $has_mcr = $self->{ABSPERL} =~ s/^MCR\s*//; if( $self->file_name_is_absolute($self->{ABSPERL}) ) { $self->{ABSPERL} = '$(PERL)'; } else { $self->{ABSPERL} = $self->rel2abs($self->{ABSPERL}); $self->{ABSPERL} = 'MCR '.$self->{ABSPERL} if $has_mcr; } # Are we building the core? $self->{PERL_CORE} = $ENV{PERL_CORE} unless exists $self->{PERL_CORE}; $self->{PERL_CORE} = 0 unless defined $self->{PERL_CORE}; # How do we run perl? foreach my $perl (qw(PERL FULLPERL ABSPERL)) { my $run = $perl.'RUN'; $self->{$run} = "\$($perl)"; # Make sure perl can find itself before it's installed. $self->{$run} .= q{ "-I$(PERL_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)"} if $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL} || $self->{PERL_CORE}; $self->{$perl.'RUNINST'} = sprintf q{$(%sRUN) "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)"}, $perl; } return 1; } =item init_platform =item platform_constants Add MM_Unix_VERSION. =cut sub init_platform { my($self) = shift; $self->{MM_Unix_VERSION} = $VERSION; $self->{PERL_MALLOC_DEF} = '-DPERL_EXTMALLOC_DEF -Dmalloc=Perl_malloc '. '-Dfree=Perl_mfree -Drealloc=Perl_realloc '. '-Dcalloc=Perl_calloc'; } sub platform_constants { my($self) = shift; my $make_frag = ''; foreach my $macro (qw(MM_Unix_VERSION PERL_MALLOC_DEF)) { next unless defined $self->{$macro}; $make_frag .= "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n"; } return $make_frag; } =item init_PERM $mm->init_PERM Called by init_main. Initializes PERL_* =cut sub init_PERM { my($self) = shift; $self->{PERM_RW} = 644 unless defined $self->{PERM_RW}; $self->{PERM_RWX} = 755 unless defined $self->{PERM_RWX}; return 1; } =item init_xs $mm->init_xs Sets up macros having to do with XS code. Currently just INST_STATIC, INST_DYNAMIC and INST_BOOT. =cut sub init_xs { my $self = shift; if ($self->has_link_code()) { $self->{INST_STATIC} = $self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)', '$(BASEEXT)$(LIB_EXT)'); $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} = $self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)', '$(DLBASE).$(DLEXT)'); $self->{INST_BOOT} = $self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)', '$(BASEEXT).bs'); } else { $self->{INST_STATIC} = ''; $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} = ''; $self->{INST_BOOT} = ''; } } =item install (o) Defines the install target. =cut sub install { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my(@m); my $doc_update = '$(NOOP)'; if (eval { require ActivePerl::DocTools; 1; }) { $doc_update = '$(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) "-MActivePerl::DocTools" -e '. 'ActivePerl::DocTools::WriteTOC'; } push @m, q{ install :: all pure_install doc_install doc_update $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) install_perl :: all pure_perl_install doc_perl_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) install_site :: all pure_site_install doc_site_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) install_vendor :: all pure_vendor_install doc_vendor_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) pure_install :: pure_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) doc_install :: doc_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) doc_update :: }.$doc_update.q{ pure__install : pure_site_install $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site doc__install : doc_site_install $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site pure_perl_install :: $(NOECHO) $(MOD_INSTALL) \ read }.$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \ write }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \ $(INST_LIB) $(DESTINSTALLPRIVLIB) \ $(INST_ARCHLIB) $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB) \ $(INST_BIN) $(DESTINSTALLBIN) \ $(INST_SCRIPT) $(DESTINSTALLSCRIPT) \ $(INST_MAN1DIR) $(DESTINSTALLMAN1DIR) \ $(INST_MAN3DIR) $(DESTINSTALLMAN3DIR) \ $(INST_HTMLDIR) $(DESTINSTALLHTMLDIR) $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) \ }.$self->catdir('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)').q{ pure_site_install :: $(NOECHO) $(MOD_INSTALL) \ read }.$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \ write }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLSITEARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \ $(INST_LIB) $(DESTINSTALLSITELIB) \ $(INST_ARCHLIB) $(DESTINSTALLSITEARCH) \ $(INST_BIN) $(DESTINSTALLSITEBIN) \ $(INST_SCRIPT) $(DESTINSTALLSITESCRIPT) \ $(INST_MAN1DIR) $(DESTINSTALLSITEMAN1DIR) \ $(INST_MAN3DIR) $(DESTINSTALLSITEMAN3DIR) \ $(INST_HTMLDIR) $(DESTINSTALLSITEHTMLDIR) $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) \ }.$self->catdir('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)').q{ pure_vendor_install :: $(NOECHO) $(MOD_INSTALL) \ read }.$self->catfile('$(VENDORARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \ write }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLVENDORARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \ $(INST_LIB) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORLIB) \ $(INST_ARCHLIB) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORARCH) \ $(INST_BIN) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORBIN) \ $(INST_SCRIPT) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORSCRIPT) \ $(INST_MAN1DIR) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR) \ $(INST_MAN3DIR) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR) \ $(INST_HTMLDIR) $(DESTINSTALLVENDORHTMLDIR) doc_perl_install :: $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB) -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Module" "$(NAME)" \ "installed into" "$(INSTALLPRIVLIB)" \ LINKTYPE "$(LINKTYPE)" \ VERSION "$(VERSION)" \ EXE_FILES "$(EXE_FILES)" \ >> }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{ doc_site_install :: $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB) -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Module" "$(NAME)" \ "installed into" "$(INSTALLSITELIB)" \ LINKTYPE "$(LINKTYPE)" \ VERSION "$(VERSION)" \ EXE_FILES "$(EXE_FILES)" \ >> }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{ doc_vendor_install :: $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB) -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Module" "$(NAME)" \ "installed into" "$(INSTALLVENDORLIB)" \ LINKTYPE "$(LINKTYPE)" \ VERSION "$(VERSION)" \ EXE_FILES "$(EXE_FILES)" \ >> }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{ }; push @m, q{ uninstall :: uninstall_from_$(INSTALLDIRS)dirs doc_update $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) uninstall_from_perldirs :: $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) }.$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ uninstall_from_sitedirs :: $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) }.$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ uninstall_from_vendordirs :: $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) }.$self->catfile('$(VENDORARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ }; join("",@m); } =item installbin (o) Defines targets to make and to install EXE_FILES. =cut sub installbin { my($self) = shift; return "" unless $self->{EXE_FILES} && ref $self->{EXE_FILES} eq "ARRAY"; my @exefiles = @{$self->{EXE_FILES}}; return "" unless @exefiles; @exefiles = map vmsify($_), @exefiles if $Is_VMS; my %fromto; for my $from (@exefiles) { my($path)= $self->catfile('$(INST_SCRIPT)', basename($from)); local($_) = $path; # for backwards compatibility my $to = $self->libscan($path); print "libscan($from) => '$to'\n" if ($Verbose >=2); $to = vmsify($to) if $Is_VMS; $fromto{$from} = $to; } my @to = values %fromto; my @m; push(@m, qq{ EXE_FILES = @exefiles pure_all :: @to \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) realclean :: }); # realclean can get rather large. push @m, map "\t$_\n", $self->split_command('$(RM_F)', @to); push @m, "\n"; # A target for each exe file. while (my($from,$to) = each %fromto) { last unless defined $from; push @m, sprintf <<'MAKE', $to, $from, $to, $from, $to, $to, $to; %s : %s $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)$(DFSEP).exists $(INST_BIN)$(DFSEP).exists $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) %s $(CP) %s %s $(FIXIN) %s -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) %s MAKE } join "", @m; } =item linkext (o) Defines the linkext target which in turn defines the LINKTYPE. =cut sub linkext { my($self, %attribs) = @_; # LINKTYPE => static or dynamic or '' my($linktype) = defined $attribs{LINKTYPE} ? $attribs{LINKTYPE} : '$(LINKTYPE)'; " linkext :: $linktype \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) "; } =item lsdir Takes as arguments a directory name and a regular expression. Returns all entries in the directory that match the regular expression. =cut sub lsdir { my($self) = shift; my($dir, $regex) = @_; my(@ls); my $dh = new DirHandle; $dh->open($dir || ".") or return (); @ls = $dh->read; $dh->close; @ls = grep(/$regex/, @ls) if $regex; @ls; } =item macro (o) Simple subroutine to insert the macros defined by the macro attribute into the Makefile. =cut sub macro { my($self,%attribs) = @_; my(@m,$key,$val); while (($key,$val) = each %attribs){ last unless defined $key; push @m, "$key = $val\n"; } join "", @m; } =item makeaperl (o) Called by staticmake. Defines how to write the Makefile to produce a static new perl. By default the Makefile produced includes all the static extensions in the perl library. (Purified versions of library files, e.g., DynaLoader_pure_p1_c0_032.a are automatically ignored to avoid link errors.) =cut sub makeaperl { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my($makefilename, $searchdirs, $static, $extra, $perlinc, $target, $tmp, $libperl) = @attribs{qw(MAKE DIRS STAT EXTRA INCL TARGET TMP LIBPERL)}; my(@m); push @m, " # --- MakeMaker makeaperl section --- MAP_TARGET = $target FULLPERL = $self->{FULLPERL} "; return join '', @m if $self->{PARENT}; my($dir) = join ":", @{$self->{DIR}}; unless ($self->{MAKEAPERL}) { push @m, q{ $(MAP_TARGET) :: static $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $@ $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) pm_to_blib $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Writing \"$(MAKE_APERL_FILE)\" for this $(MAP_TARGET) $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUNINST) \ Makefile.PL DIR=}, $dir, q{ \ MAKEFILE=$(MAKE_APERL_FILE) LINKTYPE=static \ MAKEAPERL=1 NORECURS=1 CCCDLFLAGS=}; foreach (@ARGV){ if( /\s/ ){ s/=(.*)/='$1'/; } push @m, " \\\n\t\t$_"; } # push @m, map( " \\\n\t\t$_", @ARGV ); push @m, "\n"; return join '', @m; } my($cccmd, $linkcmd, $lperl); $cccmd = $self->const_cccmd($libperl); $cccmd =~ s/^CCCMD\s*=\s*//; $cccmd =~ s/\$\(INC\)/ "-I$self->{PERL_INC}" /; $cccmd .= " $Config{cccdlflags}" if ($Config{useshrplib} eq 'true'); $cccmd =~ s/\(CC\)/\(PERLMAINCC\)/; # The front matter of the linkcommand... $linkcmd = join ' ', "\$(CC)", grep($_, @Config{qw(ldflags ccdlflags)}); $linkcmd =~ s/\s+/ /g; $linkcmd =~ s,(perl\.exp),\$(PERL_INC)/$1,; # Which *.a files could we make use of... my %static; require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { return unless m/\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/; # Skip perl's libraries. return if m/^libperl/ or m/^perl\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/; # Skip purified versions of libraries # (e.g., DynaLoader_pure_p1_c0_032.a) return if m/_pure_\w+_\w+_\w+\.\w+$/ and -f "$File::Find::dir/.pure"; if( exists $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} ){ my $found = 0; my $incl; my $xx; ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,s; $xx =~ s,/?$_,,; $xx =~ s,/,::,g; # Throw away anything not explicitly marked for inclusion. # DynaLoader is implied. foreach $incl ((@{$self->{INCLUDE_EXT}},'DynaLoader')){ if( $xx eq $incl ){ $found++; last; } } return unless $found; } elsif( exists $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} ){ my $excl; my $xx; ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,s; $xx =~ s,/?$_,,; $xx =~ s,/,::,g; # Throw away anything explicitly marked for exclusion foreach $excl (@{$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}}){ return if( $xx eq $excl ); } } # don't include the installed version of this extension. I # leave this line here, although it is not necessary anymore: # I patched minimod.PL instead, so that won't # enclude duplicates # Once the patch to minimod.PL is in the distribution, I can # drop it return if $File::Find::name =~ m:auto/$self->{FULLEXT}/$self->{BASEEXT}$self->{LIB_EXT}\z:; use Cwd 'cwd'; $static{cwd() . "/" . $_}++; }, grep( -d $_, @{$searchdirs || []}) ); # We trust that what has been handed in as argument, will be buildable $static = [] unless $static; @static{@{$static}} = (1) x @{$static}; $extra = [] unless $extra && ref $extra eq 'ARRAY'; for (sort keys %static) { next unless /\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E\z/; $_ = dirname($_) . "/extralibs.ld"; push @$extra, $_; } grep(s/^(.*)/"-I$1"/, @{$perlinc || []}); $target ||= "perl"; $tmp ||= "."; # MAP_STATIC doesn't look into subdirs yet. Once "all" is made and we # regenerate the Makefiles, MAP_STATIC and the dependencies for # extralibs.all are computed correctly push @m, " MAP_LINKCMD = $linkcmd MAP_PERLINC = @{$perlinc || []} MAP_STATIC = ", join(" \\\n\t", reverse sort keys %static), " MAP_PRELIBS = $Config{perllibs} $Config{cryptlib} "; if (defined $libperl) { ($lperl = $libperl) =~ s/\$\(A\)/$self->{LIB_EXT}/; } unless ($libperl && -f $lperl) { # Ilya's code... my $dir = $self->{PERL_SRC} || "$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}/CORE"; $dir = "$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}/.." if $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL}; $libperl ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}"; $libperl = "$dir/$libperl"; $lperl ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}"; $lperl = "$dir/$lperl"; if (! -f $libperl and ! -f $lperl) { # We did not find a static libperl. Maybe there is a shared one? if ($Is_SunOS) { $lperl = $libperl = "$dir/$Config{libperl}"; # SUNOS ld does not take the full path to a shared library $libperl = '' if $Is_SunOS4; } } print STDOUT "Warning: $libperl not found If you're going to build a static perl binary, make sure perl is installed otherwise ignore this warning\n" unless (-f $lperl || defined($self->{PERL_SRC})); } # SUNOS ld does not take the full path to a shared library my $llibperl = $libperl ? '$(MAP_LIBPERL)' : '-lperl'; push @m, " MAP_LIBPERL = $libperl LLIBPERL = $llibperl "; push @m, ' $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all : $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DFSEP).exists '.join(" \\\n\t", @$extra).' $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $@ $(NOECHO) $(TOUCH) $@ '; my $catfile; foreach $catfile (@$extra){ push @m, "\tcat $catfile >> \$\@\n"; } push @m, " \$(MAP_TARGET) :: $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) \$(MAP_LIBPERL) \$(MAP_STATIC) \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all \$(MAP_LINKCMD) -o \$\@ \$(OPTIMIZE) $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) \$(LDFROM) \$(MAP_STATIC) \$(LLIBPERL) `cat \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all` \$(MAP_PRELIBS) \$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) 'To install the new \"\$(MAP_TARGET)\" binary, call' \$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) ' \$(MAKE) \$(USEMAKEFILE) $makefilename inst_perl MAP_TARGET=\$(MAP_TARGET)' \$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) 'To remove the intermediate files say' \$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) ' \$(MAKE) \$(USEMAKEFILE) $makefilename map_clean' $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT): $tmp/perlmain.c "; push @m, "\t".$self->cd($tmp, qq[$cccmd "-I\$(PERL_INC)" perlmain.c])."\n"; push @m, qq{ $tmp/perlmain.c: $makefilename}, q{ $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Writing $@ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) $(MAP_PERLINC) "-MExtUtils::Miniperl" \\ -e "writemain(grep s#.*/auto/##s, split(q| |, q|$(MAP_STATIC)|))" > $@t && $(MV) $@t $@ }; push @m, "\t", q{$(NOECHO) $(PERL) $(INSTALLSCRIPT)/fixpmain } if (defined (&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()==0); push @m, q{ doc_inst_perl : $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB) -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Perl binary" "$(MAP_TARGET)" \ MAP_STATIC "$(MAP_STATIC)" \ MAP_EXTRA "`cat $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all`" \ MAP_LIBPERL "$(MAP_LIBPERL)" \ >> }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{ }; push @m, q{ inst_perl : pure_inst_perl doc_inst_perl pure_inst_perl : $(MAP_TARGET) }.$self->{CP}.q{ $(MAP_TARGET) }.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLBIN)','$(MAP_TARGET)').q{ clean :: map_clean map_clean : }.$self->{RM_F}.qq{ $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) $tmp/perlmain.c \$(MAP_TARGET) $makefilename \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all }; join '', @m; } =item makefile (o) Defines how to rewrite the Makefile. =cut sub makefile { my($self) = shift; my $m; # We do not know what target was originally specified so we # must force a manual rerun to be sure. But as it should only # happen very rarely it is not a significant problem. $m = ' $(OBJECT) : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) ' if $self->{OBJECT}; my $newer_than_target = $Is_VMS ? '$(MMS$SOURCE_LIST)' : '$?'; my $mpl_args = join " ", map qq["$_"], @ARGV; $m .= sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $newer_than_target, $mpl_args; # We take a very conservative approach here, but it's worth it. # We move Makefile to Makefile.old here to avoid gnu make looping. $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) : Makefile.PL $(CONFIGDEP) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Makefile out-of-date with respect to %s" $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile..." -$(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(MAKEFILE_OLD) -$(NOECHO) $(MV) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE_OLD) - $(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE_OLD) clean $(DEV_NULL) $(PERLRUN) Makefile.PL %s $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <==" $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "==> Please rerun the $(MAKE) command. <==" false MAKE_FRAG return $m; } =item maybe_command Returns true, if the argument is likely to be a command. =cut sub maybe_command { my($self,$file) = @_; return $file if -x $file && ! -d $file; return; } =item needs_linking (o) Does this module need linking? Looks into subdirectory objects (see also has_link_code()) =cut sub needs_linking { my($self) = shift; my($child,$caller); $caller = (caller(0))[3]; confess("needs_linking called too early") if $caller =~ /^ExtUtils::MakeMaker::/; return $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} if defined $self->{NEEDS_LINKING}; if ($self->has_link_code or $self->{MAKEAPERL}){ $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1; return 1; } foreach $child (keys %{$self->{CHILDREN}}) { if ($self->{CHILDREN}->{$child}->needs_linking) { $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1; return 1; } } return $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 0; } =item parse_abstract parse a file and return what you think is the ABSTRACT =cut sub parse_abstract { my($self,$parsefile) = @_; my $result; local *FH; local $/ = "\n"; open(FH,$parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!"; my $inpod = 0; my $package = $self->{DISTNAME}; $package =~ s/-/::/g; while () { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if !$inpod; chop; next unless /^($package\s-\s)(.*)/; $result = $2; last; } close FH; return $result; } =item parse_version my $version = MM->parse_version($file); Parse a $file and return what $VERSION is set to by the first assignment. It will return the string "undef" if it can't figure out what $VERSION is. $VERSION should be for all to see, so C or plain $VERSION are okay, but C is not. parse_version() will try to C before checking for C<$VERSION> so the following will work. $VERSION = qv(1.2.3); =cut sub parse_version { my($self,$parsefile) = @_; my $result; local *FH; local $/ = "\n"; local $_; open(FH,$parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!"; my $inpod = 0; while () { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if $inpod || /^\s*#/; chop; next unless /(?import() undef *version; require version; "version"->import; } } local $1$2; \$$2=undef; do { $_ }; \$$2 }; local $^W = 0; $result = eval($eval); warn "Could not eval '$eval' in $parsefile: $@" if $@; last; } close FH; $result = "undef" unless defined $result; return $result; } =item pasthru (o) Defines the string that is passed to recursive make calls in subdirectories. =cut sub pasthru { my($self) = shift; my(@m,$key); my(@pasthru); my($sep) = $Is_VMS ? ',' : ''; $sep .= "\\\n\t"; foreach $key (qw(LIB LIBPERL_A LINKTYPE OPTIMIZE PREFIX INSTALL_BASE) ) { next unless defined $self->{$key}; push @pasthru, "$key=\"\$($key)\""; } foreach $key (qw(DEFINE INC)) { next unless defined $self->{$key}; push @pasthru, "PASTHRU_$key=\"\$(PASTHRU_$key)\""; } push @m, "\nPASTHRU = ", join ($sep, @pasthru), "\n"; join "", @m; } =item perl_script Takes one argument, a file name, and returns the file name, if the argument is likely to be a perl script. On MM_Unix this is true for any ordinary, readable file. =cut sub perl_script { my($self,$file) = @_; return $file if -r $file && -f _; return; } =item perldepend (o) Defines the dependency from all *.h files that come with the perl distribution. =cut sub perldepend { my($self) = shift; my(@m); my $make_config = $self->cd('$(PERL_SRC)', '$(MAKE) lib/'); push @m, sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $make_config if $self->{PERL_SRC}; # Check for unpropogated changes. Should never happen. # We do NOT just update config.h because that is not sufficient. # An out of date config.h is not fatal but complains loudly! $(PERL_INC)/config.h: $(PERL_SRC)/ -$(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Warning: $(PERL_INC)/config.h out of date with $(PERL_SRC)/"; false $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/ $(PERL_SRC)/ $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Warning: $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/ may be out of date with $(PERL_SRC)/" %s MAKE_FRAG return join "", @m unless $self->needs_linking; push @m, q{ PERL_HDRS = \ $(PERL_INC)/EXTERN.h \ $(PERL_INC)/INTERN.h \ $(PERL_INC)/XSUB.h \ $(PERL_INC)/av.h \ $(PERL_INC)/cc_runtime.h \ $(PERL_INC)/config.h \ $(PERL_INC)/cop.h \ $(PERL_INC)/cv.h \ $(PERL_INC)/dosish.h \ $(PERL_INC)/embed.h \ $(PERL_INC)/embedvar.h \ $(PERL_INC)/fakethr.h \ $(PERL_INC)/form.h \ $(PERL_INC)/gv.h \ $(PERL_INC)/handy.h \ $(PERL_INC)/hv.h \ $(PERL_INC)/intrpvar.h \ $(PERL_INC)/iperlsys.h \ $(PERL_INC)/keywords.h \ $(PERL_INC)/mg.h \ $(PERL_INC)/nostdio.h \ $(PERL_INC)/op.h \ $(PERL_INC)/opcode.h \ $(PERL_INC)/patchlevel.h \ $(PERL_INC)/perl.h \ $(PERL_INC)/perlio.h \ $(PERL_INC)/perlsdio.h \ $(PERL_INC)/perlsfio.h \ $(PERL_INC)/perlvars.h \ $(PERL_INC)/perly.h \ $(PERL_INC)/pp.h \ $(PERL_INC)/pp_proto.h \ $(PERL_INC)/proto.h \ $(PERL_INC)/regcomp.h \ $(PERL_INC)/regexp.h \ $(PERL_INC)/regnodes.h \ $(PERL_INC)/scope.h \ $(PERL_INC)/sv.h \ $(PERL_INC)/thread.h \ $(PERL_INC)/unixish.h \ $(PERL_INC)/util.h $(OBJECT) : $(PERL_HDRS) } if $self->{OBJECT}; push @m, join(" ", values %{$self->{XS}})." : \$(XSUBPPDEPS)\n" if %{$self->{XS}}; join "\n", @m; } =item perm_rw (o) Returns the attribute C or the string C<644>. Used as the string that is passed to the C command to set the permissions for read/writeable files. MakeMaker chooses C<644> because it has turned out in the past that relying on the umask provokes hard-to-track bug reports. When the return value is used by the perl function C, it is interpreted as an octal value. =cut sub perm_rw { return shift->{PERM_RW}; } =item perm_rwx (o) Returns the attribute C or the string C<755>, i.e. the string that is passed to the C command to set the permissions for executable files. See also perl_rw. =cut sub perm_rwx { return shift->{PERM_RWX}; } =item pm_to_blib Defines target that copies all files in the hash PM to their destination and autosplits them. See L =cut sub pm_to_blib { my $self = shift; my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto'); my $r = q{ pm_to_blib : $(TO_INST_PM) }; my $pm_to_blib = $self->oneliner(<split_command($pm_to_blib, %{$self->{PM}}); $r .= join '', map { "\t\$(NOECHO) $_\n" } @cmds; $r .= qq{\t\$(NOECHO) \$(TOUCH) pm_to_blib\n}; return $r; } =item post_constants (o) Returns an empty string per default. Dedicated to overrides from within Makefile.PL after all constants have been defined. =cut sub post_constants{ ""; } =item post_initialize (o) Returns an empty string per default. Used in Makefile.PLs to add some chunk of text to the Makefile after the object is initialized. =cut sub post_initialize { ""; } =item postamble (o) Returns an empty string. Can be used in Makefile.PLs to write some text to the Makefile at the end. =cut sub postamble { ""; } =item ppd Defines target that creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) file for a binary distribution. =cut sub ppd { my($self) = @_; my ($pack_ver) = join ",", (split (/\./, $self->{VERSION}), (0)x4)[0..3]; my $abstract = $self->{ABSTRACT} || ''; $abstract =~ s/\n/\\n/sg; $abstract =~ s//>/g; my $author = $self->{AUTHOR} || ''; $author =~ s//>/g; my $ppd_xml = sprintf <<'PPD_HTML', $pack_ver, $abstract, $author; $(DISTNAME) %s %s PPD_HTML $ppd_xml .= " \n"; foreach my $prereq (sort keys %{$self->{PREREQ_PM}}) { my $pre_req = $prereq; $pre_req =~ s/::/-/g; my ($dep_ver) = join ",", (split (/\./, $self->{PREREQ_PM}{$prereq}), (0) x 4) [0 .. 3]; $ppd_xml .= sprintf <<'PPD_OUT', $pre_req, $dep_ver; PPD_OUT } my $archname = $Config{archname}; if ($] >= 5.008) { # archname did not change from 5.6 to 5.8, but those versions may # not be not binary compatible so now we append the part of the # version that changes when binary compatibility may change $archname .= "-". substr($Config{version},0,3); } $ppd_xml .= sprintf <<'PPD_OUT', $archname; PPD_OUT if ($self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}) { if ($self->{PPM_INSTALL_EXEC}) { $ppd_xml .= sprintf qq{ %s\n}, $self->{PPM_INSTALL_EXEC}, $self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}; } else { $ppd_xml .= sprintf qq{ %s\n}, $self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}; } } my ($bin_location) = $self->{BINARY_LOCATION} || ''; $bin_location =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $ppd_xml .= sprintf <<'PPD_XML', $bin_location; PPD_XML my @ppd_cmds = $self->echo($ppd_xml, '$(DISTNAME).ppd'); return sprintf <<'PPD_OUT', join "\n\t", @ppd_cmds; # Creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) for a binary distribution. ppd : %s PPD_OUT } =item prefixify $MM->prefixify($var, $prefix, $new_prefix, $default); Using either $MM->{uc $var} || $Config{lc $var}, it will attempt to replace it's $prefix with a $new_prefix. Should the $prefix fail to match I a PREFIX was given as an argument to WriteMakefile() it will set it to the $new_prefix + $default. This is for systems whose file layouts don't neatly fit into our ideas of prefixes. This is for heuristics which attempt to create directory structures that mirror those of the installed perl. For example: $MM->prefixify('installman1dir', '/usr', '/home/foo', 'man/man1'); this will attempt to remove '/usr' from the front of the $MM->{INSTALLMAN1DIR} path (initializing it to $Config{installman1dir} if necessary) and replace it with '/home/foo'. If this fails it will simply use '/home/foo/man/man1'. =cut sub prefixify { my($self,$var,$sprefix,$rprefix,$default) = @_; my $path = $self->{uc $var} || $Config_Override{lc $var} || $Config{lc $var} || ''; $rprefix .= '/' if $sprefix =~ m|/$|; print STDERR " prefixify $var => $path\n" if $Verbose >= 2; print STDERR " from $sprefix to $rprefix\n" if $Verbose >= 2; if( $self->{ARGS}{PREFIX} && $self->file_name_is_absolute($path) && $path !~ s{^\Q$sprefix\E\b}{$rprefix}s ) { print STDERR " cannot prefix, using default.\n" if $Verbose >= 2; print STDERR " no default!\n" if !$default && $Verbose >= 2; $path = $self->catdir($rprefix, $default) if $default; } print " now $path\n" if $Verbose >= 2; return $self->{uc $var} = $path; } =item processPL (o) Defines targets to run *.PL files. =cut sub processPL { my $self = shift; my $pl_files = $self->{PL_FILES}; return "" unless $pl_files; my $m = ''; foreach my $plfile (sort keys %$pl_files) { my $list = ref($pl_files->{$plfile}) ? $pl_files->{$plfile} : [$pl_files->{$plfile}]; foreach my $target (@$list) { if( $Is_VMS ) { $plfile = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($plfile)); $target = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($target)); } # Normally a .PL file runs AFTER pm_to_blib so it can have # blib in its @INC and load the just built modules. BUT if # the generated module is something in $(TO_INST_PM) which # pm_to_blib depends on then it can't depend on pm_to_blib # else we have a dependency loop. my $pm_dep; my $perlrun; if( defined $self->{PM}{$target} ) { $pm_dep = ''; $perlrun = 'PERLRUN'; } else { $pm_dep = 'pm_to_blib'; $perlrun = 'PERLRUNINST'; } $m .= < in command line arguments. Doesn't handle recursive Makefile C<$(...)> constructs, but handles simple ones. =cut sub quote_paren { my $arg = shift; $arg =~ s{\$\((.+?)\)}{\$\\\\($1\\\\)}g; # protect $(...) $arg =~ s{(?replace_manpage_separator($file_path); Takes the name of a package, which may be a nested package, in the form 'Foo/' and replaces the slash with C<::> or something else safe for a man page file name. Returns the replacement. =cut sub replace_manpage_separator { my($self,$man) = @_; $man =~ s,/+,::,g; return $man; } =item cd =cut sub cd { my($self, $dir, @cmds) = @_; # No leading tab and no trailing newline makes for easier embedding my $make_frag = join "\n\t", map { "cd $dir && $_" } @cmds; return $make_frag; } =item oneliner =cut sub oneliner { my($self, $cmd, $switches) = @_; $switches = [] unless defined $switches; # Strip leading and trailing newlines $cmd =~ s{^\n+}{}; $cmd =~ s{\n+$}{}; my @cmds = split /\n/, $cmd; $cmd = join " \n\t -e ", map $self->quote_literal($_), @cmds; $cmd = $self->escape_newlines($cmd); $switches = join ' ', @$switches; return qq{\$(ABSPERLRUN) $switches -e $cmd --}; } =item quote_literal =cut sub quote_literal { my($self, $text) = @_; # I think all we have to quote is single quotes and I think # this is a safe way to do it. $text =~ s{'}{'\\''}g; return "'$text'"; } =item escape_newlines =cut sub escape_newlines { my($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s{\n}{\\\n}g; return $text; } =item max_exec_len Using POSIX::ARG_MAX. Otherwise falling back to 4096. =cut sub max_exec_len { my $self = shift; if (!defined $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN}) { if (my $arg_max = eval { require POSIX; &POSIX::ARG_MAX }) { $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN} = $arg_max; } else { # POSIX minimum exec size $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN} = 4096; } } return $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN}; } =item static (o) Defines the static target. =cut sub static { # --- Static Loading Sections --- my($self) = shift; ' ## $(INST_PM) has been moved to the all: target. ## It remains here for awhile to allow for old usage: "make static" static :: $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_STATIC) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) '; } =item static_lib (o) Defines how to produce the *.a (or equivalent) files. =cut sub static_lib { my($self) = @_; return '' unless $self->has_link_code; my(@m); push(@m, <<'END'); $(INST_STATIC) : $(OBJECT) $(MYEXTLIB) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DFSEP).exists $(RM_RF) $@ END # If this extension has its own library (eg SDBM_File) # then copy that to $(INST_STATIC) and add $(OBJECT) into it. push(@m, <<'MAKE_FRAG') if $self->{MYEXTLIB}; $(CP) $(MYEXTLIB) $@ MAKE_FRAG my $ar; if (exists $self->{FULL_AR} && -x $self->{FULL_AR}) { # Prefer the absolute pathed ar if available so that PATH # doesn't confuse us. Perl itself is built with the full_ar. $ar = 'FULL_AR'; } else { $ar = 'AR'; } push @m, sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $ar; $(%s) $(AR_STATIC_ARGS) $@ $(OBJECT) && $(RANLIB) $@ $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $@ $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "$(EXTRALIBS)" > $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.ld MAKE_FRAG # Old mechanism - still available: push @m, <<'MAKE_FRAG' if $self->{PERL_SRC} && $self->{EXTRALIBS}; $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "$(EXTRALIBS)" >> $(PERL_SRC)/ext.libs MAKE_FRAG join('', @m); } =item staticmake (o) Calls makeaperl. =cut sub staticmake { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my(@static); my(@searchdirs)=($self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}, $self->{SITEARCHEXP}, $self->{INST_ARCHLIB}); # And as it's not yet built, we add the current extension # but only if it has some C code (or XS code, which implies C code) if (@{$self->{C}}) { @static = $self->catfile($self->{INST_ARCHLIB}, "auto", $self->{FULLEXT}, "$self->{BASEEXT}$self->{LIB_EXT}" ); } # Either we determine now, which libraries we will produce in the # subdirectories or we do it at runtime of the make. # We could ask all subdir objects, but I cannot imagine, why it # would be necessary. # Instead we determine all libraries for the new perl at # runtime. my(@perlinc) = ($self->{INST_ARCHLIB}, $self->{INST_LIB}, $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}, $self->{PERL_LIB}); $self->makeaperl(MAKE => $self->{MAKEFILE}, DIRS => \@searchdirs, STAT => \@static, INCL => \@perlinc, TARGET => $self->{MAP_TARGET}, TMP => "", LIBPERL => $self->{LIBPERL_A} ); } =item subdir_x (o) Helper subroutine for subdirs =cut sub subdir_x { my($self, $subdir) = @_; my $subdir_cmd = $self->cd($subdir, '$(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) all $(PASTHRU)' ); return sprintf <<'EOT', $subdir_cmd; subdirs :: $(NOECHO) %s EOT } =item subdirs (o) Defines targets to process subdirectories. =cut sub subdirs { # --- Sub-directory Sections --- my($self) = shift; my(@m,$dir); # This method provides a mechanism to automatically deal with # subdirectories containing further Makefile.PL scripts. # It calls the subdir_x() method for each subdirectory. foreach $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}){ push(@m, $self->subdir_x($dir)); #### print "Including $dir subdirectory\n"; } if (@m){ unshift(@m, " # The default clean, realclean and test targets in this Makefile # have automatically been given entries for each subdir. "); } else { push(@m, "\n# none") } join('',@m); } =item test (o) Defines the test targets. =cut sub test { # --- Test and Installation Sections --- my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $tests = $attribs{TESTS} || ''; if (!$tests && -d 't') { $tests = $self->find_tests; } # note: '' name is also hardcoded in init_dirscan() my(@m); push(@m," TEST_VERBOSE=0 TEST_TYPE=test_\$(LINKTYPE) TEST_FILE = TEST_FILES = $tests TESTDB_SW = -d testdb :: testdb_\$(LINKTYPE) test :: \$(TEST_TYPE) subdirs-test subdirs-test :: \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) "); foreach my $dir (@{ $self->{DIR} }) { my $test = $self->cd($dir, '$(MAKE) test $(PASTHRU)'); push @m, <{DIR}}; push(@m, "\n"); push(@m, "test_dynamic :: pure_all\n"); push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('$(FULLPERLRUN)', '$(TEST_FILES)')) if $tests; push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERLRUN)', '$(TEST_FILE)')) if -f ""; push(@m, "\n"); push(@m, "testdb_dynamic :: pure_all\n"); push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERLRUN) $(TESTDB_SW)', '$(TEST_FILE)')); push(@m, "\n"); # Occasionally we may face this degenerate target: push @m, "test_ : test_dynamic\n\n"; if ($self->needs_linking()) { push(@m, "test_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n"); push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('./$(MAP_TARGET)', '$(TEST_FILES)')) if $tests; push(@m, $self->test_via_script('./$(MAP_TARGET)', '$(TEST_FILE)')) if -f ""; push(@m, "\n"); push(@m, "testdb_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n"); push(@m, $self->test_via_script('./$(MAP_TARGET) $(TESTDB_SW)', '$(TEST_FILE)')); push(@m, "\n"); } else { push @m, "test_static :: test_dynamic\n"; push @m, "testdb_static :: testdb_dynamic\n"; } join("", @m); } =item test_via_harness (override) For some reason which I forget, Unix machines like to have PERL_DL_NONLAZY set for tests. =cut sub test_via_harness { my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_; return $self->SUPER::test_via_harness("PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl", $tests); } =item test_via_script (override) Again, the PERL_DL_NONLAZY thing. =cut sub test_via_script { my($self, $perl, $script) = @_; return $self->SUPER::test_via_script("PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl", $script); } =item tools_other (o) my $make_frag = $MM->tools_other; Returns a make fragment containing definitions for the macros init_others() initializes. =cut sub tools_other { my($self) = shift; my @m; # We set PM_FILTER as late as possible so it can see all the earlier # on macro-order sensitive makes such as nmake. for my $tool (qw{ SHELL CHMOD CP MV NOOP NOECHO RM_F RM_RF TEST_F TOUCH UMASK_NULL DEV_NULL MKPATH EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP ECHO ECHO_N UNINST VERBINST MOD_INSTALL DOC_INSTALL UNINSTALL WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST MACROSTART MACROEND USEMAKEFILE PM_FILTER FIXIN } ) { next unless defined $self->{$tool}; push @m, "$tool = $self->{$tool}\n"; } return join "", @m; } =item tool_xsubpp (o) Determines typemaps, xsubpp version, prototype behaviour. =cut sub tool_xsubpp { my($self) = shift; return "" unless $self->needs_linking; my $xsdir; my @xsubpp_dirs = @INC; # Make sure we pick up the new xsubpp if we're building perl. unshift @xsubpp_dirs, $self->{PERL_LIB} if $self->{PERL_CORE}; foreach my $dir (@xsubpp_dirs) { $xsdir = $self->catdir($dir, 'ExtUtils'); if( -r $self->catfile($xsdir, "xsubpp") ) { last; } } my $tmdir = File::Spec->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},"ExtUtils"); my(@tmdeps) = $self->catfile($tmdir,'typemap'); if( $self->{TYPEMAPS} ){ my $typemap; foreach $typemap (@{$self->{TYPEMAPS}}){ if( ! -f $typemap ){ warn "Typemap $typemap not found.\n"; } else{ push(@tmdeps, $typemap); } } } push(@tmdeps, "typemap") if -f "typemap"; my(@tmargs) = map("-typemap $_", @tmdeps); if( exists $self->{XSOPT} ){ unshift( @tmargs, $self->{XSOPT} ); } if ($Is_VMS && $Config{'ldflags'} && $Config{'ldflags'} =~ m!/Debug!i && (!exists($self->{XSOPT}) || $self->{XSOPT} !~ /linenumbers/) ) { unshift(@tmargs,'-nolinenumbers'); } $self->{XSPROTOARG} = "" unless defined $self->{XSPROTOARG}; return qq{ XSUBPPDIR = $xsdir XSUBPP = \$(XSUBPPDIR)\$(DFSEP)xsubpp XSUBPPRUN = \$(PERLRUN) \$(XSUBPP) XSPROTOARG = $self->{XSPROTOARG} XSUBPPDEPS = @tmdeps \$(XSUBPP) XSUBPPARGS = @tmargs XSUBPP_EXTRA_ARGS = }; }; =item all_target Build man pages, too =cut sub all_target { my $self = shift; return <<'MAKE_EXT'; all :: pure_all htmlifypods manifypods $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) MAKE_EXT } =item top_targets (o) Defines the targets all, subdirs, config, and O_FILES =cut sub top_targets { # --- Target Sections --- my($self) = shift; my(@m); push @m, $self->all_target, "\n" unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'all'}; push @m, ' pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) config :: $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) blibdirs $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) '; push @m, ' $(O_FILES): $(H_FILES) ' if @{$self->{O_FILES} || []} && @{$self->{H} || []}; push @m, q{ help : perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker }; join('',@m); } =item writedoc Obsolete, deprecated method. Not used since Version 5.21. =cut sub writedoc { # --- perllocal.pod section --- my($self,$what,$name,@attribs)=@_; my $time = localtime; print "=head2 $time: $what C<$name>\n\n=over 4\n\n=item *\n\n"; print join "\n\n=item *\n\n", map("C<$_>",@attribs); print "\n\n=back\n\n"; } =item xs_c (o) Defines the suffix rules to compile XS files to C. =cut sub xs_c { my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); ' .xs.c: $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $(XSUBPP_EXTRA_ARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc && $(MV) $*.xsc $*.c '; } =item xs_cpp (o) Defines the suffix rules to compile XS files to C++. =cut sub xs_cpp { my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); ' .xs.cpp: $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc && $(MV) $*.xsc $*.cpp '; } =item xs_o (o) Defines suffix rules to go from XS to object files directly. This is only intended for broken make implementations. =cut sub xs_o { # many makes are too dumb to use xs_c then c_o my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); ' .xs$(OBJ_EXT): $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc && $(MV) $*.xsc $*.c $(CCCMD) $(CCCDLFLAGS) "-I$(PERL_INC)" $(PASTHRU_DEFINE) $(DEFINE) $*.c '; } 1; =back =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut __END__