package Class::Accessor; require 5.00502; use strict; $Class::Accessor::VERSION = '0.31'; =head1 NAME Class::Accessor - Automated accessor generation =head1 SYNOPSIS package Employee; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Employee->mk_accessors(qw(name role salary)); # Meanwhile, in a nearby piece of code! # Class::Accessor provides new(). my $mp = Foo->new({ name => "Marty", role => "JAPH" }); my $job = $mp->role; # gets $mp->{role} $mp->salary(400000); # sets $mp->{salary} = 400000 (I wish) # like my @info = @{$mp}{qw(name role)} my @info = $mp->get(qw(name role)); # $mp->{salary} = 400000 $mp->set('salary', 400000); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module automagically generates accessors/mutators for your class. Most of the time, writing accessors is an exercise in cutting and pasting. You usually wind up with a series of methods like this: sub name { my $self = shift; if(@_) { $self->{name} = $_[0]; } return $self->{name}; } sub salary { my $self = shift; if(@_) { $self->{salary} = $_[0]; } return $self->{salary}; } # etc... One for each piece of data in your object. While some will be unique, doing value checks and special storage tricks, most will simply be exercises in repetition. Not only is it Bad Style to have a bunch of repetitious code, but its also simply not lazy, which is the real tragedy. If you make your module a subclass of Class::Accessor and declare your accessor fields with mk_accessors() then you'll find yourself with a set of automatically generated accessors which can even be customized! The basic set up is very simple: package My::Class; use base qw(Class::Accessor); My::Class->mk_accessors( qw(foo bar car) ); Done. My::Class now has simple foo(), bar() and car() accessors defined. =head2 What Makes This Different? What makes this module special compared to all the other method generating modules (L<"SEE ALSO">)? By overriding the get() and set() methods you can alter the behavior of the accessors class-wide. Also, the accessors are implemented as closures which should cost a bit less memory than most other solutions which generate a new method for each accessor. =head1 METHODS =head2 new my $obj = Class->new; my $obj = $other_obj->new; my $obj = Class->new(\%fields); my $obj = $other_obj->new(\%fields); Class::Accessor provides a basic constructor. It generates a hash-based object and can be called as either a class method or an object method. It takes an optional %fields hash which is used to initialize the object (handy if you use read-only accessors). The fields of the hash correspond to the names of your accessors, so... package Foo; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Foo->mk_accessors('foo'); my $obj = Class->new({ foo => 42 }); print $obj->foo; # 42 however %fields can contain anything, new() will shove them all into your object. Don't like it? Override it. =cut sub new { my($proto, $fields) = @_; my($class) = ref $proto || $proto; $fields = {} unless defined $fields; # make a copy of $fields. bless {%$fields}, $class; } =head2 mk_accessors Class->mk_accessors(@fields); This creates accessor/mutator methods for each named field given in @fields. Foreach field in @fields it will generate two accessors. One called "field()" and the other called "_field_accessor()". For example: # Generates foo(), _foo_accessor(), bar() and _bar_accessor(). Class->mk_accessors(qw(foo bar)); See L for details. =cut sub mk_accessors { my($self, @fields) = @_; $self->_mk_accessors('rw', @fields); } { no strict 'refs'; sub _mk_accessors { my($self, $access, @fields) = @_; my $class = ref $self || $self; my $ra = $access eq 'rw' || $access eq 'ro'; my $wa = $access eq 'rw' || $access eq 'wo'; foreach my $field (@fields) { my $accessor_name = $self->accessor_name_for($field); my $mutator_name = $self->mutator_name_for($field); if( $accessor_name eq 'DESTROY' or $mutator_name eq 'DESTROY' ) { $self->_carp("Having a data accessor named DESTROY in '$class' is unwise."); } if ($accessor_name eq $mutator_name) { my $accessor; if ($ra && $wa) { $accessor = $self->make_accessor($field); } elsif ($ra) { $accessor = $self->make_ro_accessor($field); } else { $accessor = $self->make_wo_accessor($field); } unless (defined &{"${class}::$accessor_name"}) { *{"${class}::$accessor_name"} = $accessor; } if ($accessor_name eq $field) { # the old behaviour my $alias = "_${field}_accessor"; *{"${class}::$alias"} = $accessor unless defined &{"${class}::$alias"}; } } else { if ($ra and not defined &{"${class}::$accessor_name"}) { *{"${class}::$accessor_name"} = $self->make_ro_accessor($field); } if ($wa and not defined &{"${class}::$mutator_name"}) { *{"${class}::$mutator_name"} = $self->make_wo_accessor($field); } } } } sub follow_best_practice { my($self) = @_; my $class = ref $self || $self; *{"${class}::accessor_name_for"} = \&best_practice_accessor_name_for; *{"${class}::mutator_name_for"} = \&best_practice_mutator_name_for; } } =head2 mk_ro_accessors Class->mk_ro_accessors(@read_only_fields); Same as mk_accessors() except it will generate read-only accessors (ie. true accessors). If you attempt to set a value with these accessors it will throw an exception. It only uses get() and not set(). package Foo; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Class->mk_ro_accessors(qw(foo bar)); # Let's assume we have an object $foo of class Foo... print $foo->foo; # ok, prints whatever the value of $foo->{foo} is $foo->foo(42); # BOOM! Naughty you. =cut sub mk_ro_accessors { my($self, @fields) = @_; $self->_mk_accessors('ro', @fields); } =head2 mk_wo_accessors Class->mk_wo_accessors(@write_only_fields); Same as mk_accessors() except it will generate write-only accessors (ie. mutators). If you attempt to read a value with these accessors it will throw an exception. It only uses set() and not get(). B I'm not entirely sure why this is useful, but I'm sure someone will need it. If you've found a use, let me know. Right now its here for orthoginality and because its easy to implement. package Foo; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Class->mk_wo_accessors(qw(foo bar)); # Let's assume we have an object $foo of class Foo... $foo->foo(42); # OK. Sets $self->{foo} = 42 print $foo->foo; # BOOM! Can't read from this accessor. =cut sub mk_wo_accessors { my($self, @fields) = @_; $self->_mk_accessors('wo', @fields); } =head1 DETAILS An accessor generated by Class::Accessor looks something like this: # Your foo may vary. sub foo { my($self) = shift; if(@_) { # set return $self->set('foo', @_); } else { return $self->get('foo'); } } Very simple. All it does is determine if you're wanting to set a value or get a value and calls the appropriate method. Class::Accessor provides default get() and set() methods which your class can override. They're detailed later. =head2 follow_best_practice In Damian's Perl Best Practices book he recommends separate get and set methods with the prefix set_ and get_ to make it explicit what you intend to do. If you want to create those accessor methods instead of the default ones, call: __PACKAGE__->follow_best_practice =head2 accessor_name_for / mutator_name_for You may have your own crazy ideas for the names of the accessors, so you can make those happen by overriding C and C in your subclass. (I copied that idea from Class::DBI.) =cut sub best_practice_accessor_name_for { my ($class, $field) = @_; return "get_$field"; } sub best_practice_mutator_name_for { my ($class, $field) = @_; return "set_$field"; } sub accessor_name_for { my ($class, $field) = @_; return $field; } sub mutator_name_for { my ($class, $field) = @_; return $field; } =head2 Modifying the behavior of the accessor Rather than actually modifying the accessor itself, it is much more sensible to simply override the two key methods which the accessor calls. Namely set() and get(). If you -really- want to, you can override make_accessor(). =head2 set $obj->set($key, $value); $obj->set($key, @values); set() defines how generally one stores data in the object. override this method to change how data is stored by your accessors. =cut sub set { my($self, $key) = splice(@_, 0, 2); if(@_ == 1) { $self->{$key} = $_[0]; } elsif(@_ > 1) { $self->{$key} = [@_]; } else { $self->_croak("Wrong number of arguments received"); } } =head2 get $value = $obj->get($key); @values = $obj->get(@keys); get() defines how data is retreived from your objects. override this method to change how it is retreived. =cut sub get { my $self = shift; if(@_ == 1) { return $self->{$_[0]}; } elsif( @_ > 1 ) { return @{$self}{@_}; } else { $self->_croak("Wrong number of arguments received"); } } =head2 make_accessor $accessor = Class->make_accessor($field); Generates a subroutine reference which acts as an accessor for the given $field. It calls get() and set(). If you wish to change the behavior of your accessors, try overriding get() and set() before you start mucking with make_accessor(). =cut sub make_accessor { my ($class, $field) = @_; # Build a closure around $field. return sub { my $self = shift; if(@_) { return $self->set($field, @_); } else { return $self->get($field); } }; } =head2 make_ro_accessor $read_only_accessor = Class->make_ro_accessor($field); Generates a subroutine refrence which acts as a read-only accessor for the given $field. It only calls get(). Override get() to change the behavior of your accessors. =cut sub make_ro_accessor { my($class, $field) = @_; return sub { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $caller = caller; $self->_croak("'$caller' cannot alter the value of '$field' on objects of class '$class'"); } else { return $self->get($field); } }; } =head2 make_wo_accessor $read_only_accessor = Class->make_wo_accessor($field); Generates a subroutine refrence which acts as a write-only accessor (mutator) for the given $field. It only calls set(). Override set() to change the behavior of your accessors. =cut sub make_wo_accessor { my($class, $field) = @_; return sub { my $self = shift; unless (@_) { my $caller = caller; $self->_croak("'$caller' cannot access the value of '$field' on objects of class '$class'"); } else { return $self->set($field, @_); } }; } =head1 EXCEPTIONS If something goes wrong Class::Accessor will warn or die by calling Carp::carp or Carp::croak. If you don't like this you can override _carp() and _croak() in your subclass and do whatever else you want. =cut use Carp (); sub _carp { my ($self, $msg) = @_; Carp::carp($msg || $self); return; } sub _croak { my ($self, $msg) = @_; Carp::croak($msg || $self); return; } =head1 EFFICIENCY Class::Accessor does not employ an autoloader, thus it is much faster than you'd think. Its generated methods incur no special penalty over ones you'd write yourself. accessors: Rate Basic Average Fast Faster Direct Basic 189150/s -- -42% -51% -55% -89% Average 327679/s 73% -- -16% -22% -82% Fast 389212/s 106% 19% -- -8% -78% Faster 421646/s 123% 29% 8% -- -76% Direct 1771243/s 836% 441% 355% 320% -- mutators: Rate Basic Average Fast Faster Direct Basic 173769/s -- -34% -53% -59% -90% Average 263046/s 51% -- -29% -38% -85% Fast 371158/s 114% 41% -- -13% -78% Faster 425821/s 145% 62% 15% -- -75% Direct 1699081/s 878% 546% 358% 299% -- Class::Accessor::Fast is faster than methods written by an average programmer (where "average" is based on Schwern's example code). Class::Accessor is slower than average, but more flexible. Class::Accessor::Faster is even faster than Class::Accessor::Fast. It uses an array internally, not a hash. This could be a good or bad feature depending on your point of view. Direct hash access is, of course, much faster than all of these, but it provides no encapsulation. Of course, its not as simple as saying "Class::Accessor is slower than average". These are benchmarks for a simple accessor. If your accessors do any sort of complicated work (such as talking to a database or writing to a file) the time spent doing that work will quickly swamp the time spend just calling the accessor. In that case, Class::Accessor and the ones you write will be roughly the same speed. =head1 EXAMPLES Here's an example of generating an accessor for every public field of your class. package Altoids; use base qw(Class::Accessor Class::Fields); use fields qw(curiously strong mints); Altoids->mk_accessors( Altoids->show_fields('Public') ); sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref $proto || $proto; return fields::new($class); } my Altoids $tin = Altoids->new; $tin->curiously('Curiouser and curiouser'); print $tin->{curiously}; # prints 'Curiouser and curiouser' # Subclassing works, too. package Mint::Snuff; use base qw(Altoids); my Mint::Snuff $pouch = Mint::Snuff->new; $pouch->strong('Blow your head off!'); print $pouch->{strong}; # prints 'Blow your head off!' Here's a simple example of altering the behavior of your accessors. package Foo; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Foo->mk_accessor(qw(this that up down)); sub get { my $self = shift; # Note every time someone gets some data. print STDERR "Getting @_\n"; $self->SUPER::get(@_); } sub set { my ($self, $key) = splice(@_, 0, 2); # Note every time someone sets some data. print STDERR "Setting $key to @_\n"; $self->SUPER::set($key, @_); } =head1 CAVEATS AND TRICKS Class::Accessor has to do some internal wackiness to get its job done quickly and efficiently. Because of this, there's a few tricks and traps one must know about. Hey, nothing's perfect. =head2 Don't make a field called DESTROY This is bad. Since DESTROY is a magical method it would be bad for us to define an accessor using that name. Class::Accessor will carp if you try to use it with a field named "DESTROY". =head2 Overriding autogenerated accessors You may want to override the autogenerated accessor with your own, yet have your custom accessor call the default one. For instance, maybe you want to have an accessor which checks its input. Normally, one would expect this to work: package Foo; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Foo->mk_accessors(qw(email this that whatever)); # Only accept addresses which look valid. sub email { my($self) = shift; my($email) = @_; if( @_ ) { # Setting require Email::Valid; unless( Email::Valid->address($email) ) { carp("$email doesn't look like a valid address."); return; } } return $self->SUPER::email(@_); } There's a subtle problem in the last example, and its in this line: return $self->SUPER::email(@_); If we look at how Foo was defined, it called mk_accessors() which stuck email() right into Foo's namespace. There *is* no SUPER::email() to delegate to! Two ways around this... first is to make a "pure" base class for Foo. This pure class will generate the accessors and provide the necessary super class for Foo to use: package Pure::Organic::Foo; use base qw(Class::Accessor); Pure::Organic::Foo->mk_accessors(qw(email this that whatever)); package Foo; use base qw(Pure::Organic::Foo); And now Foo::email() can override the generated Pure::Organic::Foo::email() and use it as SUPER::email(). This is probably the most obvious solution to everyone but me. Instead, what first made sense to me was for mk_accessors() to define an alias of email(), _email_accessor(). Using this solution, Foo::email() would be written with: return $self->_email_accessor(@_); instead of the expected SUPER::email(). =head1 AUTHORS Copyright 2007 Marty Pauley This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. That means either (a) the GNU General Public License or (b) the Artistic License. =head2 ORIGINAL AUTHOR Michael G Schwern =head2 THANKS Liz and RUZ for performance tweaks. Tels, for his big feature request/bug report. =head1 SEE ALSO L These are some modules which do similar things in different ways L, L, L, L, L L for an example of this module in use. =cut 1;