package ActiveState::Prompt; use strict; our $VERSION = '1.01'; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(prompt yes enter); my $isa_tty = -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)); our $SILENT; our $USE_DEFAULT; unless (defined $USE_DEFAULT) { # The PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT is for compatibility with # ExtUtils::MakeMaker's prompt function. $USE_DEFAULT = !$isa_tty || $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT}; } my $RE_yes_or_no = qr/^(y(es)?|no?)$/i; sub prompt { die "prompt function called without an argument" unless @_; my $mess = shift; unshift(@_, "default") if @_ == 1; my %opt = @_; my $default = $opt{default}; my $has_default = defined $default; $default = "" unless $has_default; my $dispdef = $has_default ? " [$default] " : " "; return $default if exists $opt{silent} ? $opt{silent} : $SILENT; local $| = 1; local $\; my $count; ASK: while (1) { $count++; if ($count > 25) { die "No valid answer given after $count tries, stopped"; } elsif ($count == 2 || $count > 5) { my $msg = ""; if ($opt{no_match_msg}) { $msg .= $opt{no_match_msg}; $msg .= "." unless $msg =~ /[.!?]$/; $msg .= " "; } $msg .= "Please try again!"; if (length($msg) > 60) { require Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = 60; # consider actual terminal width $msg = Text::Wrap::wrap("", "", $msg); } $msg =~ s/^/ /mg; print "\n$msg\n\n"; } print "$mess$dispdef"; if (exists $opt{use_default} ? $opt{use_default} : $USE_DEFAULT) { print "$default\n"; return $default; } my $ans; # turn echo off if ( $opt{noecho} ) { my $fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN); # grab POSIX at runtime sub ECHO; sub ECHOK; sub ICANON; sub VTIME; sub TCSANOW; require POSIX; POSIX->import(":termios_h"); my $term = POSIX::Termios->new(); # Store current term settings, and turn echo off $term->getattr($fd_stdin); my $oterm = $term->getlflag(); my $echo = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON; my $noecho = $oterm & ~$echo; $term->setlflag($noecho); $term->setcc(VTIME, 1); $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); $ans = ; # Restore previous term settings $term->setlflag($oterm); $term->setcc(VTIME,0); $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); # We aren't echoing the user's return key, so print one # to ensure the next question is on a new line print "\n"; } else # read normally { $ans = ; } unless (defined $ans) { # Ctrl-D print "\n"; $ans = ""; } else { chomp($ans); } return $default if $has_default && $ans eq ""; if ($opt{trim_space}) { $ans =~ s/^\s+//; $ans =~ s/\s+$//; $ans =~ s/\s+/ /g; } if (my $mm = $opt{must_match}) { if (ref($mm) eq "CODE") { redo ASK unless &$mm($ans); } elsif (ref($mm) eq "ARRAY") { unless (grep $_ eq $ans, @$mm) { unless ($opt{no_match_msg}) { my @v = @$mm; my $last = pop @v; $opt{no_match_msg} = "Valid answers are " . join(" or ", join(", ", @v), $last); } redo ASK; } } else { # assume regexp redo ASK unless $ans =~ $mm; } } return $ans; } } sub yes { my $prompt = shift; unshift(@_, "default") if @_ == 1; my %opt = @_; unless ($opt{default} && $opt{default} =~ $RE_yes_or_no) { $opt{default} = $opt{default} ? "yes" : "no"; } $opt{trim_space} = 1 unless exists $opt{trim_space}; unless (exists $opt{must_match}) { $opt{must_match} = $RE_yes_or_no; $opt{no_match_msg} = "The answer must be 'yes' or 'no'"; } return prompt($prompt, %opt) =~ /^y/i; } sub enter { prompt(shift || "Press ENTER to continue...", @_); } 1; =head1 NAME ActiveState::Prompt - Interactive questions =head1 SYNOPSIS use ActiveState::prompt qw(prompt yes enter); =head1 DESCRIPTION The following functions are provided: =over 4 =item prompt( $question ) =item prompt( $question, $default ) =item prompt( $question, %opts ) This function will ask a question on the terminal and return the answer given. The return value will always be defined. Options can be passed in as key/value pairs. The following options are recognized: default trim_space must_match no_match_msg use_default silent The C is returned if the user simply press return. The default value is shown in brackets. If no default is provided then no brackets are added to the question. If C is TRUE, then any leading and trailing space in the anwer is trimmed off and any internal space is collapsed to a single space. The C value is used to validate answers. It can be either a function, array or regular expression. If it is a function, then the function is called with the answer given and should return TRUE if it is to be accepted. If it is an array, then the answer must be one of the values in the array. If it is an regular expression then it must match it. The C is printed if the given answer does not validate as specified in C. If C is TRUE, then no answer is read from the terminal and the default is returned (or "" if there is no default). The C is by default TRUE if the program is not running on a terminal or if the PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT environment variable is TRUE. The C option works like C but it also prevent the prompt text from being printed. This forces prompt() to return the default without actually prompting. =item yes( $question ) =item yes( $question, $default ) Will use the prompt function to ask a question and then return a TRUE value if the answer was "yes" or "y". The $default can either be a string like "yes", "y", "no" or "n", or a boolean value in which case "yes" will be the default if TRUE and "no" otherwise. If no $default is given it defaults to "no". =item enter() Ask the use to press some key before the function returns. =back =head1 BUGS None. =cut