package ActivePerl::DocTools::Tree::HTML; use strict; use warnings; use Config qw(%Config); use Cwd qw(cwd); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use File::Path qw(mkpath); use Pod::Find qw(pod_find); use ActivePerl::DocTools::Pod qw(pod2html pod2html_remove_cache_files); sub _relative_path { my($path, $prefix) = @_; $path =~ s,\\,/,g if $^O eq "MSWin32"; $path =~ s,/\z,, unless $path =~ m,^([A-Za-z]:)?/\z,; if (defined $prefix && length $prefix) { $prefix =~ s,\\,/,g if $^O eq "MSWin32"; $prefix =~ s,/\z,, unless $prefix =~ m,^([A-Za-z]:)?/\z,; my @path_parts = split('/', $path); my @prefix_parts = split('/', $prefix); return $path if @path_parts < @prefix_parts; while (@prefix_parts) { my $path_part = shift(@path_parts); my $prefix_part = shift(@prefix_parts); if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { $_ = lc for $path_part, $prefix_part; } return $path unless $path_part eq $prefix_part; } $path = join('/', @path_parts) || "."; } return $path; } sub Update { my %args = @_; my $prefix = $args{prefix} || $Config{installprefix}; my $htmldir = $args{htmldir} || $Config{installhtmldir} || "$prefix/html"; my $podpath = $args{podpath} || [@Config{qw(privlib sitelib scriptdir)}]; my $starting_cwd = cwd(); unless (chdir($prefix)) { warn "Can't chdir to root of Perl installation: $!\n"; return; } print "Building HTML tree at $htmldir, cwd is $prefix\n" if $args{verbose}; my %pods = pod_find(@$podpath); @$podpath = map { _relative_path($_, $prefix) } @$podpath; foreach my $key (sort keys %pods) { my $in_file = _relative_path($key, $prefix); my $out_file = "$htmldir/$in_file"; $out_file =~ s/\.[a-z]+\z|\z/.html/i; if ($args{force} || !-e $out_file || (stat $in_file)[9] > (stat $out_file)[9]) { print "Making $out_file from $in_file => $pods{$key}\n" if $args{verbose}; unlink($out_file); my $out_dir = dirname($out_file); mkpath($out_dir); my $depth = $in_file =~ tr,/,,; pod2html(infile => $in_file, outfile => $out_file, depth => $depth, podroot => ".", podpath => $podpath, index => 1,); } else { print "Skipping $out_file\n" if $args{verbose}; } } pod2html_remove_cache_files(); chdir($starting_cwd) or die "Can't chdir back to '$starting_cwd': $!"; } sub Update_blib { my %args = @_; my $prefix = $args{prefix} || $Config{installprefix}; my $htmldir = $args{htmldir} || $Config{installhtmldir} || "$prefix/html"; my $installdirs = $args{installdirs} || 'site'; my $instprefix = { perl => 'lib/', site => 'site/lib/', vendor => 'site/lib/', }->{$installdirs}; my $starting_cwd = cwd(); my $blib = File::Spec->catfile($starting_cwd, $args{blib} || 'blib'); my $podpath = $args{podpath} || [$blib, @Config{qw(privlib sitelib scriptdir)}]; print "Building HTML in $blib\n" if $args{verbose}; unless (chdir($prefix)) { warn "Can't chdir to root of Perl installation: $!\n"; return; } my %pods = pod_find($blib); @$podpath = map { _relative_path($_, $prefix) } @$podpath; foreach my $key (sort keys %pods) { my $in_file = $key; my $out_file = _relative_path($key, $blib); $out_file =~ s/\.[a-z]+\z|\z/.html/i; #Correct differences between blib/ layout and final layout $out_file =~ s[^script/][bin/]; $out_file =~ s[^lib/][$instprefix]; my $depth = $out_file =~ tr,/,,; $out_file = File::Spec->catfile($blib, 'html', $out_file); my $out_dir = dirname($out_file); mkpath($out_dir); print "Making $out_file from $in_file => $pods{$key}\n" if $args{verbose}; pod2html(infile => $in_file, outfile => $out_file, depth => $depth, podroot => ".", podpath => $podpath, index => 1,); #We now fix links that point to our blib/html, since that's only #a temporary location open (HTMLFILE, "<$out_file") or die "Couldn't open $out_file: $!"; open (TMPFILE, ">$out_file.tmp") or die "Couldn't open $out_file.tmp: $!"; my $bhtml = File::Spec->catfile($blib, 'html', ''); while (my $line = ) { $line =~ s/\Q$bhtml//g; print TMPFILE $line; } close (TMPFILE) || die; close (HTMLFILE); rename("$out_file.tmp", $out_file) || die; } pod2html_remove_cache_files(); chdir($starting_cwd) or die "Can't chdir back to '$starting_cwd': $!"; } 1;