package ActivePerl::DocTools::Pod; use strict; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(pod2html pod2html_remove_cache_files); use Carp qw(croak carp); use Config qw(%Config); require Pod::Html; my($basename, %expand); # XXX my $scineplex = eval { require ActiveState::Scineplex }; sub pod2html { my(%opt) = @_; my $infile = delete $opt{infile} || croak("Required infile argument missing"); my $outfile = delete $opt{outfile} || croak("Required outfile argument missing"); my $depth = delete $opt{depth} || 0; my $podroot = delete $opt{podroot} || $Config{prefix}; my $podpath = delete $opt{podpath} || "bin:lib"; my $index = delete $opt{index} || 0; if (%opt && $^W) { carp("Unrecognized option $_ passed to pod2html") for sort keys %opt; } chmod(0644, $outfile); unlink($outfile); my $html_root = substr("../" x $depth || "./", 0, -1); $index = $index ? "index" : "noindex"; $podpath = join(":", map { s/:/|/g; $_ } @$podpath) if ref($podpath); Pod::Html::pod2html("--quiet", "--$index", "--htmlroot=$html_root", "--podroot=$podroot", "--podpath=$podpath", "--libpods=perlfunc:perlguts:perlvar:perlrun:perlopt", "--infile=$infile", "--outfile=$outfile", "--css=${html_root}/Active.css", ); open (HTMLFILE, "<$outfile") or die "Couldn't open $outfile: $!"; open (TMPFILE, ">$outfile.tmp") or die "Couldn't open $outfile.tmp: $!"; my $first_header = 1; my $title; while (my $content = ) { # Despite what Pod::Html says, this is not XHTML. # IE6 doesn't display things correctly with the wrong DOCTYPE. $content =~ s#^##i; $content =~ s###i; if ($content =~ s/^(\s*)\s*//i) { print TMPFILE < $1 $1 $1 $1 EOT if ($scineplex) { print TMPFILE qq($1\n); } } # Join split TITLE lines if ($content =~ //i) { until ($content =~ /<\/TITLE>/i) { chomp $content; $content .= " " . <HTMLFILE>; } } if ($content =~ /<TITLE>(.*?)<\/TITLE>/i) { $title = $1; } if ($index eq "index" && $content =~ /^<p><a name="__index__"><\/a><\/p>$/i) { if ($title) { $content = <<EOT; <script>writelinks('__top__',$depth);</script> <h1><a>$title</a></h1> $content EOT } else { warn "DocTools: $outfile has no TITLE\n"; } } # Don't duplicate the title if we don't have an index. # Instead put the TOC buttons on the first header in the document. # This is being used for release notes and changelogs. if ($first_header && $index eq "noindex" && $content =~ /^<H\d>/i) { $first_header = 0; $content = <<EOT; <script>writelinks('__top__',$depth);</script> $content EOT } if (1) { # XXX Skip the rest of the PDK doc tweaking for now... print TMPFILE $content; next; } if ($content =~ /^(.*<H1><A NAME=".*?_top">).*?(<\/A><\/H1>.*)$/i) { # XXX die unless $title; ??? # substitute "NAME" with actual title $content = "$1$title$2"; } elsif ($content =~ /^(.*)<H(\d)><A NAME="(.*)">(.*)<\/A><\/H\2>(.*)$/i) { my($prefix,$level,$name,$header,$suffix) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); if ($first_header && $header eq $title) { # skip redundant header $content = "$prefix<!-- $header -->$suffix"; } else { # push all other heading one level down ++$level; my $toc = ""; my $expand = defined $expand{$basename} ? $expand{$basename} : 3; if (2 <= $level && $level <= $expand) { $toc = "<script>writelinks('$name');</script>\n"; } $content = "$prefix$toc<h$level><a name=\"$name\">$header</a></h$level>$suffix\n"; } $first_header = undef; } elsif ($content =~ m,^(.*)<A HREF="(http://.*?)">(.*?)</A>(.*)$,i) { # Add open external links in new browser and add xlink image after link text my($prefix,$href,$text,$suffix) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); # XXX treat URL differently? $text .= qq( <img src="images/xlink.gif" border="0">) unless $href eq $text; $content = qq($prefix<a target="_blank" href="$href">$text</a>$suffix\n); } print TMPFILE $content; } close (TMPFILE) || die "Couldn't write all of $outfile.tmp: $!"; close (HTMLFILE); unlink($outfile); # bug 61127 rename("$outfile.tmp", $outfile) || die "Couldn't rename $outfile.tmp back to $outfile: $!"; } sub pod2html_remove_cache_files { # 5.6 uses ".x~~" and 5.8 uses ".tmp" extensions unlink("pod2htmd.$_", "pod2htmi.$_") for qw(x~~ tmp); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME ActivePerl::DocTools::Pod - Functions to process POD for ActivePerl =head1 DESCRIPTION The following functions are provided: =over =item pod2html( %args ) Convert a POD document into an HTML document. This is a wrapper for the pod2html() function of C<Pod::Html> that also modify the document produced with various ActivePerl enhancements. The following arguments are recognized: =over =item infile => $filename The name of the POD file you want to convert. This argument is mandatory. =item outfile => $filename The name of the HTML file you want as output. This argument is mandatory. =item depth => $int How many directory levels down from the root of the HTML tree will the generated file eventually be installed. The root of the HTML tree is normally found at $Config{installhtmldir}, which is normally "$Config{prefix}/html". The default is 0. =item podroot => $dirname Specify the base directory for finding library pods. The default is $Config{prefix}. =item podpath => [$dir1, $dir2,...] What subdirectories of the C<podroot> should be searched for POD files in order to discover targets for links from the generated HTML file. The specified directories must all exist. The links are generated with the assumption that the discovered POD files are converted into HTML files with and F<.html> extension and placed into an hierarchy (the HTML tree rooted at $Config{installhtmldir}) using the same layout as the one found under C<podroot>. Instead of passing an array reference, the directories can alternatively be specified as a single string of directory names separated by C<:>. The default is C<< [qw(bin lib)] >>. =item index => $bool Should a table on contents be created at the start of the HTML document. By default no table of contents is generated. =back =item pod2html_remove_cache_files( ) The pod2html() will create cache files with names starting with F<pod2htm> in the current directory. These cache files allow pod2html to save link state between runs. Call this function to clean up these cache files. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Pod::Html> =head1 BUGS none.