package ActivePerl::Config; use strict; my %OVERRIDE; # Make sure all the symbols overridden in this module are excluded # from the tied cache in (configpm in the Perl sources). my %COMPILER_ENV = map { $_ => 1 } qw( cc ccflags cccdlflags ccname ccversion gccversion ar cpp cppminus cpprun cppstdin ld lddlflags ldflags lib_ext libc libs optimize perllibs _a _o obj_ext i64type u64type quadtype uquadtype d_casti32 ); my $compiler_env_initialized; use Config (); my $CONFIG_OBJ = tied %Config::Config; sub override { return 0 if $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_DISABLE}; require ActiveState::Path; my $key = shift; if (exists $ENV{"ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_\U$key"}) { $_[0] = $ENV{"ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_\U$key"}; return 1; } if (exists $OVERRIDE{$key}) { $_[0] = $OVERRIDE{$key}; return 1; } if ($key eq "make" && $^O eq "MSWin32") { for (qw(nmake dmake)) { if (ActiveState::Path::find_prog($_)) { $_[0] = $OVERRIDE{$key} = $_; return 1; } } return 0; } if ($key eq "make" && ($^O eq "solaris" || $^O eq "hpux")) { if (!ActiveState::Path::find_prog(_orig_conf("make")) && -x "/usr/ccs/bin/make") { $_[0] = $OVERRIDE{$key} = "/usr/ccs/bin/make"; return 1; } } if ($COMPILER_ENV{$key} && !$compiler_env_initialized++) { if ($^O eq "MSWin32" && !_gcc_requested() && _orig_conf("cc") eq "cl" && (my $cl = ActiveState::Path::find_prog("cl"))) { require Win32; my @version = Win32::GetFileVersion($cl); _override("ccversion", join('.', @version[0..2])) if @version; } elsif ($^O eq "MSWin32" && (_gcc_requested() || !ActiveState::Path::find_prog(_orig_conf("cc")))) { if (my $gcc = ActiveState::Path::find_prog("gcc")) { # assume MinGW or similar is available $gcc =~ s,\\,/,g; my($mingw) = $gcc =~ m,^(.*)/bin/gcc\.exe$,; $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_MINGW} = $mingw if defined $mingw; _override("cc", "gcc"); _override("ccname", "gcc"); my($gccversion) = qx(gcc --version); $gccversion =~ s/^gcc(\.exe)? \(GCC\) //; chomp($gccversion); warn "Set up gcc environment - $gccversion\n" unless $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_SILENT}; _override("gccversion", $gccversion); _override("ccversion", ""); foreach my $key (qw(libs perllibs)) { # Old: " foo.lib oldnames.lib bar.lib" # New: "-lfoo -lbar" my @libs = split / +/, _orig_conf($key); # Filter out empty prefix and oldnames.lib @libs = grep {$_ && $_ ne "oldnames.lib"} @libs; # Remove '.lib' extension and add '-l' prefix s/(.*)\.lib$/-l$1/ for @libs; _override($key, join(' ', @libs)); } # Copy all symbol definitions from the CCFLAGS my @ccflags = grep /^-D/, split / +/, _orig_conf("ccflags"); # Add GCC specific flags push(@ccflags, qw(-DHASATTRIBUTE -fno-strict-aliasing -mms-bitfields)); _override("ccflags", join(" ", @ccflags)); # more overrides assuming MinGW _override("cpp", "gcc -E"); _override("cpprun", "gcc -E"); _override("cppminus", "-"); _override("ar", "ar"); _override("ld", "g++"); _override("_a", ".a"); _override("_o", ".o"); _override("obj_ext", ".o"); _override("lib_ext", ".a"); _override("optimize", "-O2"); _override("i64type", "long long"); _override("u64type", "unsigned long long"); _override("quadtype", "long long"); _override("uquadtype", "unsigned long long"); _override("d_casti32", "define"); # Extract all library paths from lddlflags my @libpaths = map "-L$_", map /^-libpath:(.+)/, _orig_conf("lddlflags") =~ /(?=\S)(?>[^"\s]+|"[^"]*")+/g; _override("lddlflags", join(" ", "-mdll", @libpaths)); _override("ldflags", join(" ", @libpaths)); } elsif (_gcc_requested()) { warn "Cannot find gcc on PATH\n" unless $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_SILENT}; } } elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') { my($gccversion) = qx(gcc --version); $gccversion =~ s/^gcc \(GCC\) //; chomp($gccversion); _override("gccversion", $gccversion); my %flags = map { ($_ => _orig_conf($_)) } qw(ccflags ldflags lddlflags); # gcc < 4 doesn't support -Wdeclaration-after-statement $flags{ccflags} =~ s/-Wdeclaration-after-statement\s*//g if $gccversion =~ /^3\./; # Try and find the SDK we built against my $sdk; my $sdkv; if ($flags{ccflags} =~ m[(/Developer/SDKs/(MacOSX10\.[0-9a-z]+)\.sdk)]i) { $sdk = $1; $sdkv = $2; } # If the SDK is missing, we can't produce FAT binaries, so we have # to fallback to regular native binaries if ($sdk && !-d $sdk) { warn "Set up build environment without $sdkv SDK (will build native binaries)\n" unless $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_SILENT}; my $sdk_re = qr/$sdk|-nostdinc|-no-cpp-precomp|-mmacosx-version-min/; foreach my $flag (keys %flags) { $flags{$flag} =~ s/-arch\s+(ppc|i386)\s*//g; $flags{$flag} = join ' ', grep { !/$sdk_re/ } split /\s+/, $flags{$flag}; } } _override($_, $flags{$_}) for keys %flags; } elsif (($^O eq "solaris" || $^O eq "hpux") && (_gcc_requested() || !_orig_conf("gccversion"))) { my $cc = _gcc_requested() ? undef : ActiveState::Path::find_prog(_orig_conf("cc")); if ($cc && $^O eq "hpux" && _is_bundled_hpux_compiler($cc)) { undef($cc); } if (!$cc && ($cc = ActiveState::Path::find_prog("gcc"))) { _override("cc", "gcc"); my($gccversion) = qx(gcc --version); $gccversion =~ s/^gcc(\.exe)? \(GCC\) //; chomp($gccversion); warn "Set up gcc environment - $gccversion\n" unless $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_SILENT}; _override("gccversion", $gccversion); _override("ccversion", ""); my $opt_mlp64 = ""; $opt_mlp64 = "-mlp64 " if _orig_conf("archname") =~ /IA64/; for (qw(ccflags cppflags)) { my $v = _orig_conf($_); if ($^O eq "hpux") { $v =~ s/(?:-Ae|-Wl,\+\w+)(?:\s+|$)//g; $v =~ s/\+Z/-fPIC/; $v =~ s/\+DD64\s*/$opt_mlp64/; } $v .= " -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe"; _override($_, $v); } my $cccdlflags = _orig_conf("cccdlflags"); if (($^O eq "solaris" && $cccdlflags =~ s/-KPIC/-fPIC/) || ($^O eq "hpux" && $cccdlflags =~ s/\+Z/-fPIC/) ) { _override("cccdlflags", $cccdlflags); } _override("ld", "gcc"); _override("ccname", "gcc"); _override("cpprun", "gcc -E"); _override("cppstdin", "gcc -E"); if ($^O eq "hpux") { _override("optimize", ""); my $lddlflags = _orig_conf("lddlflags"); $lddlflags =~ s/\+vnocompatwarnings(?:\s+|$)//; $lddlflags =~ s/-b(\s+|$)/-shared -static-libgcc -fPIC$1/; $lddlflags =~ s,(-L/usr/lib/hpux64),$opt_mlp64$1,; _override("lddlflags", $lddlflags); my $ldflags = _orig_conf("ldflags"); if ($ldflags =~ s/\+DD64\s*/$opt_mlp64/ || ($opt_mlp64 && $ldflags =~ s,(-L/usr/lib/hpux64),$opt_mlp64$1,)) { _override("ldflags", $ldflags); } } } if (!$cc && _gcc_requested()) { warn "Cannot find gcc on PATH\n" unless $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_SILENT}; } } if (exists $OVERRIDE{$key}) { $_[0] = $OVERRIDE{$key}; return 1; } } return 0; } sub _orig_conf { $CONFIG_OBJ->_fetch_string($_[0]); } sub _override { my($key, $val) = @_; $OVERRIDE{$key} = $val unless exists $OVERRIDE{$key}; } sub _is_bundled_hpux_compiler { require ActiveState::Path; my $cc = shift; $cc = ActiveState::Path::realpath($cc); return $cc =~ /\bcc_bundled$/; } sub _gcc_requested { return defined($ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_CC}) && $ENV{ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_CC} eq "gcc"; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME ActivePerl::Config - Override the ActivePerl configuration =head1 SYNOPSIS use Config qw(%Config); =head1 DESCRIPTION The standard C module provides the %Config hash containing information about how this perl was built. These configuration values are used by modules and programs with the assumption that they still apply for the system where perl is deployed. This assumption does not always hold. The C module will for instance assume that it can use the compiler $Config{cc} for building new extensions, but another compiler might be the only one available. The C module provides a solution for this. It overrides the values of %Config to better match the system where perl currently runs. For example, on Windows allows you to build extensions with the free compiler L (see L) even though ActivePerl for Windows itself is built with the commercial Microsoft Visual Studio 6 compiler. The C module is not used directly. It is automatically loaded by C if available and works behind the scenes, overriding the values that are found in the %Config hash. The overriden values from C will also show when C is invoked from the command line. =head2 Windows overrides For ActivePerl on Windows the following %Config overrides are provided: =over =item $Config{make} This will be C by default, but if no F program can be found and other compatible make programs are found, then this value will reflect that. Currently F is the only other make implementation that is compatible enough to build perl extensions. =item $Config{cc}, $Config{ccflags},... The value of $Config{cc} will be C by default, but if no C program can be found and F is found, then this value is C and other values related to the compiler environment is adjusted accordingly. The ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_CC environment variable can be set to C to use C even when C is found. =back =head2 Mac OS X overrides For ActivePerl on Mac OS X the compilation flags (like C<$Config{ccflags}>) are adjusted to make it possible to compile extentions even on 10.3 systems and systems that don't have the SDK for generating Universal binaries installed. =head2 HP-UX and Solaris overrides For ActivePerl on HP-UX and Solaris the following %Config overrides are provided: =over =item $Config{make} This will be C by default, but if F can't be found via the PATH, then it's set to F if that one is available. =item $Config{cc}, $Config{ccflags},... The value of $Config{cc} will be C by default and the other compiler environment values are set up for compilation with the HP-UX ANSI C compiler or the Sun Forte/WorkShop compiler respectively. If F can't be found via the PATH and F is found, then $Config{cc} is set to C and other values related to the compiler environment is adjusted accordingly. The ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_CC environment variable can be set to C to use C even when C is found. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT The following environment variables can influence the operation of the C module: =over =item ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_DISABLE If set to a TRUE value (e.g. "1"), prevent C from overriding any %Config value; the only values seen in %Config would be those determined at perl build time. Another way to disable C permanently is to remove it using L (C) =item ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_SILENT If set to a TRUE value (e.g. "1"), suppress warnings on STDERR when new compilation environments are set up. This happens when a supported compiler is detected that is different from the one that perl was originally built with. =item ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_I Override the $Config{I} value. For example if the ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_MAKE environment variable has the value C, then so would $Config{make}. If the ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_DISABLE variable is set, all other ACTIVEPERL_CONFIG_I variables are ignored. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L