#!/usr/bin/perl -w my %opt; if (@ARGV) { require Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::GetOptions( \%opt, 'force', 'verbose', ) || usage(); usage() if @ARGV; sub usage { (my $progname = $0) =~ s,.*[/\\],,; die "Usage: $progname [--force] [--verbose]\n"; } } use ActivePerl::DocTools (); ActivePerl::DocTools::UpdateHTML(raise_error => 1, %opt); __END__ =head1 NAME ap-update-html - Regenerate any out-of-date HTML =head1 SYNOPSIS B [ B<--force> ] [ B<--verbose> ] =head1 DESCRIPTION If new modules has been installed then they might not have had their documentation converted to HTML yet. This script will bring the HTML up-to-date with what modules are installed. The following command line options are recognized: =over =item B<--force> Force HTML documents to be regenerated even if they appear to be up-to-date. =item B<--verbose> Print noise about what's done while running. =back