Using LPD-Win with Win XP: Win XP is shipped with a LPD print service, so maybe you don't need LPD-Win at all. Use Control-Panel, Software, Windows Components, Other File and Print Services, add Unix Print Service (Names depends on language). But if you need LPD-Win (for submitting the print jobs to an application) the procedure is almost like with Win NT: a) "instsrv.exe" is called "sc.exe" at XP. b) "srvany.exe" isn't shipped with XP, but can be downloaded at Microsoft: This is a self extracting ZIP file containing srvany.exe (and documen- tation). - Copy srvany.exe to the lpd dir (c:\tools\lpd for instance). - Run "sc create lpdwin binPath= c:\tools\lpd\srvany.exe" (With all spaces, including ^ this one.) - Run Regedit, find "...Services\lpdwin" - Add a key "Parameters" - Add a string value (REG_SZ) named "Application" below that key and enter "c:\tools\lpd.exe" there. - If you add a value "AppParameters" with "hide protect" the user cannot see/close the LPD. - Change in the base key "Start" to "2" and "Type" to 110 (272). (This can be done with Control Panel - Administration - Services, too, where I set Start to "auto" and "allow desktop access".) The names here are in german, so I can guess only, how they are labled in english.